Di Lie suddenly thought of a good idea, but naturally he couldn't give away the things.

Minghua listened to the whole conversation between the system and Di Lie and shook her head in disappointment; probably its origin was too smoked, not only its appearance was dark, but its IQ was also smoked.

The four of them climbed the Great Wall together, walking and stopping, occasionally saying a word or two; while Di Lie was thinking about how to deliver things, Luo Tiantian was already leaning against Minghua's side like a good sister, as if she was there. Wu's attempt was to seduce Fu An.

Yan Fu'an covered Minghua's hand and asked, "Huahua, are you tired?"

"A little."

"Then let's sit down and rest for a while." Yanfu An ignored Luo Tiantian, held Minghua's hand, and led her to the stone steps next to her to sit down; then she took out the hot water brought from home from her backpack, He unscrewed the lid, poured a cup of hot water and handed it to her, "Drink some water to moisten your throat."

"Thank you An An." Minghua smiled back, took a sip, and handed it to him, "Drink An An too. I see your lips are dry."

Yanfu An took her hand and drank the remaining hot water in one gulp. He smiled vaguely and said, "It tastes good. The water Huahua gave you is sweet."

Luo Tiantian was at the side and wanted to get closer, but Yan Fu An blocked her back without leaving a trace.

"Ms. Luo, my wife and I need some space alone." After saying that, he ignored her and turned to Minghua, "Huahua, I still want to drink water."

Minghua smiled indulgently, took the thermos cup filled with hot water from his hand, poured another cup and put it to his mouth.

Fu An drank the banquet with a smile, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

Luo Tiantian and Di Lie, who were watching the whole process, had gloomy eyes.

Luo Tiantian was full of hatred. Without Minghua at that time, the Yan family would have adopted her; and she would become someone like Minghua, and when she grew up, she would marry Yan Fu'an and become the daughter-in-law of the Yan family.

Instead of being adopted into a well-off family and living a hard life; when he grew up, he left his adoptive parents' home and reunited with Di Lie again. After so many years of dating, there was still no result.

Di Lie also talked about his proposal in front of them. In fact, there were no signs before.

Don't think she is a fool. Di Lie is now rich and has a medium-sized company. Surrounded by beautiful women, she has followed him for the longest time but has received the least benefit.

Luo Tiantian inadvertently glanced at Di Lie's gloomy face, and saw that he was very fond of Minghua and didn't want money, and she felt angry.

"Di Lie, look, Minghua and his wife have such a good relationship."

Di Lie couldn't completely put away the sinister look in his eyes. He suddenly listened to her words and looked at her with a storm in his eyes.

Luo Tiantian was startled, and for a moment she was frightened. She quickly looked away and focused on Minghua, secretly calming down the fear and anxiety in her heart.

"Yes! They have such a good relationship, and we will do the same in the future." Di Lie calmed down his emotions as if nothing had happened, and looked at Minghua with a little more disgust; but he was full of resentment towards Fu An.

People with good luck are really different. They have a charming wife and children, and family wealth is at their fingertips.

Minghua is such a top-notch beauty, so it is easy for her to marry Fu An; when he drains Yan Fu An's luck, he must snatch Minghua over, slowly suck away her luck, and make her his lover. people.

By then, the entire banquet family will be his, including family wealth, beauties, and everything else.

Minghua glanced at Dilie without leaving any trace, and saw all his ambitions; then he looked at Luo Tiantian, he just stared at her, and all the emotions in her eyes betrayed her.

She was curious about what Di Lie had done to make Luo Tiantian so afraid of him.

A woman who is used to being pampered should not be afraid of her boyfriend.

"What's wrong with Tiantian? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Minghua asked.

Luo Tiantian suddenly regained her concentration and shook her head in a perfunctory manner, "No, I've been walking for too long and I'm a little tired." "If you're tired, sit down and rest for a while. I'll get you water and food." Di Lie reached out to help you. .

Luo Tiantian subconsciously wanted to stroke the other person's hand away, but she held it back; now she had no better choice, and Di Lie was the only rich man she could cling to.

After sitting down, Di Lie tried his best to play the role of a man who loves his girlfriend, passing water and food.

Luo Tiantian felt a little happy in her heart. Di Lie didn't care about her, right?

Minghua saw that Luo Tiantian had changed a lot; without the Yan family's protection, she became very worldly.It's not that she's sophisticated, it should be said that this is her nature, but she hasn't shown this side before.

Lack of security, lack of love, greed for vanity, dislike the poor and love the rich
After watching it for a while, Minghua felt it was boring; after seeing some things too much, she felt bored.

"An'an, I'm done taking a rest, what about you?"

Yanfu An nodded and put the thermos cup into his backpack, "Then let's continue walking?"

"Okay, it's a rare opportunity to climb the Great Wall. Let's go as far as we can today."

Minghua finished speaking with a smile, and Yan Fu An responded.

"Luo Tiantian, we have to move forward, do you want to go?"

"Let's go." Di Lie said subconsciously.

Luo Tiantian didn't want to leave, but when she raised her head, she saw Yan Fu An's handsome face and tall figure. He seemed to be gentle and gentle, but he also had a wild nature, which was really fascinating.

In this case, she just nodded.

"Yes, let's go together." After sitting down for a while, Luo Tiantian felt really tired after standing up.

When a person is tired, once he rests, it is difficult to stand up and continue walking.

One is physically tired and the other is mentally tired.

Either way, if you continue doing the same thing, you will become uncomfortable.

"Let's go then."

Minghua glanced at Di Lie, and Di Lie caught his eye; he smiled mischievously at her, and his eyes lit up.

Spicy eyes.

Minghua quickly turned around to see Yan Fu'an wash her eyes, and took Yan Fu'an's arm.

Yan Fu'an could see all the quarrel between them. Unexpectedly, at the same time, he only held Minghua tightly in his arms and did not need her to hold his arm. He was afraid that Di Lie would come close to him.

A group of four people walked back and forth. Minghua wore loose and Zen-like clothes, which were convenient for walking and not too hot; Luo Tiantian wore tight-fitting clothes that showed off her waist in order to show off her figure.After walking for a long time, the blood in my body seemed to be imprisoned, and my whole body felt very hot.

"Luo Tiantian, have you been to the Great Wall before?"

"No, I have been very busy before and couldn't come to see you." Luo Tiantian smiled sweetly at Di Lie, "Di Lie was also abroad before, and he was also busy after he came back. This time we are able to come because we both have time. Come out and play. What about you? You and Mr. Yan should have a lot of free time, right? Have you ever walked here?"

Minghua smiled and shook her head, "We are all adults, where do we get so much free time? I have my career, and An An has An An's responsibilities."

Luo Tiantian: Then I haven’t been here either~
Then there seems to be no difference between them, right?
Rich people don't have it easy either.

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