The old rule is that when making clothes, you must also make shoes.

The guard with the sword didn't understand the old rules, but the prince gave him the order, so he just had to bring the message; he left the jewelry and the cloth and left.

Aunt Xu said with a smile: "Your Majesty, the Princess has something to say to you. Please come outside for a moment."

Zhou Ting looked at Mingyi, smiled slightly at her, and walked out of the living room with Nanny Xu.

Mingyi watched them go out, returned to the study, picked up the remaining candied haws, and spoke slowly; eating the sweetness, she felt happy.

"What message did the concubine ask you to bring?" Zhou Ting asked while standing in the yard.

Aunt Xu said: "The empress said that since you have made the final choice, there is no room for regret."

"I know, tell my mother and concubine, I won't regret it."

Zhou Ting turned around and returned to the house.

Nanny Xu smiled lightly and shook her head, then turned towards Zhou Ting's back and left.

"You're back." Mingyi lay still and took a bite of the sweetened fruit, then glanced at his gloomy face, "Why do you look unhappy?"

Zhou Ting shook his head lightly, sat back next to her, and handed her a piece of pastry, "I'm not unhappy, it's just that the concubine asked Aunt Xu to bring me a message and said something."

"Do you need help?" After enjoying the benefits brought by Zhou Ting, he must repay what he deserves.

"Thank you Yiyi, I just want to confirm a few things. I will tell you if I need your help."

Zhou Ting's attitude made her couldn't help but nod her head. This was considered a thing of the past and she didn't ask any more questions.

She lived a leisurely life, eating, drinking, reading and playing; she was more comfortable in the palace than at home. She saw clearly the harshness of family affection in her heart. She didn't take family affection so seriously, and it was nice to just let things go.

When she came to this world, the people closest to her were her parents and brothers from the Cheng family; gradually, the person closest to her was Zhou Ting.

Watching Zhou Ting approach her with restraint, doing his best to be nice to her; she enjoys this kind of kindness, and will repay him with the same kindness. In the future, they will only have each other, just like in Canghai Realm.

In the evening.

Why not come back from outside, carrying hot roasted whole lamb and steak, and make Mingyi happy and happy.

Zhou Ting ate some with her and gave the rest to them without sharing it.

The pastries he brought back were also sent back to the Cheng family by Buwei. The day was fulfilling and Mingyi was so happy that he drew the shop renovation drawings that night.

Zhou Ting sent people to find reliable craftsmen to make changes according to Mingyi's drawings.

In a blink of an eye, today is the day when Master Fan arrived in the northwest.

Zhou Ting called Mingyi to get up early in the morning, washed and had breakfast, and then went to the lobby of the front yard of the palace to wait together.

Mingyi didn't sleep until she woke up naturally. She started to feel sleepy as soon as she sat on the chair. She yawned, tears streaming down her face, and she didn't look very energetic.

Zhou Ting felt very regretful and shouldn't have called her so early.

"Yiyi, why don't you go back and continue sleeping? I'll send someone to call you when the teacher arrives."

"No, I'm already awake. I can't fall asleep even if I go back." Mingyi waved her hand and saw that Zhou Ting was worried, so she said, "Why don't we go out to practice before Master Fan arrives?"

You have to get up early in the morning to exercise, otherwise you won’t be energetic all day long.

The body of a mortal is just bad and has many problems.

"Okay! Thanks to you, my internal strength has increased a lot these days, so I just need to practice."

After eating the red fruits given by Mingyi to increase his internal strength, his current internal strength is comparable to that of thirty years of hard training. This is without eating all the red fruits. With his special skills and deep internal strength, it is not a problem to be among the best in the world.

"Let's walk." Mingyi patted his forehead to wake himself up.

The two of them walked out of the lobby one after another without going anywhere else; they just set up their posture in the front yard. The front yard was spacious, and they were not risking their lives and would not cause large-scale damage. These places were completely sufficient.

Zhou Ting lightly curled his lips and got up to meet him. The two of them were accustomed to practicing martial arts, and their eyesight and hands were quick. However, they exchanged moves for more than thirty seconds, and they did not lose any footwork.

The servants and guards coming and going looked sideways.

When they saw Mingyi taking care of herself under the hands of their prince, they were shocked beyond words; they all opened their mouths in surprise.

"Miss Cheng, is she really good at martial arts?"

"I thought An Wu was joking."

"An Wu is the person close to the Crown Prince. He and An Yi were the first people to come into contact with Mrs. Cheng."

"It seems he was right. Miss Cheng is really powerful. Look at her skills. She is quick and accurate. Her lower body is stable. We can't get past twenty moves."

They were guards raised by the palace, and many of them were born into the family. In order to get ahead, they chose to join the palace's guards. If they had the opportunity to be valued by their masters, they could break away from slavery and make a career in the army.

Therefore, the kung fu they practice is commonplace, and their kung fu is acceptable among ordinary people; it is also acceptable in the military, but it is not enough to be appreciated by people with famous backgrounds, not at all.

"This little lady Cheng is amazing. Didn't her family start from a farmer's family? Where did she learn such exquisite kung fu?"


"Are you envious of Mrs. Cheng or the Crown Prince?"

"Why do you envy the prince? The prince is from a good family and deserves everything he gets."

"Is that what I mean? I mean, do you envy the prince to have a confidante like Miss Cheng by his side?"

"You can pull her down and return her to your confidante. How young is Mrs. Cheng? At most, the prince values ​​her because of the grace of saving her life. In addition, because of her ability, the prince looks at her differently."

"Then who knows."

A group of people started talking, but while they were talking, they didn't dare to stay any longer; people with their respective positions couldn't stay here for a long time, just take a look.

Zhou Ting and Ming Yi listened to their remarks.

Zhou Ting stood up and looked at Mingyi nervously.

Mingyi didn't take it to heart at all. These people's minds were spinning very fast. Except for the people around Zhou Ting, some people had already seen Zhou Ting's thoughts.

"Yiyi, you're tired. Let's go back to the main room to rest for a while." Seeing that she didn't seem strange, Zhou Ting didn't know if she heard or not, but she didn't say it or show it, so let's leave it like that for now, "No, Bring hot water.”

If you don't bow in response, turn around and walk away.

Mingyi nodded, "Go back and rest for a while. It feels so good to be warmed up."

"It's a bit cold in the morning in the northwest." Zhou Ting walked with her with a smile, and they returned to the main room side by side.

If you don't want to bring hot water, tea, pastries and fruits quickly, you have to wait for Mrs. Cheng~

After Mingyi cleaned up, she took a sip from her tea cup and turned around to eat pastries to kill time. Zhou Ting accompanied her by her side, choosing some nice words to make her happy, fearing that she would be under psychological pressure. Although she didn't show it, he still coaxed her. I wanted to make her less nervous.

This wait lasted two hours.

The sun is shining brightly outside.

She felt uncomfortable sitting, so she got up to move around. Zhou Ting felt distressed, "Let's feed first, then take a lunch break. I'll order someone to call you when the teacher arrives."

"Feed, let's go to your study to read." This little bit of hardship is not a hardship at all, you can eat and drink, it's leisurely.

But my butt hurts after sitting for a long time.

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