Mingyi:? ? ?

Didn’t my brother finish speaking? What about her?

In an instant, she understood her grandfather's expectations for her; this expectation led her grandfather to start cultivating her consciousness now. It must be said that her grandfather's ambitions were really great. Then again, my grandfather's ambition was because he saw hope, and Zhou Ting was the hope he saw.

Her grandfather's ambition is not dead, and she cannot escape questioning today.

"Tell me what you think." Cheng Dazhu looked at her encouragingly.

No, she had no idea.

"Grandpa, my thoughts are the same as my brother's." The answer was regular and medium distance.

There was a sparkle in Cheng Dazhu's eyes. He saw something different about his granddaughter. If she didn't want to talk about it, he wouldn't ask.

"That's all, it doesn't matter if you have the same idea as your brother. Our family's current business is thanks to you; you are the only daughter in the family, and your family will earn a large dowry for you, so that you can marry in glory."

Therefore, it's okay to hide something private, as long as it's not embarrassing to your family.

Mingyi raised her smile and faced him with a smile, "Grandpa, I am not even eight years old, so I will get married early. If you are anxious to get your granddaughter married, don't I have a cousin above me? My cousin is very good. If you are one year older than me, you will definitely get married earlier than me."

"You're so clever."

Patting her little head, Cheng Dazhu finally felt relieved; the younger granddaughter is different from the older granddaughter. The younger granddaughter is excellent and can support his ambition. "If your cousin hears this, she will hate you even more. "

Isn't it common knowledge in the whole family that her cousin hates her?

She couldn't stand her cousin, and the whole family knew it.

But there is no way to ease the relationship between them, mainly because Cheng Mingyue acted like a mad dog in the past, biting people at every turn. If you develop such a habit, even if you change it, the dog cannot change it.

Bad habits developed since childhood will affect your life.

No matter how well you pretend, it will often appear in your mind. If you cannot withstand the temptation, you will definitely make the same mistake again.

Therefore, she does not plan to get along well with her cousin.

Don't tell her that acknowledging your mistakes can greatly improve things. Some things can be changed, and some things cannot. The more you understand human nature, the more you understand this truth.

"Grandpa, I don't like my cousin either. If she hates me, she hates me." If you don't provoke her, you'll be in trouble. If you provoke her, don't blame her for stretching out her sharp claws.

"You guys are still young and don't understand that the only two closest blood sisters in your life are you two." Cheng Dazhu shook his head and sighed. He should have been the closest sisters, but instead he became like this. "Forget it, what are you talking about? , each has his own destiny.”

The little granddaughter is destined to have a good life.

The eldest granddaughter can just find a stable family to marry in the future.

Mind determines the future.

Even if you find a wealthy family for your eldest granddaughter, she can't afford that wealth and has such a bad character, she will suffer even if she marries into it.

The gap between the two granddaughters was too big. If possible, he hoped that the two sisters could ease their relationship; as long as their relationship was good, the younger granddaughter would never watch the elder granddaughter suffer in the future.

The problem lies in the temperament of the eldest granddaughter. She is competitive, lazy, and not very smart. She is very jealous of her younger cousin who is gentle, modest, and very smart. He, the grandfather, wants to ease this. It can't be alleviated.

"Grandpa, the person you kiss again must be a monster. The stick that stirs up trouble will also make people feel bored." What Cheng Mingli wants to say more is that blood relatives are not a panacea. How about feelings? That's the key.

Seeing Cheng Mingyue's unreasonable remarks, he was just bored with her; he wished he didn't have this person in his family. He knew how angry his sister was. In the past, he protected his sister, and later she stood up, but Cheng Mingyue was dangling in front of his eyes like a fly every day, making people want to swat her to death.

Later, after learning a lesson, the flies learned to restrain themselves and hide, so they pretended that they could not see the big fly. "I know, I didn't let you get close to Mingyue, but you are brothers and sisters after all."

Cheng Mingli understood his unfinished words, and so did Cheng Mingyi. The brother and sister nodded perfunctorily, just being familiar strangers. They didn't count on her, and she shouldn't count on them either. They should be well on their own.

The idea was good, but the relationship between the Cheng family members meant that they couldn't just sit idly by.

Cheng Yuanxi came back with tea, and Cheng Mingli led his sister back to her original position.

Mingyi buried her head and pursed her lips and sighed. Human nature is like this. The weak will get more sympathy from others. For those things that her cousin did, her grandfather even tried to let her and her brother take care of her.

I'm afraid I forgot that she is younger than my cousin.

"Sister, you're not angry." Cheng Mingli held her hand, shook it, and whispered in her ear.

Mingyi shook her head and looked up at her brother, "I'm not angry."

"You're not happy." Cheng Mingli affirmed.

Mingyi smiled. It wasn't a question of whether she was happy or not; it was because her family always told her that weak people have their rights, and she would also get tired.

"Brother, I'm not unhappy, but I'm tired."


Cheng Mingli didn't quite understand, but it was enough for him to know that his sister didn't want to take care of Cheng Mingyue. "Grandpa said that we should do ours, so don't take it to heart; anyway, my grandfather's expectations for you and me will not really make us angry, and my brother will not be angry with us either." I will study hard and get ahead.”

Strengthening yourself is the key.

As long as he is strong enough, it's okay if he doesn't listen to his grandfather; as long as he can be his sister's support, the sister doesn't have to look at her grandfather's face.

"Then, brother, work hard!"

Mingyi clenched her fist to cheer him on.

Cheng Mingli nodded firmly, "If you give your family a fortune-making business, Cheng Mingyue won't dare to make trouble with you anymore. She can't even hide when she sees you. If she wants to live a good life, she won't show off to you. If she doesn't make trouble, Let’s just pretend we can’t see this person, be good.”

Got patted on the head again.


My brother is too precocious. A ten-year-old child is very good at comforting others; moreover, he only comforts in small areas.

She was indeed tired of her grandfather's attempts and disliked Cheng Mingyue.

In the final analysis, what Cheng Mingyue did to the original owner and to her meant that she did not deserve to enjoy the good life now. However, her parents, brother and sister-in-law all contributed to this business, and the good life she got was due to her father and brother. given.

"Dad, the tea is here." Cheng Yuanxi put down the tray.

Cheng Dazhu nodded, "Sit down, wait for the clan leader and village chief to come over, and let's talk about cooperation with the clan; however, we can cooperate, and the initiative must be in our hands."

"My son thinks so too." Cheng Yuanxi said: "At that time, soap making can be divided into several steps and the people who make it can be separated."

Mingyi's eyes flashed slightly when she heard that her father's brain was so good; he even thought of the assembly line project. The formation of the assembly line largely prevented others from coveting the formula.

The making of soap can be divided into five steps, and it can be subdivided.

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