Chapter 143 The Reborn Girl 73
Inside the carriage.

Cui Changhe asked: "Senior brother, when will the storybook of Junior Sister come out?"

"In a few days, we are rushing to print."

"That's okay, remember to give me a copy when you get out, and I'll also read the little junior sister's storybook." After his health recovered, Cui Changhe seemed to have untied a little bit of his heart knot, and his mind opened up a lot; He has a stern face, with gloomy brows and a bad complexion.

Now Cui Changhe is in good health and has a ruddy complexion; when his body is relaxed, so is his body.

"It's indispensable for you, our little junior sister's masterpiece, you should read it; it should be useful to you, many things in it, after I read it, I will feel that my mind has been broadened." Entering the world of those immortals is amazing. Yearn for.

Turning her head, Ji Jin said again: "Is there a price for the dialogue between junior sisters?"

"How much do you think, senior brother?" Among them, Ji Jin contributed manpower and material resources, so he should know the right price better.

"According to me, one tael of silver per book, after deducting the cost, the profit of one book is 760 Ba Wen."

Cui Changhe was taken aback, and asked: "Is it so profitable to write a storybook? One book has a net profit of more than 700 taels, and two books are more than one or two taels of silver; if a hundred copies are put out, how much is it? More than 700 taels of silver."

"That depends on who wrote the script." Ji Jin proudly said: "Is our junior sister an ordinary person? You haven't read what she wrote, and you have to admire it after reading it; in short, I convinced my junior sister." Thinking, those plots are something we dare not even think about."

"Then I have to read it carefully." It is definitely not because of the friendship of the same school that the senior brother can praise him so much.

Minghua didn't speak until they finished talking, "Would a tael of silver be too expensive? Some people are reluctant to buy it."

"The number of sales at the beginning will definitely not keep up, but as long as people are willing to buy and watch; let's talk about it in the circle of rich and powerful men, the sales will soon increase. Don't worry, little junior sister, we have plenty of time. As long as the sales volume of this storybook is opened; if you write a storybook in the future, the supply will be in short supply." Ji Jin analyzed for her bit by bit, "You have to know that the capital is the capital of the country; the economy is prosperous, and you can buy a book for one tael of silver. There are many evocative stories, and most people are willing to spend money."

"As for the ones you can't afford, most of them are poor students from other places rushing to take the exam, or ordinary people living at the bottom; but you have to know that the people we are selling now are not ordinary people, and we have to open our way in the circle of powerful people. If there are too many, the people will spread the word.”

"Besides, I have people print [-] copies and plan to distribute them to various provinces; when the time comes, the sales channels will be wider, and you can earn more."

Having said that, Minghua stopped talking; she is not good at doing business, "Then leave it to the senior brother, I have no objection."

"Hey, that's right, I'm sure you're right; the study under my name also sells collections of story books, most of which are bought out. How much is the one-time payment, this book has nothing to do with the author. Most know What kind of speech is easy to sell, and what kind of speech can grab people's appetite."

Ji Jin said it happily, Cui Changhe listened seriously, he only has a small Zhuangzi under his name; it is not worth much, but it just looks good.

Xiaozhuangzi was given by the head of the Cui family, and there is no output, so it is an inheritance after all.

"Brother, I have a little money in my hand, what industry do you think I earn a lot of money?" Cui Changhe asked.

"If you want to talk about the business of making money, it must be the most profitable business in restaurants and brothels; buying and selling overseas things can also make money, and it is a huge profit." Ji Jin lowered his voice and said to the two of them: "This matter can't be said outside, Buying and selling overseas is done quietly; you two can't talk about it."

"Don't say it, don't say it." Ming Hua waved his hand.

Cui Changhe followed suit, "Don't say it."

"Let me tell you, my Ji family is buying and selling this kind of thing, but it's done in a secluded way, and no one knows about it except the previous Patriarch and the Young Master; I only told you two, if the second junior brother wants to make money, you See how much money you can give me first. When the money is taken out and returned, it will be a count; when you have more money, you can set up a shop in Beijing to sell rouge and gouache."

"Women in Beijing love beauty, so they use a lot of rouge and gouache every day. If it is managed well, it will be a profitable business. Moreover, the raw materials of rouge and gouache are not expensive, but it is a little troublesome."

Cui Changhe is obviously moved, but he has nothing; he has a way to make money, but it is nothing if he does not have a recipe.

"I don't have the formula, first put the silver with the elder brother to help earn some money."

Minghua's eyes turned, "I do have some formulas for rouge powder in my hand."

Ji Jin and Cui Changhe both turned their heads and looked at her in surprise, "Where is your prescription?"

"I read it from the book, but that book is gone; now I am the only one who remembers the recipe, and I didn't think much about it at the time. I can remember everything I've only read once. Otherwise, it's okay to give you the recipe now. Gotta give it."

"Little Junior Sister, why are you so smart?"

Ji Jin stretched out her hand to touch her head, but Ming Hua hurriedly avoided, "Did you wash your hands after lunch? Touch my head."

"Junior sister, don't be angry, isn't this too exciting!" Ji Jin said happily: "Then the younger junior sister will come up with the formula, and the second junior brother will invest in the shares. I will be in charge of personnel issues and raw materials. Do you think it is feasible?"

Minghua glanced at them, there was nothing wrong with such a good opportunity to make money.

"How will the dividend be distributed?"

"Minghua makes the formula, and it takes [-]%; Second Junior Brother, how much money can you contribute to the stock?"

Cui Changhe stretched out his hand to count.

"Ten taels?"

"5000 taels!" Cui Changhe withdrew his hand and said helplessly.

Ji Jin's eyes lit up, "Then I'll pay 5000 taels too, and I'll be in charge of manpower and material resources; therefore, I stand for [-]%, and the second junior brother takes up [-]%."

"You don't need to give me [-]%, [-]% is enough." It was obvious that Ji Jin was giving way, and Cui Changhe was not stupid.

"Sancheng, you are the same as Junior Sister; this is the private property shared by the three of us, Second Junior Brother, don't refuse." Ji Jin went to ask Minghua again, "Junior Sister, do you agree?"

Minghua nodded, "Yes."

"Look, my junior sister agrees." Ji Jin smiled, thinking about the second junior brother who was short of money.

Cui Changhe shook his head and insisted: "I only want 5000%, I don't want more; and, senior brother, I want to give you [-] taels first, so I can have more money when I come back."''

It will look like 1 taels after a trip back. If you invest 5000 taels in, you still have money to turn around.

"Okay! No problem, let's take it and look through it first; I'm also starting to make arrangements for rouge and gouache. When they come back, we should be able to open the business." The two sides will do it together.

Minghua was very moved when she heard it, but she didn't have any money in her hand; the dividends from the story book would not be seen until next month, so she was destined to miss the great opportunity to make money.

(End of this chapter)

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