Chapter 144 The Reborn Girl 74
When she got home, she couldn't express her intention to join in.

It is impossible to be separated from the two senior brothers without regrets; the Ji family is a generation of nobles with a rich family background and many channels for money.The business of going overseas must have been done a long time ago, the channels have matured, and there is a team from the Ji family as guarantee.The risk is not very big, as long as you invest money in it, it must be a profitable business.

Full of regret, after meeting her mother, Minghua restrained herself very well.

"Sanya is back, but I want some water. The kitchen has made tremella and lotus seed soup. I'll ask someone to bring you a bowl." Seeing her come back, Xiao Leshi put down the net in his hand, and with a smile on his face, he called to the servant girl who was waiting next to him. , "Go and bring a bowl of white fungus and lotus seed soup to the lady. Autumn is dry, and it is the season to drink soup tonic; I heard that white fungus is the best for women."

The servant girl took the order to go, Xiao Leshi pulled Minghua to sit down, and asked carefully, "Is going to your ancestor's mansion going well?"

"It went well." She put the jade pendant into the little bell, and she didn't intend to tell her mother.

"That's good, that's good." Xiao Leshi was relieved, and asked with concern: "Are you full for lunch?"

Minghua nodded, indicating that the food was good and full.

"Then what did your master say?"

"I will start studying at the master's house tomorrow. As for the rest, there is no charter yet." After Minghua finished speaking, Xiao Le frowned, obviously thinking about something; Minghua just pretended not to see, "Mother , Today I asked senior brother, if the brothers want to come to Beijing to study; a senior brother under my senior uncle has a relative who is a teacher at Xingzhi Academy in the suburbs of Beijing, please ask senior brother to take me to visit."

Xiao Leshi hurriedly said: "Don't worry, don't worry, you can stand firm first, and then you can talk about it. There is no one who just goes to work as a teacher."

Minghua nodded slightly, "I think so too, let's pass it a while; in fact, if the eldest brother can be admitted as a scholar, this matter will be much easier." I don't feel guilty after walking through the back door.

"That's fine, write a letter next time and tell your father; let your father supervise, but Sanya."

"I'm here, mother, tell me."

Xiao Leshi said: "You run outside alone, do you bring a maid? Our family didn't have the conditions before; now we have the conditions, and the maids are ready-made. You can take a maid by your side to serve, mother can rest assured."

At any rate, the two of them had a support.

"Then let Xiao Mei follow." He listened obediently.

There was a smile on Xiao Le's face, and he stretched out his hand to touch his daughter's face, "The third girl in our family is growing more and more beautiful. You have learned a famous teacher, and you must protect yourself even more in the future; that little girl Xiao Mei looks very good to me. , My daughter has really good eyesight."

Minghua nodded in response, she didn't feel disgusted by her mother's caress.

"Madam, miss, tremella and lotus seed soup is here." The servant girl came over with a tray and greeted first.

"Come on, give it to me."

Xiao Leshi took the tray, saw that there were two bowls inside, smiled and brought one of the bowls to Minghua, "Eat quickly."

"Thank you, mother." Minghua picked up the bowl and ate slowly with a spoon.

Xiao Leshi just watched her eat, with a smile on her lips, full of satisfaction in her heart; her daughter took on everything that she shouldn't have to bear at such a young age, but she and her husband are not so capable of supporting the family, so the two My son has books to read.She can only use the money earned by her daughter, and she owes most of it in her heart.

The little girl is only around her waist, and she can already earn money to support a large family.

Minghua didn't know what Xiao Leshi was thinking. After eating a bowl of soup, he put down the bowl and spoon, "Mother, my book will be available in the market in a few days. When the dividends are paid, I will give some money back to the family and let grandma , Dad and brothers, don’t worry about money.”

"So fast? Didn't it take half a month to leave in the county?"

"Eldest brother has a lot of people and enough manpower; and he personally ordered it to go down. Naturally, my script will be printed first, so that my script will be listed first. I discussed it with senior brother, and the price of a script is one or two. Money, our family can earn more income." How much Huaben earns is a transparent account, the only thing that is not transparent is that she didn't say how much she will share with the elder brother.

Master, Shigong and the others will not talk about this in front of mother.

She wants to save some money to buy the Zhuangzi privately, leaving a way out; she wants to buy the Zhuangzi on the surface, and also buys the Zhuangzi that belongs to her privately.

"Your father doesn't spend a lot of money in the county, and his monthly bill is completely enough; there is no need to send him money, you keep your money for yourself, and mother spends it in Beijing. Your money is always used, and mother is already feeling uncomfortable." The smile on Xiao Le's face fell, "You have to think about yourself more. If you give a lot of money, it's okay in mother's hands; mother can keep it for you first, and then take it out when you need it. But, once you give If it becomes a habit, I'm afraid your brothers will be lazy."

Minghua shook her head, "No, mother, don't think too much; the elder brothers are all very good, the eldest brother is diligent and motivated, and the second brother is also working hard to catch up. You father will not dare to watch them."

"Then who knows, anyway, I don't agree with you going back with a little money." Xiao Leshi was very firm this time.

When she arrived in Beijing, after meeting the wealthy women in the capital, she realized that girls who had money and grew up in rich nests were always more confident than those who grew up in the countryside.


Because they have no shortage of money; because they have parents who can support them.

She couldn't give her daughter a rich life, and she was raised like a rich man; she couldn't stand up for her daughter when she met someone with a higher status than them. The only thing she could do was not to hold her back from now on.

The mother and daughter had a heart-to-heart talk, and Xiao Leshi still couldn't dispel Minghua's idea of ​​going home for some money; Repair, and there will be a fee for rushing to the exam.

Waking up early the next day, Minghua took Xiao Mei to the Shoufu mansion in the carriage of the mansion. After entering, she found out that the master hadn't come back in the early morning; the two senior brothers came, and they were reading in the study room, and the room was silent , can only hear the sound of turning the book.

Minghua planned not to disturb them, and went to a chair to sit down and wait for the master to come back; no, as soon as she sat down, the two senior brothers all looked over.

"Eldest senior brother, good morning second senior brother."

"Good morning, little junior sister."

A smile flashed across Cui Changhe's eyes, and he put down the book in his hand, "Young Junior Sister came quite early."

"It's getting late, the two brothers have been here for a while, right?"

"We haven't been here for a long time, so come and sit down; you can pick up any books you want from the bookshelf, and you can read the books here at Master's place as long as you don't take them out of the study room." Ji Jin smiled lightly.

Minghua asked, "Can I find any book I want to read?"

"Yes, this is an outside study room, which is used to entertain guests on weekdays." Ji Jin explained.

If there is an outer study, there must be an inner study; while the outer study is for hospitality, the inner study is where the master puts official and confidential documents.

(End of this chapter)

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