Chapter 115 The Reborn Girl 45
"Hum." The old man snorted coldly and sat up.

The tears in Dean Fan's eyes could no longer hold back, and he knelt up to the old man, hugging his legs with both hands, and buried his face in his knees, "Master, it's my disciple who is not good, so I'm making you worry about it." ; This time the disciple will stay for a longer period of time when he comes back to accompany the master."

The old man pushed him away coldly, "You still want to go?"

"I'm used to staying in Xianyun County. With the help of you and all the brothers and sisters, I'm living a happy life; I've gotten used to it after all these years, and I don't want to move anymore. I will be buried in Xianyun County after death." Fan Fan The dean bowed his head in shame.

The master and fellow apprentices all look forward to his return, but the capital city has already become a place of displeasure for him; when he sees the capital city, he cannot help but think of the chaotic government of the year; A veteran was spared.

He was in trouble. At that time, his mentor was constrained by many parties and his assistance was limited. He saved his life and lost his official position. Fortunately, he was alive. After being expelled from the capital, he was sheltered by his mentor and lived a leisurely life in Xianyun County. Generally speaking, it is considered good.

His temperament is too straight, he can't turn corners, and he is not suitable for mixing in officialdom.

"Chongcheng! You are as stubborn as before." The old man slapped him hard twice. After all, he was a disciple who had hurt him before.

Fan Wei'an, the word is heavy city.

Dean Fan was ashamed, "Master, you know my temper; it's easy to offend people in the officialdom, but teaching and educating people in other counties, with you and a few senior brothers around, no one dares to touch my brow."

"That's all you have to offer." The old man shook his head helplessly, "If you want to teach and educate people, you can teach and educate people. Fortunately, we are here; where are the students you brought this time?"

"Outside." Dean Fan let go of his hand, and wiped away the tears with the corner of his wide sleeve.

The old man sighed silently again, hoping that the student he likes is different from him; after all, it is easier to be optimistic if he has a similar temperament, and it is hard to say that Chongcheng can be so troublesome.

"Call it up."

Dean Fan nodded repeatedly, got up from the ground, walked to the door and said to the old housekeeper, "Uncle Liang, let Minghua come in, and Mrs. Xiao also came to pay a visit to Master."

"Yes." Uncle Liang raised his foot to leave, and immediately led Minghua's mother and daughter into the room, "Master, Master Fan, Mrs. Xiao and Miss Xiao Xiao are here."

The old man looked up, and although the fabric was not good, he was dressed decently; judging from the material, he should be a child from a wealthy family, and looking at the little girl like a dwarf, with clear eyes and a restrained mind, he has lived a lifetime. People of her age can't see through her mind.

"Student Xiao Minghua and mother, pay homage to the old man." Minghua made a bow, but did not kneel down.

"Greetings, old man." Xiao Leshi squatted down slightly, his etiquette was unskilled, a little funny.

The old man nodded lightly, and waved to Minghua, "Get up, come here."

Ming Hua stepped forward and bowed again, "Grandpa."

"What books have you read?"

"I've read "Spring and Autumn." The book that has been read in detail, the answer is concise and clear.

The little girl is not very big, but she has a lot of eyes.

There was a smile in the old man's eyes, "Have you read "The Book of Songs", "Shangshu", and "Book of Rites?"


"It's not bad, do you understand?" Knowing how to read is useless if you don't know how to interpret.

Dean Fan said from the side, "Minghua has the ability of photographic memory, and anyone who has read and read can remember it; the same is true for interpretation. If it weren't for this, disciples would not dare to let her take the children's examination."

The old man glanced at his disciple, but he didn't continue the school exam after all.

"It's right to study hard, but are you really seven years old?"

Minghua: .
Is it her fault that she is short?
Xiao Leshi couldn't help laughing, and almost laughed out loud.

Dean Fan smiled, "It's really seven years old. The reason why she looks like five years old may be that her reading heart has fallen."

"Dean." He made fun of her no matter what.

But the old man couldn't help laughing out loud, "Eat more good food when you come to the capital, and make up for your stature; if you are still this short when you grow up, you won't be dignified to be an official." Yes, people don't pay much attention to her at all.

Minghua: I'm tired, just lie down and let me laugh.

"It's time to eat more good food. Children have only laid the foundation in the past few years. Only when their health is good can they grow up." Dean Fan echoed.

Xiao Leshi couldn't laugh anymore, and felt guilty; the family was indeed not rich in those years, and there were not many things that could make up for her daughter. On the surface, she looks round, but she is not heavy.

"Arrange to live in my yard first. Mrs. Xiao don't have to be cautious. If you have anything to do, you can find Uncle Liang next to me; Uncle Liang, take them to resettle first. Have you got all the things that should be bought?" He kept his expression on, but the helpless look on his face just now didn't look like what a little doll should have.

Liang Bo bowed and said, "Master, don't worry, everything was prepared two days ago, but the clothes prepared for Miss Xiao may not fit well."

"Get ready."


Uncle Liang agreed, and turned around to invite, "Mrs. Xiao, Miss Xiao please."

"Thank you." Xiao Leshi blessed.

Minghua also returned the gift of a student.

After the person left, the old man looked at the second disciple, "You like her very much, and you always help her out."

"Master, the child is still young, don't be intimidated, after all, he is the disciple that the younger brother wants to accept; they are here, so I have to worry about the master,"

The old man didn't take it seriously, "What can I worry about? It's just food, drink and clothing. How much can their mother and daughter use? The government is not short of this money."

Besides, Minghua's mother and daughter, who followed Uncle Liang to the guest room in the yard, arrived at An's room, and first looked at the furnishings in the bedroom; even in the guest courtyard, the furnishings were better than at home.

"Mrs. Xiao, Miss Xiao, the two of you will live in this small courtyard. If there is something you are not satisfied with, I will ask someone to correct it immediately." Liang Bo said.

Minghua glanced across the room, "It's good, thank you Uncle Liang for your concern; thank you old man for taking care of me, our mother and daughter are newcomers, so it's not easy to take advantage of the government."

"Yes." Xiao Le took out a 100 taels silver note from his pocket and handed it over, "Uncle Liang, please accept it; we will be in a position to thank you for our food and drink in the palace."

Uncle Liang declined, "You are welcome. Miss Xiao Xiao will also be a lady of our government in the future, and even the daughter of Xu Shoufu's family. An apprentice is half a child. Miss Xiao is a girl's family, so naturally she is half a daughter. My daughter's food and clothing How can you use your money for the expenses, get up quickly, you will spend a lot of money in the capital in the future."

"." Xiao Leshi wanted to say, isn't it because he hasn't apprenticed yet!
But she knew that once she said it, it would be a joke for nothing.

"Miss Xiao, don't think too much about you and Mrs. Xiao. In the mansion, the master is the master of the house. If others can't say anything, you two can live here. Don't worry about it. The mansion will be your home in the future." Uncle Liang said with a full face. sincere.

Ming Huamo.

Xiao Le didn't know whether he should continue to give him money.

(End of this chapter)

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