Zhou Ting looked at her with pity, turned around and said to Buwei: "Let me bring you some food. The big kitchen is always ready, and the food is ready. The teacher may use it when he arrives."

"Understood, I will go now."

Don't bow down with a smile on your face.

After they left, Zhou Ting pulled Mingyi to sit at the table.

"Yiyi, I've wronged you."

"?" Mingyi looked at him doubtfully, "Why do you say you feel wronged?"

"I asked you to stay with me in the front yard waiting for the teacher. I woke you up so early and no one was waiting for you now. It was because I misjudged the time when the teacher would arrive."

Mingyi didn't take it seriously, "It's just waiting for someone, where's the grievance? I'm not aggrieved; Chaosheng, don't think too much about it."

Zhou Ting smiled helplessly and wanted to hold her hand and coax her, for fear that she would be angry; but she was too calm and didn't even give her a chance to hold hands.

Mingyi looked surprised when he saw the food on the table.

"There's roasted whole lamb and steak. Why don't you leave the house?"

"I promised you, let you have something to eat every day."

After washing her hands in the basin brought by the servants, Zhou Ting wiped away the water droplets; she used chopsticks to serve her dishes, preferring roasted whole lamb and steak slices.

"Yiyi, you eat."

"Thank you." Mingyi smiled and narrowed her eyes. After cleaning her hands, she took her chopsticks and ate the roasted whole lamb and steak slices sent by Zhou Ting. After eating, she liked the smell of the meat that lingered for a long time between stutterings. "You Eat too, don’t just worry about me.”

After saying that, he used chopsticks to put a piece into his bowl.

Zhou Ting's brows were filled with a deep smile, and his young and handsome face was full of tenderness.

The two of them rarely talked while eating. After finishing the meal, Mingyi put down her chopsticks and then started talking.

“I’ll never get tired of eating this roasted whole lamb in Fucheng.”

"As long as you are in the palace, you will have something to eat every day." He put a bowl of soup in front of her and said, "Drink the soup after your meal."

Mingyi nodded in agreement, took the soup bowl and drank it leisurely.

Zhou Ting drank a bowl and then called out, "Take it."

"Yes, Master."

Don't ask the servants waiting outside the door to evacuate.

They were so busy that they brought tea and juice to the deceased.

Just after eating, Mingyi did not drink tea, but chose to drink fruit juice; tea has no spiritual energy, weak elements, and has limited effect on the human body, which is enough for mortals. But she is used to drinking tea from the Enlightenment Tree, and she only cares about the tea in this world, and sometimes she doesn't even care about it.

Zhou Ting was used to drinking tea and ate slowly with her.

After eating and drinking, Mingyi lazily squinted and leaned on the armrest of the chair. Seeing this, Zhou Ting spoke again: "Yiyi, why don't you go back and take a nap?"

"No, I just need to close my eyes and rest my mind."

"You are so sleepy, go back and rest. You will be energetic when the teacher comes." Zhou Ting looked at her with concern.

"It's really fine. I'm just a little sleepy after getting up early. I squinted for a while and thought of it as meditating to rest. You know, meditating is also a kind of rest for us martial arts practitioners."

Mingyi was too firm, Zhou Ting silently shook his head and winked at Buwei.

Buwei bowed slightly and went out, turned around for a moment, and came back with a black cloak in his hand.

Zhou Ting took it and placed it on Mingyi's knee. "Don't let your knees get cold. Cover yourself with the cloak and meditate." "Thank you Chaosheng." Mingyi raised his hand and hugged the cloak, placing his armpit between the leg and the chair. Let it run away; then, sit cross-legged and enter the cultivation state, recovering your energy and spirit while cultivating your internal strength.

Not wanting to see this, he asked in a low voice: "Sir, is this okay, Mrs. Cheng?"

Zhou Ting looked at her and saw that she did not put the cloak on her shoulders, and was a little worried; it is best not to catch a cold when meditating, and not in a ventilated place, otherwise evil winds will easily enter the body.

"Go outside and take a look. Come back and report the teacher's bike frame as soon as possible."


Don't leave in anger.

The importance of Mrs. Cheng in the heart of the Crown Prince is increasing day by day, but after seeing each other for half a year, Mrs. Cheng has firmly occupied her heart. Everything Mrs. Cheng says is good and everything she does is right, to the point of being completely obedient. .

Zhou Ting watched Bu Wei's figure disappear at the door of the hall, his eyes turned to Ming Yi who was meditating.

The already petite girl became even more petite under the big cloak. She had a fair face and delicate facial features. He could not imagine how beautiful she would be in a few more years.

We have known her for such a short time, and her changes can be said to be earth-shaking.

These changes were both expected and unexpected by him.

What was expected was that she turned white and looked good. What was unexpected was that her facial features became more refined day by day.

Mingyi was unconscious in her cultivation. Zhou Ting sat staring at her for more than an hour. He didn't come back to his senses until Buwei came in a hurry. He raised his hand to signal Buwei to keep quiet. There are answers.

"But the teacher is here?"

"Master Hui, yes, Master Fan is here. Master Fan is not here alone this time. There are three carriages."

There is no basis for such speculation.

In the past, the Brahma Master came with only one carriage and very little luggage; but this time he came with three carriages, and the two simple carriages at the back did not look like they were carrying people, but more like they were carrying goods. .

Because, with the wealth and status of Master Fan, it was impossible to transport people in such a simple carriage.

"Three carriages, just three carriages, making such a fuss." Zhou Ting glanced at him, and when he raised his eyes, he saw that Ming Yi seemed to have heard their movements and had opened his eyes, "Yi Yi, are you bothering me?"

Mingyi collected his power, took away his cloak, and said, "I didn't bother you. I figured it was time to collect my power."

"Yiyi has good timing. It's just right. The teacher has arrived outside the house. Let's go together to greet him."

Zhou Ting stood up and walked forward to take the cloak, then turned to hand it to Buwei. He took Mingyi's hand, helped her get off the chair, and walked out of the lobby together.

If you don't follow closely at every step, you will have to sit in front of the horse and behind the horse.

Walking up the steps in front of the palace gate, I saw three carriages standing outside the door, and a group of guards wearing uniform dark blue materials and holding long swords stood beside the carriages to wait on them.

There were several guards unloading things in the carriage behind, and an old man with gray temples got out of the first carriage.

Zhou Ting took Mingyi and stepped forward.

The old man with a long white beard and a dark gray robe with white stepped out of the carriage and looked at Zhou Ting. His eyebrows were smiling and the corners of his mouth were raised slightly. He looked like a relaxed, calm and kind-hearted man.

"Well, teacher. I haven't seen you for a long time. I am very happy to see you in good health."

"Hahaha." Master Fan stroked his beard and smiled, "Is the tide-swelling body really cured?"

"You are still so narrow-minded." Zhou Ting said with a smile: "Thanks to Mingyi, I got the antidote and detoxified the body. Now I have recovered. Teacher Lao has missed me for many years."

Master Fan smiled even more heartily, "It will be good if you recover, just in time. I am very pleased to hear that you have recovered this time."

His health was not only a concern for Princess Zhou, but also for him, an old man.

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