Chapter 116 The Reborn Girl 46
Seeing that their mother and daughter were silent, Uncle Liang felt a little softer, no matter what; the mother and daughter of the Xiao family are not the kind of people who like to take advantage of nothing, which is worth admiring.

"Mrs. Xiao, this is just the old man's statement as an elder. You and Miss Xiao can live in peace." As for the statement, Minghua knows it, but Xiao Leshi does not.

Xiao Le wanted to ask, but Ming Hua already said, "So, Uncle Liang thanked the old man on our behalf, I know how the old man loves the younger generation."

Yo, the little girl is smart enough.

Uncle Liang glanced at her in surprise, then smiled and nodded in satisfaction, "Take a rest first, a maid will bring hot water later; tidy up and have a good rest, the old man will hold a banquet for the two of you in the evening, and introduce You two, get to know the young master, young wife, young master, and young ladies in the mansion."

"Thank you."

Uncle Liang was overjoyed that his master had another very intelligent disciple and grandson.

After the person left, Xiao Leshi closed the door and asked her, "Minghua, what did Uncle Liang mean just now?"

"Mother, the old man made such an arrangement, so we will continue like this; there are many masters in Weiyuan Duke's mansion, and the old man is supporting us. In every mansion, there are always people who look down on others. If the old man expresses his opinion, we are very important. The old man thinks highly of me. Those people don't dare to bully us, don't look at whether the old man received us indifferently, in fact, everything has been arranged for us. "

It can be seen that the old man is a delicate mind.

It is true that the mansion of Weiyuan Duke's Mansion is very large, and the gate is the standard of high-ranking officials and nobles; it can be seen how valuable the old man's status is, and he must be positioned as a high authority, and he can still stand tall even after being in court for decades , It is impossible without a delicate thought.

"The old man really has a heart. After you become a teacher, you should be filial to his old man; it's a lot of thought to treat him like a grandfather." Holding on to the old man's thick leg, the daughter should have no worries in the capital.

"I know, mother; put your luggage down, and you can rest for a while."

Minghua helped them pick up the rattan luggage boxes for the two of them and put them on the ground; Xiao Leshi had the time to look at the guest room carefully; after wandering around, he realized that the guest room was two bedrooms, with the living room in the middle, and their mother and daughter could One person sleeps in one room.

"Sanya, you sleep in the room opposite." That room was bigger, and the other room was relatively smaller.

Minghua shook her head, "You sleep in the big room opposite, and I sleep in this side; you are an elder, how can an elder give up the big room to a junior to sleep in?"

Xiao Leshi intends to make her daughter live better, but her daughter is right; don't leave the impression of her daughter's disobedience to others, she can only live in a big room.

"Don't put your things back together, just take a change of clothes and come out." Minghua said: "We can't live in the mansion all the time, at most two days, we have to move out."

It's not unreasonable to live in the government all the time. People who don't know think they are here to fight the autumn wind.

"Listen to you."

"Knock knock knock."

"Guest, the hot water is here, can we come in?" A soft voice came from outside the door.

Xiao Le looked at her daughter, a little at a loss.

Minghua was relatively calm, she only comforted her mother with one look, and said loudly, "Send it in."


The door opened in response, and a group of six maids walked in front carrying a bathtub, and four maids came in behind carrying a wooden bucket; the wooden bucket was filled with steaming hot water, and the wooden bucket was put into a larger room. Pour hot water in.

The ten servant girls left the room, and the other four servant girls went back and forth twice, filling the barrel halfway with water before stopping.

"Guest, you can take a shower and change your clothes. After you get up, call out to the servant girl, and the servant girl is right outside the door." The maidservants exited the room.

Minghua smiled, these maids are well-trained, and they do things in a strict manner; they are neither annoying nor annoying.

"Mom, you wash first. After washing, ask them to change the water and I will wash again."

"It's better for you to go first. After washing, mother will just wash with your water, and don't bother others." She still couldn't let go.

Minghua shook her head and laughed, and just pushed her mother inside, "You wash first, and I'll wash after you're done; don't let me go first, I'll sit and rest, and you wash slowly."

"Don't push it, I'll wash it, I won't wake up after washing it! You child."

Xiao Leshi entered the big room, Minghua turned around and opened the rattan box, first found a set of clothes and sent them to Xiao Leshi, so that she could wear them when she got up; then, she also found clean clothes, the weather was hot on the way Take a bath and change clothes when the weather is not hot, and don't change clothes at all when the weather is not hot.

The weather is hot, and the clothes dry quickly after washing, which can catch up with the next day's schedule; the weather is bad, and the clothes cannot be washed after changing, which is a troublesome thing.Therefore, people in ancient times were very particular about changing and washing when traveling, but they were not particular about it.

With the things ready, she sat cross-legged on the carpet in the house, secretly thinking about what happened after entering the mansion; thinking about the way to go in the future, and how to go in the future.

The old man didn't say he liked her, but he definitely had no problem with her; therefore, the old man had to go this way, Dean Fan also had to go that way, and there was also a future master.She has to behave well and let the old people treat her as the closest junior.

Insufficient family background, knowledge comes to make up.

When the calculation was about the same, Xiao Le came out of the inner room wiping his hair, "Sanya, mother is finished washing, and mother will call you hot water to wash; don't mention it, the bathtub in the public house is really big and there is a lot of water. , It’s comfortable after washing.”

"You go back to the house and wipe your hair, I'll call." Minghua jumped up, opened the door, and saw four maids standing quietly outside, she couldn't help feeling that the ancients were really virtuous in training servants, look Look at these young ladies who are well-trained, let alone talk, and they don’t say much when they serve others. "Sisters, my mother has finished washing, please help me change the hot water."

"Miss, the servants can't bear your elder sister, the servants will change the water now, you sit and rest for a while." The four maids worked together and laboriously moved out the tub, first poured the water; Back in the room, they fetched hot water to wash and then poured clean water in.

After they filled half of the tub, they exited the room again; leaving the space to Minghua.

Minghua carried the clothes into the room, washed her hair, took a bath, and washed her whole body; after washing, she felt relieved, put on clean clothes, wrapped her hair in a dry towel, and felt refreshed and in a good mood.

Walking out of the room, she called the maids to pour water to clean up the water stains in the house, and she ran to her mother's house; seeing that her mother was still wiping her hair, she stepped forward to help do it together.

After the mother and daughter dry each other, they sit on the stool to dry their hair; the hair after washing is either dried or dried, and most people will sit quietly to dry the moisture on the scalp after drying, otherwise it is easy to accumulate moisture .

"Ma'am, Miss, the house is ready; someone will bring food for you two later."

"Understood, you are busy with your work." Ming Hua raised her voice again to respond.

After they left, they looked at each other and smiled. At the same time, Xiao Le could not help feeling ashamed; her daughter was an adult who could deal with these situations, so she would not dare to go out with her daughter in the future, lest she would be ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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