Chapter 153 The Reborn Girl 83
Walking into Zhizhi Academy, there are bluestone slabs on the corridor, and the road surface is clean; there are many small gardens, which can be seen everywhere, and the environment is really good.

Minghua likes this environment very much, a few steps away is a landscape; the flowers and plants planted in the small garden are different, each with its own characteristics.

"Caomin kowtows to Mr. Shoufu." Several men in cotton clothes came quickly, kneeling and kowtowing.

"Get up." After Xu Shoufu stood still, he asked again, "Is Dean Lin visible to me?"

"Dean Lin has been waiting for you for a long time." A man standing in front said: "Yesterday your house sent a greeting card, and Dean Lin was very happy to know that you are coming; today I have prepared some drinks and will wait for you coming."

Xu Shoufu nodded slightly, and said with a smile on the corner of his lips: "Lead the way ahead."

"Yes, please, everyone please." While receiving Xu Shoufu, the man did not forget the others.

Xu Shoufu turned his head and said to everyone: "Minghua will go with me, and you each go to pack your things; study hard after entering school, and I will test you on the rest day."

"Okay, master, you and junior sister go slowly." Ji Jin and Cui Changhe sent Xu Shoufu respectfully.

Several grandchildren of the Xu family also bowed to see each other off.

Xu Shoufu took Minghua and Xiao Mei, followed Dean Lin's servants across most of the academy, and stopped when they reached the innermost courtyard of the academy; the gate of the courtyard was open, and the servants accompanied them with smiling faces, inviting people to enter the courtyard.

"Master Chief Assistant, please."

The servants led the way, and the three men followed behind; the yard was not too big, at a rough glance, the whole house was about [-] square meters, and the main room was the most spacious, with passages built under the eaves, which were elegant and comfortable.

"Master, Lord Shoufu has arrived." The servant reported outside the main room.

Xu Shoufu stopped, Ming Hua also stopped, and Xiao Mei followed Ming Hua, step by step.

"Hahaha." Arriving before the sound of people arriving, an old man with half-haired hair, full of bearing, and demeanor full of self-cultivation came out of the main room; walked down the steps outside the main room, bowed and said: "Master Xu is here, you are a rare guest , seldom come to my residence; seeing your ruddy complexion, I think you have had a good time."

Xu Shoufu smiled, "Thanks to you, everything is fine; however, I see that you live more comfortably, without restraint, and do whatever you want in the academy. I can't compare to studying classics every day."

"It's serious." Lin Ru greeted with a smile, "Come inside, who are these two?"

Xu Shoufu said: "She is my new closed disciple, Xiao Minghua, and next to her is her maid; Minghua, this is the dean of Xingzhi Academy."

"Dean Lin is well." He took a step back and made a long bow.

Xiao Meifu followed to salute.

Lin Ru cheerfully gave him a hand, "When you get here, you don't need to be too polite, just treat it as your own home; I am a close friend with the master, and the dean is too alienated. If you don't mind, call him uncle."

"Uncle Lin."

"Okay, okay, come, sit in the room with your master."

A group of people entered the house, Xiao Mei could not enter, so she stayed outside and waited; a servant brought her a stool to sit on.

After the three of Xu Shoufu entered the room, they sat down one by one; Lin Ru invited Xu Shoufu to sit opposite each other, and Ming Hua sat beside the master.

What is displayed in the room is not a grand master's chair, but a cushion for kneeling on; at the beginning of sitting like this, Minghua barely stabilized her figure, and she was not used to it.

Lin Ru smiled and said, "Minghua! Can I call you that?"

"Sure, Uncle Lin." Ming Hua cheered up to deal with it.

"I'm calling you Uncle Shi, don't be cautious when you get here, sit how you want to sit; that is to say, the master is strict, you can sit on your knees or just sit on your knees." Lin Ru thought that the little girl is young, and kneeling is really difficult she is gone.

Minghua was stunned for a moment, "Can I sit directly?"

Do as you please?

"Of course it's possible." Lin Ru glanced at Xu Shoufu.

Xu Shoufu lowered his eyes and said: "You can do what your Uncle Shi says, it's okay; don't be rude in front of outsiders, and you don't pay so much attention in front of Uncle Lin."

As soon as this remark came out, Lin Ru smiled; after so many years, he still hasn't changed.

Minghua sat cross-legged as she said, it would be great not to kneel; knees, waist and feet would suffer less.

"Thank you Lin Shishu, thank you master."

"What are you being polite about?" The smile on Lin Ru's face has not faded since he came out; he raised his voice and shouted outside: "Xiao Ming, bring some snacks and tea, and ask the kitchen staff to prepare more little girls." favorite food."

"Yes!" The servant named Xiao Ming responded outside, and the footsteps sounded and disappeared quickly.

After a while, the sound of footsteps echoed again. Xiao Ming brought tea-making utensils and clean spring water on a tray;

After serving snacks, Xiao Ming withdrew from the main room.

Xu Shoufu put a plate of soft pastries in front of her, "Eat it."

Minghua grinned sweetly, "Thank you master, master is so kind."

Lin Ru chuckled, and teased, "It's different after taking in a female apprentice!"

"A girl's family can't be raised like a boy." Xu Shoufu said lightly, "This little apprentice in my family is smart or childish; he will enter Xingzhi Academy in the future, so please teach him more. The child is young, and your academy is very good. Male student, how do you settle down here?"

Lin Rudao: "Are you really going to send Minghua here? A girl's family studies with men, and if it spreads out, it will lose its reputation; even if the precautions are strict, some people will talk about it."

Xu Shoufu looked at Minghua.

Minghua hurriedly swallowed the pastry in her mouth, and said respectfully: "Uncle Lin, I can't shut up the mouths of others, but there is a saying in Buddhism: there is a Buddha in the eyes, and everything you see is a Buddha; there is a Buddha in your eyes." Dirty, everything you see is filthy."

"He is a good and transparent child." Lin Ru was pleased. Such a transparent girl should not be influenced by the outside world, right?

"She's nothing good, she's just smart." Xu Shoufu said calmly.

Lin Ru shook his head amusedly, "You! You should be proud, why didn't I receive such a lovely apprentice."

"That's because you are not destined." He would definitely not say that the closed disciple was pushed by his master.

"Minghua, you are studying abroad, is your family relieved?" Lin Ru turned to her and asked her.

Xu Shoufu smiled and signaled her to go ahead.

Minghua said: "Uncle Lin, my parents are very open-minded about this, the dynasty has changed; women can enter the dynasty, as long as they have the ability, women can also compete for that seat just like men."

"My family is not rich. When I told my parents that I wanted to study, they found a way to send me to the county school; my county school now has a girls' school, although there are not many families who are really willing to send their daughters to school. , but the first step has been taken, I think more and more women will jump out of the boudoir and step into the eyes of the world."

"Good boy." Lin Ru said with emotion, "Then have you thought about the issue of marriage in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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