Chapter 114 The Reborn Girl 44
Dean Fan said again: "Mrs. Xiao, you know that as long as my mentor's line lasts forever, Minghua will not be bullied by anyone; besides, you should know Minghua's temperament, she will not wrong herself."

This is what he admires most about Minghua.

"What you said is, I should believe you." Xiao Leshi suppressed the worry between his brows and eyes, but he still couldn't feel completely at ease in his heart; suddenly, his hand was pinched by a small claw, Xiao Leshi looked at his daughter , opened his mouth and said nothing.

"Mother, you have to trust me. Dean Fan knows that I'm not a loser; no matter who dares to provoke me, she will definitely suffer." Xiao Erya is like this, and so is Xiao Daya.

Maybe it was her daughter's firm eyes, maybe she was too calm, Xiao Leshi was slightly relieved, nodded and said nothing.

Dean Fan shook his head and laughed, other people's families are parents who explain to their children, but the Xiao family is good, and the daughter explains to their mother; probably this is the problem of vision, there is a big gap between people with broad vision and those who do not.

No one in the carriage spoke again until the carriage stopped again; the book boy lifted the curtain of the carriage and hung it on the roof of the carriage, "Master, we have arrived at Duke Weiyuan's mansion. Mrs. Xiao, Miss Xiao, please get off the carriage."

"Okay." Minghua nodded with a smile, got out of the carriage first, then turned around and helped her mother down; followed by their salute, and Dean Fan was the last to get out of the carriage.

At the gate of Duke Weiyuan's mansion stood an old man with white hair, dressed in dark satin clothes.

After Dean Fan got off the carriage, the old man smiled, his eyes turned red, and he hurried forward and bowed with one hand, "Welcome Young Master Fan back."

"Uncle Liang, you're going to break me with such a big gift." Holding the old man up, Dean Fan greeted him cordially, "Are you in good health? Master, is the old man still healthy?"

"Okay, it's all good, it's okay; seeing you come back, the master will be even better. You haven't come back these years, and the master will talk about you from time to time. What happened back then really hit you hard, and the master is also very helpless; Master Xu , Young Master Qu, and Young Master Sui have thought about you all these years, and hope that you can return to the court to serve. However, you have become stubborn, just like when you first became a teacher; if you decide that one thing will not be changed, it will be delayed All these years."

"Are you still going after these things? If you don't listen to the master, go back to the court; your official position in the court was not low back then. Although you will not have the same official position when you come back, you can take it step by step." Liang Bo grabbed Fan Yuan. Long hands, excitedly hoping that he would not leave again.

Dean Fan smiled slightly, with relief on his face and open-minded eyes, "After Minghua's apprentice ceremony, I still have to go back to Xianyun County; I am happier teaching and educating people in the academy. Although I can't talk to my mentors and brothers in court Get along often, but it can be regarded as cultivating more students. Besides, after so many years, I have gotten used to it."

Uncle Liang clenched his jaw and shook his head regretfully, "It's a pity."

"It's not a pity." Dean Fan recruited Minghua to his side, "Look, I just found a good seedling, her name is Xiao Minghua, and she is seven and a half years old this year; The academy teaches well, and I don’t want to worry about it anymore.”

Uncle Liang took a look at her, then looked at Xiao Leshi behind him, and nodded, "The eyes are clear and straight, the face is soft and heroic, not bad; come with me, the master has been waiting for you for several days, count it You will return to the capital in a few days."

"Uncle Liang leads the way."

Dean Fan invited, and then followed Uncle Liang into Weiyuan Duke's Mansion; Xiao Minghua and Xiao Leshi followed closely. The decorations in Weiyuan Duke's Mansion are exquisite, and the flower beds in the garden are beautiful and beautiful.

On the way, a group of four met a middle-aged man leading two teenagers, a man and a woman, unexpectedly.

Uncle Liang bent over to salute, "Grandpa, young master and young miss."

"Uncle Liang, you don't need to be too polite." The middle-aged man has a Chinese character face, and his eyes are shrewd and restrained; a man and a woman are his children, and they are more or less similar to the middle-aged man. The man's eyes are calm and he only looks at him After a few glances at them, he looked away.The woman combed the hairstyle of a boudoir woman, wore gold and silver jewelry all over her head, and looked at Minghua and the other three with her nostrils up, showing disdain in her eyes.

"Who are these three?"

The middle-aged man glanced at it.

Uncle Liang pointed to Dean Fan and said, "You should know this one. He is the master's second apprentice, Fan Wei'an; the two next to him are Mrs. Xiao and Ms. Xiao."

"It turned out to be Senior Brother Fan. Just now, my little brother has poor eyesight, so I offended him." The middle-aged man was very polite, and his etiquette was in place.

Dean Fan smiled lightly, "It's okay, I haven't been back to the capital for many years, and it's reasonable that my father-in-law doesn't recognize me; we're going to see our teacher, so we won't stay any longer."

The middle-aged man nodded and watched them go away, then turned his head and said to his children: "Go back to the courtyard first, and then go to pay respects to the old man in the afternoon."

"Yes, I know, Dad." The boy bowed.

The girl pouted in dissatisfaction, "Father, why did we avoid it? This is my house; they are the ones who should be avoided. Look at what they are wearing. It looks like they are here to beat the autumn wind, and you don't drive them out."

The boy's eyes changed, he didn't say much, he just turned and left.


The middle-aged man spoke harshly, "It's not your turn to make decisions at home, they are your grandpa's guests; you have too many good times? As the daughter of everyone, you don't even understand the most basic rules of being a lady. Go back and find your aunt, Later, Madam will send you two nuns to learn the rules from the nuns."

Really spoiled.

"Father." The girl stomped her foot.

"It's useless to call father, go back, don't leave the courtyard without my order."

The girl's eyes were red, she stomped her feet, turned around and ran away angrily.

The middle-aged man shook his head and sighed softly, "I shouldn't spoil her like this."

There are all men in the family, and she is the only concubine daughter, so she naturally loves her like a concubine daughter; but she was raised with arrogance and lack of character, and the one raised by her aunt really can't stand on the stage.Looking at the son who has gone far away, he was born in the first place and was raised very well by his wife.There are limits to advancing and retreating, and his words and deeds have been praised by the heads and wives of many aristocratic families in Beijing.

The middle-aged man shook his head helplessly again, he didn't think about the concubine anymore, and turned to walk towards the old man's yard.

The old man's compound is spacious, and Uncle Liang led the three of them into the yard, "Mrs. Xiao, Miss Xiao, please sit in the gazebo for a while. I will come back to invite you after I report to the master."

"Thank you." Ming Hua bowed.

Dean Fan gave her a reassuring look, and followed Uncle Liang into the inner room; his eyes touched the limp old man, and Dean Fan's eyes turned red uncontrollably, and he fell to his knees with a plop.

"Unfilial disciples pay homage to the master."

Uncle Liang retreated to the door.

The old man lying on the soft bed opened his eyes, glanced at him, with a tense expression, "You still know how to come back."

"It's my disciple who is not filial. I haven't been able to show my filial piety in front of Master for so many years." Dean Fan looked up, his eyes full of admiration and sadness, "Master, you are getting old and have gray hair."

(End of this chapter)

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