Chapter 158 The Reborn Girl 88
Ji Jin returned to her original seat and sat down. When she looked up, she saw Cui Changhe secretly looking at her junior sister; she shook her head silently, but he couldn't persuade her anymore.

"Eldest senior brother, second senior brother, you are back! I don't understand here, can you understand?" Minghua pointed out to them what they didn't understand.

Ji Jin and Cui Changhe looked down and explained her confusion together.

Minghua read everything she hadn't learned one after another, and asked if she didn't understand; if the two senior brothers didn't know, then she would ask the husband, and caught up with the progress in less than two days.

Ji Jin and Cui Changhe were in crisis. Junior sister's learning ability is too strong. If they don't work hard, they may not be able to catch up. Especially Cui Changhe, he is a man. It would be too shameful if he lags behind junior sister.

No matter what the reason was, the three of them were chasing after each other to learn; they were like a sponge in the academy, constantly absorbing all kinds of knowledge.During the period, Minghua also learned riding and archery. From the time when he got on the horse, he didn't even know how to control the horse. It took less than a day to run a few games with the two of them.

Ji Jin and Cui Changhe had been bullied several times by their younger junior sisters head-on. Ji Jin was fine, but Cui Changhe was hit hard enough. After studying in the academy for half a month, Minghua obviously felt that his progress had greatly improved.When she was in the county seat, she didn’t understand that big questions could only be answered by asking many people. After all, the two female gentlemen didn’t have a broad enough vision; some questions couldn’t be answered very clearly. If you don’t understand, ask your husband. If your husband doesn’t understand, then ask Uncle Lin Shi.

She found that Lin Shishu didn't understand anything, as long as he asked, he would always give an answer.

Minghua became more and more obsessed with books. Ji Jin and Cui Changhe hadn't finished one book, but she had already finished three; Cui Changhe was so shocked that he doubted his life, and he didn't even dare to spy on Minghua too blatantly.

On the day of Muxiu, Minghua asked Ji Jin to visit a gentleman from Xingzhi Academy. He wanted to give some gifts, say good things, and then get along with him to get two letters of recommendation for his two brothers.As a result, Mr. Ren justly refused.

"Eldest brother, I'm sorry, I made you lose face by following me." Walking out of the academy, Ming Hua apologized to Ji Jin.

Ji Jin shook her head, "It's okay, you want a letter of recommendation for your two older brothers to enter Xingzhi Academy?"

"Yeah." Minghua nodded, "Eldest brother and second brother can learn in the county school, but I found that the gentlemen of Xingzhi Academy are more knowledgeable; as long as you study hard, you can always learn what you want to learn."

"That's true." Ji Jin said: "Well, you go to the master; if the master comes forward, there will only be two places! As long as your two brothers can pass the examination and have the master as the guarantee, they will definitely be able to enroll. However, then We'll have to wait until next year."

This year there is a junior junior sister, and her two elder brothers come again, not to mention anything else; many people in the academy are going to be hostile to them.

Going through the back door, it’s fine if you can conquer them intellectually; the younger junior sister has already used practical actions to shut up those who have opinions in the academy. It is impossible to have another little junior sister like this.

It is simply a dimensionality reduction blow.

Minghua was a little moved, but, "I've already made the master bother, it's not good to bother the master again."

"It's okay, next year your two older brothers will come to take part in the assessment, and the master will only serve as an introduction; no one knows if they will pass the exam, right?"

Minghua thought about it, that's right, let the master recommend it; the rest depends on the two elder brothers, "Eldest brother, you are right, go, go back and talk to the master; I hope the master will not be angry with me, I am too." I can't find anyone to help me."

"It's okay." Ji Jin rubbed her little head, "If the master doesn't agree, I'll ask my father to come forward and send your brothers to other academies; Xingzhi Academy pays attention to the atmosphere, so it's not easy to send people in, but other academies uncertain."

Minghua nodded, and together with Ji Jin and Cui Changhe, called the nephews of the four grandchildren of the Xu family; the group went back in two carriages, but the Xu family's carriage did not come to pick them up, so they could only take Ji Jin and Cui Changhe carriage.

On Minghua's side, there was another Xiao Mei walking together, so Cui Changhe took a carriage with them, and his carriage was given to the Xu family brothers.

After returning to Beijing, Minghua was not in a hurry to go home, and followed Ji Jin and others to Xu's house.

When Xu Shoufu saw them coming back, he was really surprised, "Muxiu didn't come home, why did you all come here as a teacher?"

"Master." Minghua saluted.

"Master Ann." Ji Jin and Cui Changhe saluted.

The four grandsons of the Xu family hurriedly followed to salute, "Grandfather."

"Get up." Xu Shoufu glanced at them, "You four go back to your mother to say hello first, and then take a rest. When you recover, I will come over tomorrow for an assessment."


The four grandchildren pushed me, I squeezed you, pushing and yelling out of the yard.

Xu Shoufu looked at Ming Hua, who had a cruising look in his eyes, and asked, "Tell me, what can I find as a teacher?"

"Master, you really know us very well." Ji Jin grinned happily, "I'm sorry to say so, let me speak for her; I want to get her brothers to study in the capital, you know that, Local county schools have limited resources, so you can learn more in the capital.”

"Is that so?" Minghua asked.

Minghua nodded, "Yes, master."

"What can't you say? Which academy do you want to send your two brothers to?"

Is this the meaning of not accepting the two elder brothers to go to Xingzhi Academy in disguise?

Minghua had to think more.

Cui Changhe asked: "Master, can't we arrange people to come to Xingzhi Academy? You know that Xingzhi Academy has a good atmosphere and the dean is upright."

"Xingzhi Academy, I'm afraid it won't work this year." Xu Shoufu said bluntly, "Dean Lin said that Xingzhi Academy will no longer recruit students this year; next year it will recruit five students from poor families. Participate in the assessment."

Minghua: Yes, Lin Shishu is preventing the master from filling the academy with people.

"Next year is the next year. Junior sisters will write letters back first, and we will also give them a share of our textbooks; whether they will pass the exam next year will depend on their strength." Ji Jin has no meaning for this. The four grandchildren of the family, Lin Ru accepted it for the sake of the master; the two of them actually passed the exam, "Second junior brother and I know the general scope of the exam, and I will circle it for you later."

Xu Shoufu took the time to look at the three apprentices, the boss was thoughtful; he had nothing to say to the two juniors and sisters, Cui Changhe, a child with a deep city, also had nothing to say to Minghua.However, it was also Minghua who deserved their heart and soul.

"The assessment isn't too difficult, but the five recruits next year must all be children; they won't be accepted if they don't have merit."

(End of this chapter)

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