Mingyi quickly adapted to having two more nuns at her side.

She can live peacefully without anyone to take care of her; she can also enjoy herself peacefully if there is someone to take care of her.

Early the next morning, Zhou Ting and Mingyi said goodbye to Princess Zhou and went out in a carriage. They first went to stroll around the streets of nearby Fucheng. When they saw skates, Mingyi immediately paid for a few pairs.

"Yiyi can skate?" Zhou Ting asked with a smile.

Mingyi asked the boss to pack it up, and she turned to talk to Zhou Ting, "You can't learn to ski. Now that you're in the northwest, you should do as the Romans do. Since there is ready-made ice and snow, why are you worried about whether you can learn to ski?"

Zhou Ting chuckled softly and watched the boss pack the skates. Aunt Zhao and Aunt Rong took them and handed them to the guards waiting behind them, then took her to continue walking around the northwest city.

The streets that have just returned to liveliness are not very noisy, and there are not too many people; the Chinese New Year period is a time of rest, and everyone relaxes as much as possible. Because of the cold weather, most people stay at home and do not go out.

When Mingyi gets excited about shopping, she jumps up and down happily; she takes a look at everything she sees. No matter if it is something she has never seen before, she has to get up close and take a closer look, as if she can tell the difference, but in fact it is just out of sheer interest. As a result.

When you go shopping, you may find it boring at first, but when you get interested, you really feel like you have to leave.

"Chaosheng, there is a kebab seller here."

Walking to the street selling food, there are scattered vendors setting up stalls; there are everything from skewers, steamed noodles, noodle stalls, and all kinds of small pastries.

"Want to eat?" Zhou Ting smiled indulgently.

"I think, I also want to eat candied haws on a stick. I didn't expect that there are candied haws on a stick in the northwest." Mingyi couldn't see enough. Fucheng during the day was completely different from Fucheng at night. "By the way, I also want barbecue skewers. Lots of cumin.”

"it is good."

Seeing her running forward, Zhou Ting seemed to have seen other things of interest; the smile on his face never fell, and he ordered the people behind him, "If you hear this, go and buy it, and bring some soft pastries with you." Come back some."


One of the guards bowed and left.

Aunt Zhao and Aunt Rong crossed Zhou Ting to catch up with Ming Yi. They are now Ming Yi's servants, and everything comes first to their master.

Seeing this, Zhou Ting's eyes flashed with satisfaction, then he looked at the girl in red brocade and followed her.

"I want this."

"I want this too."

"Wrap this up."

Mingyi would buy a portion of whatever she wanted to eat; Zhou Tinghe followed her unhurriedly and shared the delicious food she thought was good. Only he got this unique treatment, and his mood was visible to the naked eye. Good.

He didn't follow the guards at a distance, for fear of spoiling their interest.

Mingyi ate two kinds of packaged food before the shopping guard came back; four skewers of candied haws were sold, and more barbecued meats. One skewer was wrapped in an oil paper bag, and the exposed bamboo skewers were There are about twenty roots.

Mingyi took a candied haws and stuffed it into Zhou Ting's hand, "You eat it too."

"Okay." Zhou Ting smiled and accepted it without eating; he didn't like candied haws, so one or two would be fine, but there were four or five on a bunch of candied haws, which he couldn't eat.

Mingyi took the first bite regardless of whether he ate it or not; it was sour and sweet, not too sour or cloyingly sweet.

"The candied haws on a stick is delicious, with moderate sweetness. I wonder if it's a secret recipe passed down from generation to generation." He squinted and enjoyed it. Some candied haws on a stick are too sweet and you can't eat a few of them; this one is really delicious, and it just balances well with the sour taste of the hawthorn.

"If you like it, I'll ask someone to buy the secret recipe and make it for you in the future." Seeing her happily eating, Zhou Ting's lips couldn't help but smile, and she couldn't suppress it no matter what.

"That's not necessary. If you buy a recipe for someone who wants to make money to support their family, what will they do in the future?"

A good recipe can be passed down from generation to generation, no matter how inconspicuous the recipe is; once there is a phenomenon of buying and selling, it means that the recipe can no longer be exclusive.

Zhou Ting said: "The recipe is in the hands of the chef in the mansion. He will not spread it to outsiders, and he will not be prohibited from buying and selling. It will have no impact on him. He can also earn a sum of money to support his family."

"Are you really not good at spreading rumors?" Mingyi asked uncertainly.

"No, the servants in the mansion are all legally bound, and they will not pass on the master's belongings; otherwise, it will not only be him who suffers, but his whole family as well."

The family has been passed down for many generations, and the family has children, and the family has children, one generation after another. The palace will not hire people with unknown backgrounds. Even among the guards, there are many children born in the family. The palace will give them room for advancement and hard work. When they reach a certain level, they will be able to return the favor. Give him a contract to sell himself.

However, if such a person signs a contract of betrayal in the next generation, the palace will not hire him.

"As long as it doesn't get spread out, it's okay to let people continue to trade exclusively. You can't do things that end your life. It's not easy for people to make money and support their families."

There is a cycle of cause and effect. Do you think you don’t have to pay back if you do bad things? It's just that the time has not yet come, and when it does, no one has the right to complain; you get what you sow, and it is better to find ways to solve the consequences if you complain and complain.

Mingyi pulled back her wandering thoughts and looked at Zhou Ting.

Zhou Ting nodded at her gaze, "It's up to you, as long as the secret recipe is cooked at home."

"That's good, their secret should be maltose." After Mingyi finished speaking, she continued shopping, and she didn't ask about the rest.

Zhou Ting looked at Buwei not far away.

Buwei strode forward and said, "Master."

"Yiyi loves to eat the candied haws of this family, so she asked people to buy the secret recipe. After buying the secret recipe, remember to sign the sales contract, and tell him by the way that the secret recipe is only for the family and will not be passed on to others."

"Here." Buwei stood there and watched Zhou Ting catch up with Mingyi again before he told the guard who had just bought something, "Follow the prince's instructions."

The guard bowed solemnly, "I understand."

A guard quietly left the crowd and went to find the man selling candied haws.

If you don't do this, you will continue to lead people to keep up and protect their safety.

While eating, she walked through the entire street selling food; she was only 30% full, but she was having fun while Zhou Ting watched her play.

When they were returning home, the eight guards who arrived each carried something in their hands, which was not too much, but none of them ran away.

Aunt Zhao and Aunt Rong also carried one or two pieces of food wrapped in oil paper.

They finally saw Mrs. Cheng's ability to buy and buy.

Call her a prodigal. All she bought was food and no other valuables. Zhou Ting had asked people to wrap up all the valuables in the hands of the guards. Mingyi's thoughts were all focused on food.

Xing hurriedly returned to the yard and dismissed the guards. Mingyi opened the oil paper bags one by one. Each oil paper bag contained different food. She took it for a while to open it. She put all the unpacked items on the table and pulled them. Taste it together with Zhou Ting.

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