Chapter 159 The Reborn Girl 89
It’s over.

"My eldest brother is a Tongsheng, and my second brother is not yet famous." Scratching his head, what should we do.

Ji Jin raised his eyebrows, "Your second brother can bring him to the capital and enroll in a private school in the capital for the time being; when he has a reputation, he can try to recruit students from Xingzhi Academy."

"Yes! Why do you have to go to the academy? Private schools are also possible." Minghua patted her forehead, how stupid she was, and she had a high starting point, so she lost all the hardships before, "Just do it like this, Thank you master, thank you senior brother, thank you second senior brother; I’m going back first, I want to write a letter to my father, let him supervise my elder brother to study hard at the county school, by the way, senior brother, I only have one set of books in Xingzhi Academy, you Can you have more?"

"Yes, let's go. I will go to Ji's house with me first; I will take you home after I get the books. The second junior brother will go home first and have a look. If you don't come home after Muxiu, Patriarch Cui will question you." Regarding the matter, Patriarch Cui told Cui Changhe how much father-son bond he had, but that was really not much; the main thing he valued was Cui Changhe's potential and value.

To a certain extent, Cui Changhe's whereabouts are still controlled by Patriarch Cui.

"Well, Junior Sister, I'm leaving first; see you the day after tomorrow." Cui Changhe turned his gaze, "Master, this disciple is leaving first; I'm afraid I won't be able to come for the assessment tomorrow, so please forgive me, Master."

"No problem." Xu Shoufu waved his hand.

Cui Changhe glanced at Minghua again, then turned around and took a step forward.

Minghua said goodbye to Ji Jin and Xu Shoufu, and took Xiao Mei away from Xu's house to Ji's house; the carriage stopped outside Ji's house, and Ji Jin wanted to invite her into Ji's house as a guest, but Minghua refused.

"Eldest brother, I'll leave after I get the book, and I'll visit my uncle and aunt when I have some merit."

"That's all." Ji Jin didn't force, got out of the carriage and hurried back to the yard; took some books she had read before, and brought them to her with the stock at home; packed them into a big box, and carried them into the carriage, "Little sister, Second Junior Brother won’t go to Master’s house tomorrow, so I’ll come pick you up.”

"Brother's kindness, I appreciate it; I also have a carriage at home, so don't make another trip, brother." The two families were not on the same road at all, and after Ji Jin arrived at Xiao's house, he had to go back to Xu's mansion.Moreover, her home is not far from the Xu Mansion, so it is completely unnecessary.

"Okay then, see you tomorrow."

Bid farewell to Ji Jin, and be delivered home by Ji's servant; after getting off the car, a box of books was removed, and Minghua watched Ji's carriage go away before she spoke.

"Xiao Mei, go and call your father and the others to come and help move in."

"Okay, Miss." Xiao Mei trotted into the courtyard with the baggage she brought out from the academy; she met her father at the gate of the inner courtyard, "Father."

Xiao Pingfu paused, and frowned, "Why are you alone in such a panic, what's the matter with you? Miss?"

"Father, Miss called you out to help move things."

"Moving things?" Xiao Pingfu nodded, "Okay, I'll call your brother to go with me, and you go back to accompany Miss; how can you let Miss go outside alone in such a matter, you girl is not sensible at all."

Xiao Mei pursed her mouth, why is she so ignorant; however, it's not once or twice that her father reprimanded her like this, it's just that it doesn't go too well.

Even though she was reprimanded, Xiao Mei was still in a good mood and ran to the meeting quickly.

"Miss, miss, my father said that he will bring my brother to move here in a while."

"it is good."

After waiting in place for a while, Xiao Pingfu brought his two sons over to help move the box to Xiao Leshi's yard in the second entrance courtyard; it was sent directly to Minghua's room. These books cannot be damp, so they can only be placed in her room. coming.

When you have nothing to do, you can open the box and look through the books inside.

"Sanya, what did you move just now?" Xiao Leshi heard the sound, and after Xiao Pingfu and his son left, she asked.

Seeing this, Xiao Mei exited the room obediently, leaving the baggage in the room without taking it out.

Minghua opened the box and asked Xiao Leshi to look at it together, "Look."

"Book?" Xiao Leshi stepped forward, stunned for a moment, and asked, "Did you buy it?"

"No." Shaking his head, Minghua continued: "These are all given to me by the senior brother. Today, I asked the senior brother to take me to visit a gentleman in the academy; unfortunately, I couldn't get the gentleman to agree to the brothers. Go to the academy to study"

After roughly explaining the cause and effect, Xiao Le took her daughter's hand, feeling even more guilty.

"Thank you Sanya for your hard work. Your elder brother sent so many books, did you give me any money?"

"You don't need to give money, I'll just find something good to return." It's not good to have too much division between brothers and sisters. I dare not give any good things, the best way depends on the situation, accept as much as you can, and at worst just return a gift.

These books are useless in the hands of the elder brother, and they are placed on the bookshelf as a display; she intends to give the books to her, so she keeps them and finds a chance to return a gift.It can not only shorten the relationship, but also move back and forth.

The best way for people to communicate with each other is to communicate with each other.

Xiao Leshi sighed softly, "Mother didn't think so much, that's all, I need Yin Zi to talk to Mother."

"I know, mother, I don't need it for the time being." Minghua was really thinking about what it would be good to return a gift, why not give back a peace talisman; but, the talisman she drew is the most primitive charm, powerful and natural. Also big.

It is not right to say that it is a talisman. To be precise, it is a blessed text.

In ancient times, there was no such thing as a peace talisman, and most of them were blessed verbally by those with abilities; or the words of blessing and spiritual power were imprinted into a bearing.

Later, after countless years of evolution, they became some runes of the safe talisman model that appeared later.

To put it bluntly, runes are also a kind of text.

With an idea, Minghua felt a little ready to move, "Mother, I'll fix a book for dad first, and tomorrow I'll bring the book and go to the master to help bring it back; I'll go out later and prepare a gift for the senior brother and the second senior brother." .”

"Okay, you write a letter first, and my mother will go and see what delicious food the kitchen has made; let them make you some soup to nourish your body." Xiao Leshi gently touched her daughter's face, her eyes full of letters, but her daughter To get busy, she has to work for her daughter.

Minghua spread out the rice paper, rubbed the ink and picked up the pen to write the letter; after writing what he wanted to say and what he wanted to explain, he put a hundred taels of silver bill into the envelope and sealed it with red paint.

In this era, only red lacquer can tell whether an envelope has been tampered with, and it is the only way; the current dynasty does not have such a clever method of opening envelopes, so red lacquer is a very effective method.

Sealed it up and put it in a box of books, everything was ready; without thinking about talking to mother, she got up and called Xiao Mei, and asked someone to bring the carriage and went out again.

"Miss, where are you going?" Xiao Mei lifted the curtain of the car to look out, and her goal was the street stalls that kept retreating.

(End of this chapter)

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