The unwillingness in Luo Tiantian's heart was magnified again. She looked at Yanfu An's handsome face and tall and dignified figure. Then she looked at Di Lie next to him. His appearance was passable, not the best, and his temperament was rather ruffian.

Without comparison, there is no harm, and a comparison can cause tons of harm.

"Congratulations!" Luo Tiantian said sincerely, barely keeping the smile on her face.

Minghua smiled gently, her eyes fell on Di Lie, and she saw at a glance the system hidden in Di Lie's sea of ​​consciousness.

It's been a long time.

"Tongxi, is this your husband?"

Before Luo Tiantian's denial could be uttered, Di Lie stood up and said, "Hello, my name is Di Lie, and I am Tiantian's boyfriend. Tiantian saw you from behind just now and thought you looked familiar. She looked carefully for a long time before recognizing her. Lord you."

"Hello!" Minghua smiled brightly.

Yan Fu An only nodded lightly and had no favorable impression of these two people; Luo Tiantian had learned to calculate at a very young age back then and was very clever, and she would only become more sophisticated as she grew up.

If they could meet him on the road, they would come together. This alone confirmed her guess.

A person whom I haven't seen in more than 20 years, or even someone I don't know at all, suddenly comes up to me; why?Just getting to know each other?There were so many children in the orphanage, so she had to go up and get to know them when she met them?
This character cannot be said to be wrong, but he doesn't like it.

Di Lie straightened his spine, "You two are also here to climb the Great Wall, why don't you go together? It's fun to have company."

Minghua looked at Yan Fu An funny, Di Lie's words were quite interesting.

Isn't Yan Fu An a human being?
Yanfu An also thought of this, and immediately had a negative impression of Di Lie. After this man came, he stared at Minghua, and there was his girlfriend next to him, so he didn't know where to restrain himself.

Even if you have a purpose, you should have self-control, otherwise, you will just annoy people; people without self-control will rarely achieve great things, and even if they achieve something for a while, it will not last long.

Just like a person practicing virtue, without virtue, no matter how much you gain, you will lose it one day.

"Then together."

A party of two becomes a party of four, each with their own purposes.

They are all thinking about cheating each other.

"Minghua, how have you been spending these years? Tell me." Luo Tiantian walked to Minghua's side in a familiar manner and raised her hand to hold her arm.

Minghua broke free without leaving a trace, and then held Yan Fu'an's arm; Yan Fu'an smiled softly, letting him hold one arm, and placed the palm of his other hand on the back of her hand.

Seeing this, Luo Tiantian came closer and said, "Tell me, I heard that the Yan family is a well-known family in Sijiu City with a good family tradition. Many people want to make friends with the Yan family, even before you are married. Many girls from aristocratic families wanted to marry into the Yan family."

Minghua felt a little embarrassed by such a familiar behavior.

"Luo Tiantian, there is nothing good to say about my life in Yanjia. My parents are very good to me, and An'an is also very good to me. I have been very happy these years, with a complete family and the love of my parents."

"Speaking of which, were you adopted by an orphanage after I left?" She knew everything about Luo Tiantian; but she just didn't say anything, just asking why.

Luo Tiantian's face stiffened slightly, then returned to normal, and said with a smile: "After you were adopted, I was also adopted by my current adoptive parents soon; the family conditions are still good, and they have lived well these years. Later, I met Di Lie and we have been dating since high school."

"Then are you married?" "No." Luo Tiantian's face turned ugly again. This time she could no longer control her unwillingness to pretend; she could only end the topic abruptly, "But we are already discussing it."

Minghua seemed unaware and said calmly: "Then, congratulations in advance."

Luo Tiantian looked particularly embarrassed, and looked sideways at Di Lie; she found that his eyes had been glued to Minghua, and in an instant, countless dark thoughts flashed through her heart.When he turned to look at Minghua again, he couldn't help but feel a little gloomy.

Di Lie said at this time: "I am planning to propose to Tiantian. We have been together for more than ten years. When we get married, Mr. Yan and Mrs. Yan, please be sure to come and attend."

"Easy to say." Minghua smiled brightly, not caring about Luo Tiantian, who was not very happy.

When Fu An saw Minghua say this, he didn't stop her and just followed her words, "I will definitely be there if I have time."

"Then it's settled, I'll draw up the invitation when we get back." Di Lie smiled heartily, and Luo Tiantian lowered her eyes to hide the jealousy in her eyes.

System: [Host, give each of them something. 】

Di Lie: [I don’t have anything valuable with me, how can I give it away? 】

System: [Take it from the system space and strike while the iron is hot. As long as you give them something; if they accept it, you can start to draw their luck from what you gave away. 】

Minghua's eyes fluctuated, and she glanced at Di Lie and his system in the sea of ​​consciousness.

It was a dark, unknown thing. It was different from the systems she had seen before. She didn’t know who created this luck-seizing system. It looked ugly and had an ugly origin. It was dark and disgusting. .

I guess it would be disgusting for Chaos Clock to absorb the opponent's origin.

Di Lie: [They are rich people, what should I give to them so that they can accept it? 】

System: [There are thousand-year ginseng and ten-thousand-year Ganoderma lucidum in the system space. Give them one. The world you are in is the Dharma-ending era, and spiritual energy is thin. Only under special circumstances can a thousand-year life and ten-thousand-year Ganoderma lucidum grow.Therefore, they are very expensive and rare to people in this world. If you give them to them, they will not refuse. 】

Di Lie secretly agreed. When he pulled the backpack from behind, he thought of another question.

Di Lie: [System, for what reason should I send it out?Even if you give it away for no reason, they may not accept it!If we give money, the cause and effect between us will cease to exist. 】

It is impossible to steal luck.

When you seize someone else's luck, you cannot get back anything in return for what you give away; otherwise, if the cause and effect are cleared up, the transaction between them will not be established.

He gives others things = others give him luck.

There cannot be money or gifts in return, otherwise it will not count.

The Luck Seal System thought about it in distress, [How about letting Luo Tiantian give it away?Don’t they know each other?Luo Tiantian will definitely accept the things she sends out, right? ”]

Di Lie: [I think it’s impossible. It’s not like you don’t know Luo Tiantian’s temperament. Minghua was brought up by a wealthy family, and she’s not a woman who takes advantage of others. Luo Tiantian is different. Hands, don't make trouble with me! 】

The Luck Seizing System didn't expect this. Luo Tiantian cared about Di Lie and she didn't feel safe. She was also very pestering towards Di Lie. If she knew that she had given away such a valuable thing, Di Lie would definitely be annoyed.

Luck Seizing System: [Then you just give up? 】

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