Chapter 133 The Reborn Girl 63
The corner of Cui Changhe's mouth curled up into a smile, "Young junior sister is very enlightened! Alright, the banquet is over, go back and find my father; he has a lot of things there, so I have to order it once."

Xu Shoufu: I didn't expect you to be like this, apprentice.

Ji Jin: Second Junior Brother, I didn't expect you to have such thoughts, I admire you.

The sons of the Cui family were suppressed by the concubines, and the wife of the head of the Cui family had limited manpower in the inner court; the wife of the head of the Cui family was convicted in her natal family, and the whole family was exiled, and no one was available outside.In addition, she was not secretive in her actions back then, and all the outsiders should know about the murder of the concubine.

Do you really think Patriarch Cui will know how to do anything if he doesn't deal with that woman?
Cui Changhe thinks he is not a gentleman, and he didn't worry about it until his health got better; with the thought of destroying it if he can't get it, even if he got it, he was doomed to die and would not let the Cui family stay intact.Of course, now that he is in good health, it is natural that the longer he lives, the better; if he is disgusting, the mother and son of Cui's family will be disgusting to death.

"Okay, then I'll wait for the good news from the second senior brother." The serious man, with a lot of flirting in his heart, was talking about Cui Changhe.

Ji Jin said: "Second Junior Brother, you often ask the Cui family for things, can he agree?"

"What if you don't agree?" Both Ji Jin and Xu Shoufu understood Cui Changhe's unfinished words.

The wife of the head of the Cui family is a fool. Her own child cared about fighting for favor when she was young, and killed the concubines and heirs in the backyard. When the son of the Cui family was seven years old, her natal family was convicted.

After she got out of her natal family's crimes, another two years had passed; newcomers were constantly entering the backyard, and the eldest son was nine years old, and his temperament had already been formed.The arrogant and domineering person who was raised by his servants, who can't read, always rushes to the front when he gets into trouble, is quite a cheating son.

The concubines of the Cui family, except Cui Changhe, who was favored by Xu Shoufu and brought by his side to be raised; the others have been completely destroyed by the wife in charge, and none of them can stand up.Now, the only thing Cui Patriarch can count on is his son Cui Changhe, and he also hopes that Cui Changhe will be well; at least he is the heir of the Cui family, and he can be considered as a successor.

Ji Jin knew she had said something wrong, and sighed, "Second Junior Brother, if you have something to do, just tell me."

"Thank you, big brother." Cui Changhe nodded in agreement.

Over the years, Xu Shoufu and Ji Jin have helped him a lot, otherwise, he wouldn't have such a good life if the head wife controlled the backyard.

Xu Shoufu nodded and said: "Minghua is the same, just go to your elder brother if you have something to do, he has a lot of good things in his hand; as much as you can squeeze, it is a waste to leave it to him, if you don't study it seriously, it will take up space if you keep it. "

Ji Jin: Is it really okay for you, old man, to teach your little apprentice how to pluck wool?

Minghua smiled and nodded in response; Ji Jin felt his eyes go dark, but seeing the sweet smile on the little junior sister's face again, he couldn't bear to refuse, so he said.

"When I go back and look through it, I'll tidy it up and send it to my junior sister to Xiao's residence."

"The little girl is here to thank the big brother for the generous gift." The smiling long body bowed, quite cunningly.

Ji Jin laughed dryly and said, "It should be, it should be, no thanks." Just treat it as a play for my sister, don't feel bad.

But, it still hurts.

"Master, the guests have arrived at the door one after another." The old butler walked to the door and bowed to answer.

Ji Jin's voice stopped abruptly, and her gaze turned to Xu Shoufu, "Master, my second junior brother and I took the younger junior sister outside to meet her."

"No, my little apprentice, you don't need to cater to anyone; as for you, you can go out if you want." Some people have good friends with the Ji family and the Cui family, and they still have to give the face they deserve.

Ji Jin and Cui Changhe bid farewell and left.

The butler asked someone to bring tea and snacks, "Miss Minghua will use it first."

"Thank you, Uncle Housekeeper." After thanking the housekeeper with a smile, she looked at the housekeeper and asked, "I don't know how many people came outside."

"There are about a dozen people, most of whom are friends with our master; some are friends with Ji's and Cui's families."

Minghua understands that people who have good friendships come earlier, and those who have good friendships usually come later; of course, this situation may also be the other way around, both are possible.

Xu Shoufu waved his hand and asked the butler to go down to entertain the guests first. If any guests come, they can bring them here first.

The housekeeper took the order and went away, and after a while, he came back with Ji Jin and Cui Changhe; 13 people followed them, and Minghua swept them away one by one, old and young, men and women, walking in an orderly manner according to their status come.

Among the accompanying people, there are many girls who are about the same age as her.

"Old Xu, you are not kind, and you quietly accepted the closed disciples." An old man who walked in the front had gray hair, but was in good spirits;

The people who came behind either bowed to each other or saluted with blessings.

"Good morning Xu Shoufu."

"Get up, don't be too polite." Xu Shoufu raised his hand and said to the old man, "Sit down."

The old man sat down with a smile, and pulled a little girl to follow, "Come on, look at my little granddaughter, who is eight years old this year; now she is learning piano, chess, calligraphy and painting from the teacher hired at home. I admire you very much, and I look forward to being able to Be your apprentice."

"Grandpa, don't talk nonsense, why do I want to be Master Xu's apprentice; I obviously want to be Young Master Ji's apprentice." The little girl spoke clearly, her eyes were full of vigor, and she looked bold.

It can be seen that he must be favored at home.

"You child, is your grandpa Xu not good?"

"You also said that it is grandpa, how can you have the cheek to worship grandpa as your teacher? So, grandpa, don't mix it up; when your granddaughter worships Young Master Ji as her teacher, Master Xu will also be my master, the same." The little girl is lively and lively, and she speaks interestingly.

Xu Shoufu smiled, but didn't follow their words; instead, he recruited Minghua to his side and introduced them to everyone.

"She is the closed disciple I accepted, Xiao Minghua." Xu Shoufu said again: "Minghua, this is the former court elder, and a veteran of the two dynasties as the teacher; however, he has been ill in recent years and has been Resign and go home to enjoy family happiness. You can just call him Uncle Nian, and the ones over there are your brothers, sisters-in-law and nephews from Uncle Nian's family."

Minghua took two steps forward, walked out of Xu Shoufu's range, and bowed to him.

"I met Uncle Nian, the brothers and sisters-in-law of the Nian family."

"You're welcome, you're welcome." The young people of the Nian family hurriedly avoided, but they didn't dare to bear it; only the old man stroked his beard and smiled, "No wonder you agreed to accept the closed disciple, it turns out that he is a very handsome little doll, look Are you five years old? You are so smart at the age of five, and your eyes are clear and clear, which shows that you are a person with your own opinions and principles. Old Xu, your vision is as good as ever."

Xu Shoufu chuckled, and quickly restrained himself, "Minghua is a smart and filial child. In the future, when you see her outside, help me take care of her a little bit; I like this child very much, and I hope she can grow up well."

(End of this chapter)

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