Chapter 141 The Reborn Girl 71
"Master, we have arrived at Duke Weiyuan's mansion."

Outside the carriage, the servant's calm and respectful voice came, and Xu Shoufu suddenly opened his eyes.

"Master, we're at the master's residence." Minghua said.

"Yes." Xu Shoufu nodded, "Get off the carriage."

Minghua lifted the curtain and got out of the carriage first; Xu Shoufu came down behind, and the servant stretched out his hand to help, "Master, be careful."



Ji Jin and Cui Changhe led their servants to step forward, greeted each other first, and then stood quietly aside.

Xu Shoufu nodded lightly, and led them to Duke Weiyuan's mansion; as a frequent visitor to the mansion, and also the disciple and grandson of the old man, he entered Weiyuan Duke's mansion smoothly without being notified.

"Master." Entering the old man's yard and meeting the old man in the main room, Xu Shoufu first bowed to him.

No matter how high his official position is, Xu Shoufu always sticks to his duty as a disciple.

"Master Public Security."

"Master Zuan."

Minghua and the two senior brothers greeted each other, and then the brothers of Xu Shoufu's generation who were in the main room greeted each other; then Minghua and other young disciples greeted the elders, and finally Minghua and other juniors greeted each other .

I knew each other yesterday, but today I didn’t introduce myself so much; Minghua can roughly remember these people, except for those who I know, I don’t know them.


Minghua followed the sound and saw that it was the old man who called her, so she quickly got away and walked to the old man, "Master, are you calling me?"

The old man smiled kindly, "I called you. Are you still used to living in your master's house? No one bullies you, right?"

"It's very good. The master took good care of it and took every aspect into consideration. The master gave me two rooms the day before yesterday, but it helped me a lot. I got two new yards. Only my mother and I don't know when we can clean them. Come out and move in, and I have two servants, and my mother moved in the day before yesterday." Saying this does not increase or decrease, speaking truthfully.

"That's good, you are still young, if you have anything to do, go to your master; you can't resist alone, you are smart, but you are still young, you still need to rely on a lot of strength, you have to learn to let others share it for you. "At such a young age, she was forced to be all-round and exquisite.

Xu Shoufu raised his eyelids and looked at the eaves. He is not a little apprentice, right?The master ran out to say these words; it can be seen that the gap between male disciples and female disciples, the disciples under the names of brothers and sisters have never been treated so well.

"Yes, master, I'll listen to you; in the future, if you have anything to do, you can find the master and the senior brothers." She planned to be good, at least to win the hearts of the elders, "Master, the banquet ended yesterday, I asked the senior brother to help me print the sales letter." The book; when the time comes, [-]% will be given to senior brother, and the rest will be mine."

"Oh?" The old man and the others turned their attention to Ji Jin.

Ji Jin straightened her back slightly, and reported the matter solemnly, "It is true, the storybook written by my junior sister is very interesting, although it is not a popular one at the moment; but, it is unconstrained and very exciting, telling stories about ancient myths."

"Did you bring it?" This was the old man's focus.

Minghua said, "Give it to Senior Brother."

The old man stared at Ji Jin.

Ji Jin felt trembling, Master had never paid so much attention to him, and shook his head hurriedly, "Master, the story book has already been put into printing, and I will send you a copy when it is printed, do you think it is feasible?"

"Children of the Ji family, don't forget the uncle." Ning Fang, who was sitting next to the old man, said in time.

Dean Fan said cheerfully, "I can't do without me."

"Give me a copy, too, to read the masterpieces of our little nephew; to see the unconstrained imagination of children." The fourth uncle Luo Mingsheng has a short beard, bright eyes, dignified and elegant, and his words are often ridiculed meaning.

Minghua generously let them tease her. She didn't think there was a problem with the book, but because it was finished in advance and then polished; it was definitely better than the previous three books, which were handed over to the shopkeeper of the bookstore after they were written. She didn't even bother to retouch her pen.

Ji Jin responded again and again, "Yes, I will give it to the elders as soon as it is printed."

The elders were satisfied, and the old man asked again, "Minghua, the master didn't go to the apprentice banquet yesterday, but are you dissatisfied with the master?"

"No." Minghua shook her head without thinking, "Master Zu must have had his intentions if he didn't come. Although I don't know the reason, I won't feel dissatisfied with Master Master."

Xu Shoufu smiled slightly, and quickly restrained himself.

The old man was very satisfied with her answer, and Guan Zhi's expression was not dealing with him, "Good boy, if you don't understand anything in the future, just come to Master, if your master dares to treat you badly, come to Master too, Master will give you You decide."

"Thank you, master, but master will not treat me badly." The innocent eyes were clear and pure, as if they could see through the darkness of the world at a glance.

"Good boy." The old man took off a jade pendant from his body, "This is for you, take it well, if you have any difficulties, you can go to the shop with the engraved pattern on the jade pendant for help; they will spare no effort to help you when they see the jade pendant."

The eyes of Ning Fang and Luo Mingsheng flickered slightly. The disciples and grandchildren did not know the importance of this jade pendant, but they knew it.

The old man had been with the late emperor, and he had saved him many times. He was rewarded with a gold medal for avoiding death, a title, a high salary for a high official, and this jade pendant.The patterns on the jade pendant seemed to have other meanings, but the old man never said so, so they had no way of knowing.

The only thing I know is that the pattern on the jade pendant represents the old man's private property, and all the shops with the pattern on the jade pendant are developed by the old man.

Of course, these are only on the surface, and no one knows how much property the old man has behind the scenes.

"Master, I'm afraid it's inappropriate for you to give such a valuable thing to Minghua." So many disciples and grandchildren watched.

"What's wrong?"

Xu Shoufu choked, and he couldn't say that you were calling Minghua into trouble; Minghua had just become a teacher, and not only got the master's black and white jade medal, but now he also got the jade medal of the master's industrial chain logo.Don't talk about what these disciples and grandchildren think, just let those descendants of the government know, Minghua is afraid that he will be in constant trouble.

"You can't tell, can you?!" The old man snorted coldly, "I'm willing to give it to Minghua, let alone a token, even giving Minghua the property; you apprentices are all good things to hold. In my hand, I have pity on my little disciple who is poor and white."

Xu Shoufu was slightly embarrassed.

Dean Fan said with a smile: "Third Junior Brother, Master gave it as soon as he gave it. It is Master's heart; it is also Master who is compensating Ming Hua. Yesterday, Ming Hua paid a visit to Master, and it was inconvenient for Master to be there. After all, it aroused people's imagination. It means, after all, I owe Minghua."

"Yes, that's what happened." He insisted that this was the case, and cast a disgusted look at the third disciple, "As long as you are cautious, I can give my things to whomever I want; if you have a list and ask me for it, see if I can't beat him to death." .”

Xu Shoufu didn't bother arguing anymore, he couldn't change what the master had made up his mind about.

(End of this chapter)

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