Chapter 134 The Reborn Girl 64
In a word, the way expresses the meaning of the heart.

The old man laughed, "Okay, well, it's okay for my ineffective descendants to protect their sisters and aunts; Miss Minghua, let your brothers and sisters-in-law entertain you in a good way."

"That's great. Our family is the home of a daughter from Shaolan. We are very happy that Minghua can come and walk around more." The middle-aged woman standing in the front row said happily, her eyes not showing when she looked at Minghua. mood.

The man standing next to her nodded, "It should be so."

"Then Minghua will be bothering me a lot in the future, Wanwang will not dislike it." Minghua retreated to the master.

A smile appeared in Xu Shoufu's eyes, and he was very satisfied with Minghua's pace of advance and retreat, "Families, please go to the backyard to rest. The beautiful daughter-in-law at home is already waiting for your arrival in the backyard."

The female relatives bid farewell one after another, and the little girl next to the old man glanced at Minghua several times, and was called to the backyard by her mother.

The rest in the front yard are all men, each of whom has some status in the court; Ji Jin and Cui Changhe sat next to them and talked with everyone, and occasionally said to Minghua, Minghua would always smile back and nod slightly in response .

When the female relatives arrived in the backyard, the eldest wife, Mrs. Min, came out to entertain them, and Mrs. Tian assisted them; everyone was very happy talking with them.

Everyone has intersecting families and frequent contacts, so it is naturally easy and comfortable to attend their family's banquet.

"Miss Nian, your little girl is really Yuxue, she is very clever, I really envy you for having a good girl." Tian said: "My boy will take the children's voice test next year, and I don't know if he can rely on someone What kind of results come out; I hope to be able to win."

Mrs. Nian kept a reserved smile, she was noncommittal to Mrs. Tian's words, "Your two sons are also good, I think they will be fine; you and Mrs. Xu just wait, I think there will be good news."

"That's really a blessing to you."

Tian's mostly meant to hold it.

The two families were on equal footing in Beijing and China back then, but Niange always retreated; the family's connections are still there, as long as they don't die, they won't leave the tea.What's more, the Nian family is not down, and their backs are struggling.

"Is Shaolan ready for marriage?" Tian asked.

A look of displeasure flashed between Min's eyebrows, "Shaolan is still young, so there is no rush; the children of our Nian family and Xu's family don't worry about getting married, so what to do if we decide to get married so early. When they grow up, how much time will they have?" It's people coming to the door."

There are hundreds of women in one family.

Interrupting Tian's unspoken words from this is also Tian's becoming more presumptuous; yesterday he hit Minghua's idea, and today he turned his target to Nian's family. He has no respect for others and is picky about the two girls.

Mrs. Nian's smile deepened. Fortunately, there is someone in the Xu family who can live with her; she really doesn't want to deal with Mrs. Tian. After many years of understanding, this man is not a person worthy of close friendship. He is quite dull. .In the future, her daughter-in-law will be troubled, she will have to take care of her outside, and she will have to take care of her mother-in-law who can't figure it out inside.

"Mrs. Xu is right. My girl is not in a hurry to find a marriage. I still want to keep her until she is eighteen. We will talk about the future. Thank you Mrs. Xu for your concern."

Tian closed her mouth regretfully, not daring to say any more.

Only then did Min breathe a sigh of relief, but she was really afraid that this person would talk about it regardless; even if she could be punished later, the face of the family would be really lost, and that would be the worst.

"What Mrs. Nian said is true. In the future, Minghua will look the same. My old man likes Minghua very much, and the old man is also very satisfied and praises him repeatedly. Minghua has grown up, and I don't know what kind of husband he should find. As for my son-in-law, I am also looking forward to the arrival of this day; if I think about it, then it will be a grand occasion for a family to have a hundred daughters-in-law."

Mrs. Nian smiled and nodded, "I met Minghua in the front yard, she is a cute little girl; she looks like she is only in her early five years old, and she behaves much better than my Shaolan. It is me who does it." Mothers fail to teach their children well."

"You are serious. Minghua's child is more than seven years old, almost eight years old; it's just that she is petite. She is a little smaller. In terms of behavior, her parents have raised her very well. Her mother is a very well-behaved and responsible person. "Mr. Min is more curious about the Xiao family. She has been with Xiao Leshi before, and she only thinks that she is a responsible person, that's all; but she has an excellent daughter. It depends on the Xiao family.

"Really? I really didn't see it." Mrs. Nian was surprised, and immediately put it aside, "When my old man mentioned Minghua's age, Master Shoufu didn't correct him. I thought it was only in his early five years old. look."

The Min family smiled helplessly, and said: "The little girl grows slowly, take your time; but, it's cute to look at like this, and I like Minghua's child very much. Unfortunately, I don't have a daughter. If I have I want her to be like Minghua."

"Then you can treat her like a younger sister, that's great."

"Yes, it hurts to be a younger sister."

The two chatted happily back and forth. Occasionally, the Min family would be scruples about other female relatives; the Tian family seemed embarrassed when he was next to them. It's annoying, but it feels just right.The other daughter-in-law is a follower, stupid as a pig, that is to say, she doesn't have a daughter, otherwise, which high-ranking family in Beijing would like the daughter she raised!
After all, in ancient times, it was also the mother who chose the daughter-in-law; the mother was stupid, and most of the daughters were not much better, and they were not among the choices.If it is that kind of virtuous woman, the wife with a good reputation for her actions, her children must have a very good marriage market.

So, ancient times was an era of living by fame.

Many people have already come to the front yard, including old people in silk and satin, and young men in various styles; there are people of all stages, and there are more than 20 people who are similar to Minghua's age, but they dare not Just lean in front of Minghua.

Minghua just pretended not to see them, and kept following the master to see the guests; after the banquet, the last guest was sent away, leaving only the master and apprentice. Minghua was so tired that she didn't want to move, so she went directly to Lying lazily on a chair.

If the environment didn't allow it, she would still like to come to Ge Youlie.

Temperament, image and so on are all imaginary.

Xu Shoufu sat in the first seat and drank tea calmly. Seeing the young apprentice looking sleepy, a smile flashed across his eyes; after all, it was rare to see this child showing tiredness and tiredness, "Go back to rest when you are tired, and today you will also treat guests as a teacher for a day gone."

Ji Jin couldn't help laughing, and took a sip of tea.

"Junior Sister entertains guests for the first time. It's really not easy for the first time. You will get used to it after participating a few times. Don't be afraid, Junior Sister. Next time there is a banquet in my house, I will invite you to come with me."

"Thank you for the invitation." Lanlan raised his hand and declined.


Ji Jin was amused by her.

Cui Changhe shook his head and laughed, the smile was short-lived; but he found that there are more opportunities to laugh these days than in previous years.

(End of this chapter)

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