Chapter 139 The Reborn Girl 69
The news of Xiao Yun being grounded reached Ming Hua's ears, she only smiled slightly, and asked Xiao Mei who was waiting beside her, "Xiao Mei, do you think this punishment is light or heavy?"

"It's easy." Xiao Mei's eyebrows moved slightly, and under her gaze, she continued: "Being dissatisfied with the master is a big mistake in itself, and it should be punished; grounding is not punishment."

"Smart girl."

Minghua chuckled, what is grounding?What can you do without doing anything, starving for three days?Xiao Yun's mother always loved her and would not starve her to death; therefore, she wanted to use the master's hand to teach her daughter, but she had to restrain her daughter's feet, and she did enough to save face.She can also use Xiao Yun to test her depth. It seems that the competition between the two families is also great.

"Xiao Yun's mother has a big heart, let's just watch it; if she makes a mistake, she will just quit her mother's job and send her out of the house." She really thought they were sent by her master, so she didn't dare to let them go.

Xiao Mei folded her hands respectfully in front of her body, lowering her eyes slightly; she didn't hear her words, and showed her duty as a slave to the fullest.

Minghua smiled, "Go to sleep, get up early tomorrow and go to the manor to visit the master, you prepare the clothes I will wear tomorrow; by the way, yellow and brown are suitable for tomorrow, brown is not very good-looking, and it is not suitable for wearing brown." For tomorrow's occasion, wear pale yellow."

"Yes, ma'am."

After waiting for her to lie down, Xiao Mei opened Minghua's full wardrobe and picked out two sets of clothes, one bright yellow and the other light yellow; the jewelry was also placed on the dressing table. Her mother once served the old lady Dressing up, she has also learned this skill.

Miss has a good temper and is easy to serve, and she has no habit of embarrassing her servants; as long as she serves Miss well, her life as a maid will be very easy.Mother's teaching is indeed correct, no matter which master it is, don't really be presumptuous in front of the master.

Because the consequences of presumptuousness are something they cannot afford.

The next day.

It was just dawn, and Minghua woke up from her sleep. Xiao Mei, who was sleeping on the small bed, woke up hurriedly when she heard the movement; but she rubbed her eyes and tried to cheer herself up.

"Miss, are you going to get up?"

"I'm already up." Minghua walked to the dressing table and yawned lazily, "Xiaomei, go get me some hot water to wash my face."

"Okay, wait a minute, miss." Xiao Mei turned around and opened the door, and closed the door after leaving the room; in the early autumn, the morning breeze was breezy, and autumn in the capital was still dry and cold, so it would be easy for the cool wind to blow into the room if the door was not closed.Sudden heat and sudden cold are the most likely to suffer from typhoid fever.

Sitting in front of the dressing table, Minghua picked up the wooden comb and combed her long hair bit by bit; before she was eight years old, her hair was already waist-length. There is an ancient saying that her body, hair, and skin are affected by her parents, so she can't cut it easily send.In these years, she didn't cut her hair once, which made her hair too long and inconvenient to take care of.

"Miss, the hot water is here, should I wash up first or do my makeup first?" Xiao Mei pushed the door open, followed by a middle-aged woman, put down the hot water to greet Minghua, and then backed out.

Minghua didn't answer her directly, but asked her, "Is that your mother just now?"

"Yes, miss, that's the slave's mother; the slave couldn't carry two basins of hot water, so I asked my mother for help, please forgive me." Xiao Mei put down the basin, and apologized respectfully, with a sincere attitude, not like a fake.

Minghua shook her head and smiled slightly, "There's nothing to apologize for, I think your mother knows how to be polite, and she did a good job."

"Thank you for your innocence, miss." Xiao Mei breathed a sigh of relief, and asked her again, "Miss, you didn't answer the servant just now, should you dress up first or wash up first?"

"Wash up."

Minghua got up and walked out, Xiao Mei waited on her to rinse her mouth and clean her face; then she did her makeup, before she did it, Xiao Mei asked: "Miss, the servant has prepared two sets of clothes for you, do you think they are bright yellow or bright yellow?" Pale yellow, the two sets of jewelry are used together."

"Bright yellow." The color is tender, just right for her age.


Xiao Mei will do her makeup first. You don't need to paint the makeup, just trim the eyebrow shape and keep the eyebrow shape unchanged; the little girl's face is tender, so it is not suitable for makeup. in the pores.In ancient times, the only way to clean the face was to apply warm water to the face, and then use cold water to shrink the pores.

The hair is combed into a hanging bun, and small yellow flowers are placed on the left and right hairpins of the bun, and then put on a bright yellow skirt; a little lady was successfully released, her dress is fresh and natural, Minghua is very satisfied,

After dressing up, Minghua sent Xiao Mei to wait outside the door. She took a small box and put a spiritual fruit that she gave to Xu Shoufu and others yesterday; The ones for Xu Shoufu and others are a little bigger.

It's really just a little bit, and you can't see it unless you look carefully.

"Go, go to my mother's yard and have a look."

Holding the small box in her hand, she led Xiao Mei to Xiao Leshi's yard; the sky was bright now, Xiao Leshi also woke up, and was letting the servants prepare meals.Minghua came over just in time to have breakfast.

"Sanya is here, come over for dinner; the two rooms your master gave you are good people, one of them is good at housekeeping, and one is good at kitchen work, they are all useful." Xiao Le waved to her, mother and daughter Take a seat together.

Minghua glanced at the food on the table, nodded, "Not bad."

"It's not bad, it's really good; the food we ate in my hometown was not so good, and my mother's craftsman knows that it can be eaten, but it will definitely not taste good." Xiao Le said cheerfully.

Minghua looked at her as if she was younger, not working at home, the worry in her mother's brows seemed to have disappeared, and she was freed from the endless daily work; she felt a sense of leisure all over her body.

"Mom, are you happy in the capital?"

Xiao Le nodded, wondering why she asked, "I am very happy to be by your side and see you healthy and safe; I am even happier knowing that you are protected and hurt by many people. But, sometimes I will miss your father and brothers, they don’t know how they are doing in Xianyun County; your grandma is only taken care of by your second uncle at home, and your second aunt is unreliable, so I’m afraid I’ll wrong your grandma.”

"If you're worried, bring grandma over here first, and I'll take care of it first; it would be even better if you can bring your brothers and father to the capital." She thought a lot, because father is teaching in Xianyun County, so come here Teaching in Beijing is also teaching.

After receiving the dividends from the book in the hands of the elder brother, she went to the outskirts to buy a Zhuangzi; she planted land and vegetables, and she could eat and drink independently, so the expenses would not be so big.In the future, when grandma comes over, there will be loose land, and the output of the village can be sent to sell, killing two birds with one stone.

But, she didn't intend to tell her mother that she was worried about something because of the house a few days ago; if she knew that she still wanted to buy Zhuangzi, she would be even more worried.

(End of this chapter)

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