Chapter 140 The Reborn Girl 70
"I think so too, but your father is doing a good job teaching in the county town; he might not want to come, where are your two older brothers going to study when they come here?" There are many things to be resolved, so Xiao Leshi Sadness appeared between the brows again.

Minghua didn't know what to say, don't say it, after people's horizons are broadened, they will really have a lot less self-worry; Xiao Le's behavior is mostly related to vision, and he feels that it cannot be solved, so he is secretly sad.

"Mother, don't worry, my master and his old man have arrangements; after my arrangement is completed, I will see if the two elder brothers can do anything. As for father! You can teach wherever you are, so it's okay." "It's just that it may be more difficult to teach in Beijing as a father who is a scholar.

The capital is never short of talented people, and anyone who raises someone to teach may be rejected by others; this is especially true for talented people. She loves to think about whether to persuade her father to continue the scientific examination.

By the way, I will send some money back, so that my father and grandma won't be troubled by money matters.

"I want you to worry about it again." Xiao Leshi shook his head helplessly, but at the same time his heart was full of relief; harmony between children and mutual help is what every pair of parents wants to see.

"Don't you say that these things are bad for your daughter? My daughter will remember the kindness of my brothers to my daughter; the kindness of you and my father to my daughter, and my daughter will also remember it. Within the scope of my ability, there is nothing wrong with me doing something for my brothers "Speaking with a smile on his face, in the teacher's school, which brothers and sisters in the same school don't help each other?Protecting weaknesses and being single-minded are the fine traditions of the teacher's school, and this is what she lacks most, "Besides, I can only be better when my brothers are well; I always hope that all my brothers are well and promising."

Filled with joy, Xiao Le raised her hand and rubbed her daughter's hair, "Mother knows, my Sanya is the best girl; take your time, don't rush for success, and wait for you to gain a firm foothold before helping your brother." Let's think of a way. Mother won't let them come, don't let you embarrass me; mother knows that the masters in the capital are much better than the masters in the county. Dean Fan is an exception. The level of other masters is better than your father's. It’s even worse, if there is a better choice, I naturally hope that you all have better masters.”

It is the same for any child.

The daughter has a good teacher, but the son has not been found yet; when he comes to the capital, he must be better educated than the county.

Moreover, the capital is prosperous and there are many dignitaries; it is also good for the brothers to meet Minghua to see the world from time to time.

The depth of parents' love is far-reaching.

"I understand, mother, you don't need to be polite to me." As long as the Xiao family's original intention remains the same, her original intention will not change either.

The mother and daughter were eating breakfast, and a servant came to report, "Madam, miss, Lord Shoufu, Young Master Ji, and Young Master Cui are here."

"It's so early, I'll be right there." Minghua grabbed two buns, stuffed the white fungus soup in one mouthful; grabbed the small box with the other hand and walked out, saying, "Mom, you don't have to wait for me to eat at noon , I will eat at the master's mansion."

"Hey, take your time." Walk slowly, eat slowly, and be careful of choking.

Minghua nodded indiscriminately, eating a bun in two or three bites; she had already finished eating the buns in her hands when she walked out of the second courtyard, and her hands were greasy, greasy and uncomfortable.

Xiao Mei handed over a handkerchief, "Miss, wipe your hands."

"Oh, you're here too, just helping me carry the box; I'll wipe my hands first, and you can go back to my yard to rest after I get on the carriage. I slept on the small bed last night, so I probably didn't sleep Okay? Go back and catch up on sleep." While speaking, his hands were wiped clean, and the box was returned to his hands.

Xiao Mei respectfully agreed, sent her out of the mansion, and helped her into Xu Shoufu's carriage; she returned to the mansion after watching the carriage go away.


Sitting in the carriage, Minghua greeted the master first.

Xu Shoufu nodded, and said casually, "Sit."

Minghua smiled and sat down at the bottom, "Has Master eaten breakfast?"

"Use it." Xu Shoufu glanced at her, "Wipe the oil clean."

Minghua's smile froze, and subconsciously raised her hand to wipe the corner of her mouth, there was indeed oil; when eating the buns, the stuffing was very oily, so it naturally stuck to her lips.


Minghua grabbed the small box and decided to pretend she didn't know it, and wiped it clean anyway; she wasn't embarrassed, it was someone else who was embarrassed.

"Your brothers and the others are in the carriage behind, and when they arrive at the mansion later, they want to see some of your uncles and uncles, senior brothers; among them, two disciples taken by your senior uncle have already taken up positions in the Imperial Academy, one named Qu Sanqi, and one It's called Yan Ruhai. You've seen it before, but remember?"

"Remember." As long as she wants to remember seriously, there is nothing she can't fail to remember.

Xu Shoufu nodded and continued: "The two of them are naturally intelligent and talented in reading; it's just that one values ​​people's livelihood and the other lives in a peaceful and peaceful family, so they are not aggressive."


"However, don't judge a person because of these, you have to understand; people who don't know how to be aggressive will naturally be aggressive when the opportunity comes." Such talents are even more terrifying, because they know that if they don't make progress, they will always be looked down upon if they don't work hard .

Minghua understood, "I understand, master."

"Then there are two disciples of your fourth uncle, Shao Yunian and Cheng Zixing; Shao Yunian works in the Imperial College, and Cheng Zixing is the dean of Mingshan Academy on the outskirts of the capital. They are the oldest of your senior brothers. You can find them if you have something to do, and if you have nothing to do, you can contact them more; as for the other registered disciples, I haven’t introduced them to you now, but I will get to know them when I have a chance in the future.”

No chance.

Registered disciples, there are too many disciples who have registered to receive guidance, and there are too many disciples to introduce.

"I have written it down, thank you, Master." I bowed to thank you. As a master, I am willing to mention a few words, which means I really take you to heart; The chances of winning can only be guessed by yourself.

Xu Shoufu nodded, his eyes touched the box in her hand, "What do you plan to give your master?"

"Lingguo." Open the box and show it to the master.

Xu Shoufu frowned, it was good for the master to take the fruit; however, the master has a family member, so it is impossible to keep the secret.

"Have you thought about it? Once this thing falls into your master's hands, the news that you have a good thing for cleaning essence and marrow may leak out soon."

Minghua didn't know why, but she had to act more or less, so that the master couldn't make her feel that she was too independent; besides, she didn't have any valuables to give.

"Master, I have nothing else to give to Shigong." She was poor, and her family was not rich.

Xu Shoufu sighed silently, turned around and opened a button on the carriage; a grid appeared in front of him, and Xu Shoufu took out a small brocade box from it and handed it to her, "Take this and give it to your master."

Minghua took it in doubt, opened it and took a look; inside was a jade ring of the same quality as the black and white jade pendant, very warm and moist, with a touch of aura, very comfortable to touch.Minghua paused for a moment, looked up at the master, saw that he had closed his eyes, and started to rest his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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