Chapter 152 The Reborn Girl 82
Ji Jin and Cui Changhe looked at her gratefully, and they were the same way before; it must be very uncomfortable to ride a carriage for an hour, but not today.It can be seen that the spiritual fruit that the junior sister gave them has an effect, it is really a good thing!
The changes in the body, the two felt the deepest.

"Master, are you okay?" Ji Jin and the two stepped forward to ask with concern.

Xu Shoufu shook his head, "I'm fine."

At least the face is normal, and there must be a little nausea; the roads in ancient times are dirt roads, with potholes and bumps, which are common.However, people who have been in the capital all year round and do not walk around will have to react suddenly after sitting in a carriage for an hour or two.

"Sit down and rest for a while, let's go after rest," Minghua said.

"Don't rest, take your things, let's go."

Ming Hua nodded, then turned to look at Xiao Mei, "Bring your things, we're entering the academy."

"Yes, ma'am."

Xiao Mei carried two bags on her back, which contained the change of clothes for the two of them; they were very light and weighed nothing.

Xu Shoufu walked in front, Minghua, Ji Jin, and Cui Changhe followed behind, and the last were the four grandchildren of the Xu family; Xiao Mei followed Minghua and walked up the sixty steps with her.

Climb to the last step, walk through the spacious square, and the goal is a magnificent gate; the stone plaque on the top is "Xingzhi Academy" with several large cursive characters, and the characters are full of style, which vividly shows the madness of cursive script.

"Master, who made the plaque of Xingzhi Academy?"

"I know, I know." Xu Shilang, the second grandson of the Xu family, hurried forward and said, "Grandfather, Auntie, I know this; our first class is to learn about the growth experience of previous deans. The plaque of Xingzhi Academy is The first dean Miao Congshan wrote the book. It was also Dean Miao who founded Xingzhi Academy, and in the hands of successive deans, the academy has been able to last for 300 years."

Dazhao is not yet 300 years old.

Xingzhi Academy has far exceeded the existence time of a dynasty.

Minghua smiled, and looked lovingly at the Xu family's second nephew, so cute and silly; even dared to snatch his grandfather's words.

"Do you know the history of Xingzhi Academy well?" Sure enough, Xu Shoufu spoke.

Xu Shilang's heart skipped a beat, "Grandfather, I don't know much about the history of Xingzhi Academy; I only know a little bit."

"That's it!" Xu Shoufu said slowly, "I thought you could recite it backwards."

dear grandfather.

Xu Shilang backed away, not daring to move forward.

Xu Shoufu shook his head and sighed, how come none of these grandsons are like him.

Ji Jin and Cui Changhe laughed at the same time, the Xu family's grandchildren are really hard to describe; it stands to reason that at their age, they understand everything they should know.However, it always makes people speechless.

When the elders are talking, a junior interrupts rashly, which in itself is a sign of being uneducated.

"Master, Nephew Shi Lang also has kind intentions, so don't be angry with yourself." Good intentions are good intentions, and expressing yourself is really expressing yourself; unfortunately, the timing of expressing is not right.

Xu Shilin took his younger brother's hand and comforted him silently.

Xu Shoufu said helplessly: "You don't need to speak for him, after all, you have learned less."

The four grandchildren of the Xu family didn't know it yet, but from this day on, they began a long experience of reprimanding. If something was wrong, Xu Shoufu would point it out to them.If they are disobedient and refuse to change after repeated admonitions, they will go to the family law to let them know what is dangerous in the world.

The people outside looked at Xu Shoufu's face, and didn't care about these four juniors; even, they were protected by their uncles and brothers from the same school, and they raised them innocently and ignorant of world affairs.

Such a temperament is afraid of being deceived by ordinary people, let alone a family of aristocratic families.

Ji Jin cast a helpless look at the four of them, and then talked to Minghua about the origin of Xingxing Academy.

More than 300 years ago, the first dean went through wars and traveled to various countries at that time. He tried to use etiquette and Confucianism to influence him. However, the current situation was chaotic and no one was willing to listen to his lectures.Frustrated, he returned to his hometown, now on the outskirts of the capital; Xingzhi Academy, this academy was Miao Congshan's former home.

At the beginning, he just opened a private school to teach the students at the foot of the mountain to read and practice calligraphy; in exchange for something to wrap their stomachs, he taught students in accordance with their aptitude and taught several talents.Therefore, he became famous, and after that, more and more people came to study after becoming famous.

The bundle repair he charges is not very expensive, only half a tael for half a year; families with a little wealth are willing to send their children, the key is that he teaches well!All the children who come out of his hands are all talents.

More and more people came to study, and the private school could no longer accommodate so many people; he began to collect money to buy the surrounding land, and built more and more garden houses, which became a small scale in just ten years.In the next few decades, until the world was peaceful and the country was first established, his academy became famous locally.

The royal family knew of the existence of the academy, and the emperor at that time visited Miao Congshan himself; he wanted to be offered an official position, but was rejected by Miao Congshan, who devoted himself to running the academy.When he died, the academy was very popular at that time, and the emperor also came to attend his funeral after his death.

The position of Xingzhi Academy was thus established. In the next hundred years, there were academies rising around; but none of them could compete with it, and Xingzhi Academy was the leader by default.

In the past hundred years, it has gradually become as famous as other academies after traveling to the academy.

Minghua looked up at the plaque, admiring from the heart, "Dean Miao is really a great Confucian."

"Many people are grateful for Dean Miao, but many people have forgotten how much Dean Miao contributed to the country at that time." Xu Shoufu sighed, "At that time, half of the country's officials were taught by Dean Miao. Those who come out, those officials who are capable or not are all honest and upright officials."

It is different from the current dynasty with many corrupt officials!

It is not an exaggeration to say that one person created a prosperous world.

"Students of Xingzhi Academy will remember Dean Miao." Minghua said, she couldn't do what Dean Miao did. She only hoped that after becoming an official in the court, she could control corrupt officials; The principle of no fish is also more clear, a little greed can be tolerated, but a big greed cannot be forgiven.

What they embezzle is the people's fat and people's anointing, and the people pay taxes, which will eventually be used on the people; how much can be returned to the people?Most of them entered the private treasury of corrupt officials.

"Yes! The students will remember the achievements of the past deans." Xu Shoufu couldn't help but sigh in his heart. After Dean Miao left, the teaching policy of Xingzhi Academy was changed again and again; in order to adapt to the passage of time, the educational policy and philosophy There have been major changes.

Ji Jin, Cui Changhe, and the four grandsons of the Xu family didn't feel much; they only heard about it from others, so they couldn't feel empathy.

(End of this chapter)

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