Chapter 132 The Reborn Girl 62
"What did you do?"

Another older maid asked with concern.

Xiao Cui said eagerly: "We didn't say anything, just flattered."

"That should be fine. Flattering a few words is not a serious crime; at most, the lady doesn't like to listen to it. You should pay more attention to it in the future." But they knew well that even if Xiao Minghua wanted to choose a maid, he would not choose between the two. selected.

After Minghua finished bathing in hot water in the house, she dried herself and put on her clothes; while wiping her hair, she raised her voice.

"Come in."

"Hurry up, Miss Minghua is calling us." Everyone walked quickly towards the house, pushed open the door and entered; several people saw Minghua in the outer hall, and greeted first, "Miss Minghua."

Minghua nodded, "Thank you, you don't have to come over to serve after the hot water is poured out; just come over when the night food is delivered, you are also tired, go to rest after pouring out the water."


Everyone respected Fushen, and then went to the inner room to carry the bathtub out.

Minghua dried her hair, pulled up a random hairstyle, and tied it behind her head with a hairpin; she sat at the desk and read the books sent by her master.These books belonged to the capital, so she didn't take them away.

Minghua reads quietly, and the servants of the capital's mansion are already busy; first of all, the banquet purchases must be booked one day in advance, and what to do must be discussed in advance, who will serve in the front yard when entertaining guests, and who There are also rules for the ladies who serve the backyard.

Every banquet requires a lot of human, financial and material resources from the host family, and the safety of the guests must be guaranteed during that period; the nursing home must also be properly arranged, and the people connecting the inner and outer courtyards will make unified arrangements.

Minghua doesn't understand these things, and she doesn't want to go out to cause trouble for everyone; it's not that she can't feel that there are people in the capital who welcome her, and naturally hate her.

On the day of the banquet, Minghua was dug up from the bed by the maids early in the morning to make up; fortunately, she was young, and her make-up was only simple makeup, and there was no thick layer of powder on her face, even when the maids wanted to put powder on her face. She rejected it.

A girl who is more than seven years old is just immature; every stage has its beauty, there is no need to ruin this freedom for the sake of comparison.Once she dresses up incorrectly, she will appear old-fashioned. If her dress is immature, coupled with her short and puffy body, she will shrink into a shrunken state.

Although, she looks like a five-year-old girl now, not as tall as a seven-year-old should be.

Dressed up properly, the four maids sent her to the front yard, and when she saw the master, she was the first to greet her.

"Good morning, master."

"Good morning." Xu Shoufu sat in the main seat of the reception hall in the front yard. According to his status, unless he was a very important elder or a person with a higher position in the royal family, he didn't have to get up. "Sit down next time. Getting up early and sleepy?"

"I'm not sleepy. I woke up so early to read in my hometown. The day's plan is in the morning; naturally, I want to spend the best time on the things that should be done the most."

Xu Shoufu nodded in satisfaction, "That's right, you can think this way, and you can put it into practice; I'm very pleased to be a teacher, and it's good to be so self-disciplined when you move out in the future. Once a person becomes lazy, it will happen very quickly. But Learning well, but self-discipline is difficult; I hope you can maintain this good habit."

"The disciple would like to follow the master's instruction." Minghua made a bow.

"It's just us master and apprentice, no need to be too polite; sit down and talk."


Minghua went to the first position on the right hand side and climbed up with hands and feet; don't ask, it's not as high as a chair.

She is also very distressed because her height restricts her movements; she doesn't know what is the reason for her body, but she has not grown two centimeters in two years, which is outrageous.

If her bodily functions were not normal, she would have suspected dwarfism.

"Stay with the teacher later, and know as many people as you can; it doesn't matter if you don't know each other later, I will arrange for the steward's son to come to you. He grew up in the mansion and was taught by the steward. He knows a lot about interpersonal relationships. He basically knows all the dignitaries in Beijing and China, and he reminds you, don’t be afraid to admit the wrong person; don’t be timid when meeting people, be generous, you know?"

Minghua understood that Xu Shoufu was afraid that she would not perform well at the banquet, so she nodded and agreed, "I understand, master, this apprentice will not embarrass you."

"Yeah." Xu Shoufu nodded lightly, "It doesn't matter if you lose face or not, my disciple Xu Lingjun, who dares to laugh at you? Even if you make a gaffe in front of them, they will just pretend not to know; maybe they will flatter you You did a good job, you did a good job."

Just that confident.

Minghua chuckled, "Master, you are right, as your disciple, I have nothing to fear; I can do whatever I want, what can they do with me?"

Don't dare to make trouble on the public face, and there is a master covering him in private; surrounded by people arranged by the master, they also have nowhere to start.

So, she is not afraid.

These were taken into consideration when deciding to become a teacher.

Xu Shoufu was more satisfied in his heart, the little apprentice really has good understanding, "At the banquet, if someone proposes to you, just postpone it; you are too young to drink, and I will ask the housekeeper to prepare a cup of tea for you instead."

"Thank you, master, for being so thoughtful about my disciple." He bowed again, but this time he didn't get up again.

The master and apprentice listened to each other, and the chat was ordinary. Ji Jin and Cui Changhe came striding forward in plain robes;

Minghua pushed her hands together and jumped off the grand master's chair.

"Master, good morning, disciples are late."

"It's not too late, come and sit down for a while." Xu Shoufu waved his hand, and they took their seats.

Ji Jin talked to Ming Hua with a smile, "Good morning, little junior sister!"

"Good morning, big brother."

When Cui Changhe saw Minghua, his eyebrows softened a little, and he said lightly.

"Good morning, little junior sister."

"Second senior brother, good morning."

Minghua said with a smile, Cui Changhe took a closer look at her, and found that she only wore a set of hair accessories on her head, and it was a one-piece hair accessory.Just like Xiaowang, it is dotted with rubies, which adds a bit of ruddy complexion and a sense of playfulness and liveliness to her.

A ruby ​​fell between her eyebrows, making her even more beautiful and lovely.

"Little junior sister likes this kind of jewelry? I still have some emeralds in there."

"Thank you, Second Senior Brother, for your kindness, little sister, please don't give it away; I don't like heavy jewelry, and it's inappropriate if I don't wear it today. I only wear this set of headwear which is the lightest and simplest." Minghua touched the things on her head. , Just wearing this thing feels like your head is being restrained.

Cui Changhe hesitated, "You really don't like it?"

"do not like."

"Don't you girls like jewelry?" Why is Junior Sister different from other girls, and the fabrics he sent before have not been sent to the heart, "Then what does Junior Sister like?"

Minghua thought for a moment, and said: "I also like ancient books, calligraphy and painting, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting; there is no place to study at home. After listening to the master, I think it is necessary to study."

Skills do not overwhelm.

(End of this chapter)

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