After eating and drinking, we walked out of Linji. It was already dark.

Minghua squinted her eyes with satisfaction and waited for the driver to drive over. After they got in the car, Minghua fell asleep directly in Yan Fu'an's arms.

Yan Fu'an felt strange. In the past, her manager was very energetic. Could it be that she was too tired from playing outside at noon today?
"Drive calmly and slowly."

"Okay, sir."

The driver slowed down. This driving speed is the most difficult test for the driver's determination and patience. Moreover, it is impossible to complete such an operation without sufficient leg strength.

The drive was supposed to take half an hour, but unexpectedly it took one and a half hours.

By the time we got home, darkness had already fallen, and only the street lights were left illuminating us, and we could vaguely see the road ahead.

The driver drove the car into the courtyard, parked it, and waited for Yanfu An to take Minghua out of the car. Then he drove to the garage. After getting out, the driver was very tired.

"What's going on? Huahua is asleep?"

Yu Youyi, who heard the noise in the backyard, came from the yard where he lived and saw his son holding Minghua. Minghua seemed to be asleep and walked all the way. No wonder Yanfu An's footsteps were a little heavy.

In the quiet night, everyone in the courtyard would know that Yan Fu'an came back with heavy footsteps.

Yan Fu'an nodded slowly, "Huahua is asleep. Mom, you and dad should go to bed earlier."

"Okay, take Huahua back quickly, don't catch a cold." Yu Youyi said with a smile, closed the courtyard door and returned to the bedroom.

Yan Fanghong looked at her, "Are they coming back?"

"It's them. They were tired from playing outside, and Huahua fell asleep."

Yan Fanghong smiled slightly and looked at his eldest grandson who was sleeping on a small bed in the same room, "They have gone on to live in a world of two, but the child Miaomiao has no sense of existence anymore."

"What are you talking about?" Yu Youyi glared at him, "Don't say such things, even if you are joking."

"Yes, yes, it's okay if I don't say anything. I'm still in a hurry." Yan Fanghong folded his hands in resignation, and then said: "Miao Miao is young now. If she still lacks the company of her parents when she grows up, she won't be close to them in the future."

Yu Youyi didn't care much, "An'an will come back to help take care of the children when he's not busy. Let's teach him well and the children will understand. Parents are busy with their own careers and can't spend all their time on him. He has limited energy. Under the circumstances, it is understandable that we cannot give him enough time to accompany him.”

"But the problem is, the children will lack love."

"I know, so when the children get older, we grandparents can just take the children to see them; we can go into Huahua's laboratory, but we rarely go there."

As for companies, they don’t just come and go.

Wouldn’t it be great to take your children to visit classes at any time and cultivate relationships at the same time?
Yan Fanghong has nothing to say. Living in today's society, it is difficult to take care of both career and family. After all, people's energy is limited. If you do well in your career, you cannot take care of your family.If the family is well managed, there will be some shortcomings in the career.

Unless the couple divides the labor and cooperates.

That's how he and his wife came here back then. His wife took care of the family and he ran a business outside. When he returned home, he had a loving wife and son, and he was very happy outside. He was living a happy life.

At that time, his wife also wanted to go out and work hard, but due to the child, she had to put down that ambition. After so many years, Yu Youyi got used to it, but he finally felt that he owed her.Therefore, try to follow her wishes when you are at home.

A marriage requires not only communication, but also mutual understanding and accommodation.

If a marriage is full of deception, insincerity, and selfishness, then the marriage will never get better. Mutual respect, mutual understanding, and mutual support are the true meaning of marriage.

There is compromise between him and his wife, mutual support, respect, and consideration.

He hopes the same for his son and daughter-in-law.

The son runs the company, and the daughter-in-law has her own career direction; if their industries cannot be integrated, one person cannot stand up and run the family.

In this case, the method mentioned by Yu Youyi is feasible. "It's up to you. When the child is older, we can take him to visit the class."

Yu Youyi smiled, "After An An could walk, I often took him to visit the company; so many years have passed, An An has grown up, got married and had children, and we have grown old."

Yan Fanghong couldn't help but follow her thoughts and think of the time when they were young and had just been married for a year; with Yan Fu'an, he was very busy at that time and could not go home many times, so she would take her son to visit the company and deliver meals. .

That was also an unforgettable memory.

"Yes! Our son got married and had children, and we are getting old. Fortunately, our life is considered complete. We have children and a happy life."

Yan Fanghong was very content with this life, and so was Yu Youyi.

The old couple chatted until midnight before falling asleep.

The next day.

Minghua got up early and wanted to run away as early as possible; but she didn't expect that she was caught by Yan Fuan when she was about to pack up and run away.

"Where do you want to go?"

The hostess looked steadily at the charming girl in front of him. The more he looked at her, the more beautiful she felt, and the more she looked at her, the more comfortable she became. This is probably the feeling that enters the heart just by looking at it. The heart is often moved by appearance, temperament, and everything external.

Humans are visual animals and yearn for beautiful things.

Minghua smiled awkwardly, "I want to go see my son. I haven't seen our Meow Meow for a day; don't you miss him?"

"I don't want to." Yan Fu'an said loudly, "Boys should be independent and self-reliant."

"Just a kind reminder, he's only a few months old and still a baby."

Yanfu An said confidently, "What's wrong with the baby? The baby is also a boy; as long as it is a boy, he should look like a boy. He has parents to take care of him."

You don't need to take care of it.

The corners of Minghua's mouth twitched, and the corners of her eyes twitched as well.

"Daughter-in-law, let's go and accompany me back to the house to change clothes and have breakfast; today we are going to the company, and I have decided to jump over the wall at noon."

Forget it, for the sake of Buddha jumping over the wall, I won’t argue with him for the time being.

Obediently, she accompanied him back to the house and watched him change into a suit. After washing herself, she let him lead her out of the courtyard. This time she left without a handbag, just a mobile phone.

"Here you are, come and have breakfast; there is bird's nest and white fungus soup that Huahua likes to eat."

Yu Youyi personally served a bowl of soup to Minghua.

"Thank you, mom." Minghua took it with both hands and sat side by side with Yan Fu'an.

Yan Fu An peeled an egg for her and put it on a small plate, and then he slowly started to eat it.

After Yu Youyi finished eating, he put down his bowl and chopsticks and did not get off the table immediately.

The same goes for Yan Fanghong.

Seeing that they were enjoying their food, Yu Youyi asked, "Huahua, are you still going to the company today?"

"Go, we'll leave in a moment." Before Minghua could say anything, Yan Fu'an said for her, "Did Miao Miao obey you yesterday?"

Minghua, who was eating breakfast, looked up. Yu Youyi smiled happily and was very kind, "When did our cat become disobedient? He is very well-behaved. Your father and I carried him out to play, and many people said He is cute and chubby, and he said our family is good at raising children."

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