"Dad, why didn't you mention it?" Yanqing raised her head and stared at her father.

Dad has handsome features, no wonder he can charm mom.

Yan Fu An smiled slightly and said, "Because dad ordered the meal, we need to divide the work and cooperate after eating."

Yanqing even believed that his father was taking revenge on him.

Retaliation for personal gain.

"Dad, do you think I believe it?"

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. You just need to obey and do what I'm told. What a big boy, let's go." Yan Fu'an took Minghua's hand and walked together without any concern.

The couple walked in front, while Yanqing walked behind carrying a garbage bag.

Get into the elevator and go all the way downstairs.

When Yan Qing went to throw away the garbage, Minghua looked sideways at Yan Fu'an; Yan Fu'an lowered his head and smiled softly at her, and raised his hand to pull back her hair.

"When Qingqing is still young, it is the time when we need to cultivate his self-responsibility and sense of responsibility. Let him do more work in the future; boys must be cultivated early, and we cannot wait until he has grown up to have three views before rescuing him."

"I didn't say I wouldn't let him work." Minghua rolled her eyes at him, Yan Fu An's dog nature became more and more obvious, "But if you let him do it deliberately, or even act deliberately, your son will be disgusted."

Yan Fu'an didn't take it seriously, "My son has been pampered since he was a child and has lived a good life. It's so smooth; he has to experience more. Huahua, don't worry about it. I will be responsible for training him."

Minghua: Why doesn’t she believe it so much?

"Don't worry, I will definitely train him to be a good boy who is responsible, filial and sensible."

It would be best if he could be on his own in the next ten years or so; he could take his wife out early and leave company and family matters to Yanqing.

Minghua looked sideways at her son who was walking back. He had a slight smile on his face and had developed good habits when walking. He didn't jump or be unruly, and he looked like a noble child.

Taichu was not raised crookedly in the Canghai Realm, and it should not be the case here either.

After all, they are father and son, and Yan Fu'an will not harm him; Yan Qing also understands in his heart that his father just likes to compete with him for his mother.

There are various signs that Minghua need not worry.

"Okay, train him to become a qualified heir to the group and the family."

Yan Fu'an smiled, and when he looked at Yan Qing again, he felt much more pleasing to the eye.

"Mom, Dad." Yanqing stepped forward with a warm smile, "Shall we go?"

Minghua stretched out her unheld right hand toward him, "We're going to go, let's go to the night market; there are a lot of snacks and some small toys in the night market, which are very fresh."

Yanqing nodded, holding her mother's hand, and the coldness in her eyes dissipated a little.

"Mom, can I eat the snacks from the night market? My grandparents said that the street stalls outside are very dirty; there is dust, there is saliva from people talking, and the boss guard doesn't know if it is unhygienic, so he won't let me eat from the street stalls."

"You can't eat too much, just taste it. If you like it, come back and let Master Li cook it for you. We mainly want to feel the atmosphere of the night market and light up the joy of the night market."

Yanqing nodded in understanding, "That's it! Then let's go play."

The family did not drive, and it only took more than half an hour to walk to the night market.

As night fell, bright lights lit up the streets of the night market. More and more people came out to play after dinner. When they walked into the night market, it was already crowded.

It was the first time Yanqing came to such a place, and he looked around curiously; however, he was not tall, and the family held each other's hands, so many things could only be seen from a distance.

Minghua wanted him to go and play, but the night market wasn't necessarily safe, so she didn't dare to completely let him go. "Mom, what's that shiny thing over there?" Yanqing pointed forward.

Minghua and Yanfu'an looked at his hand and saw that it was a small toy worth ten yuan. Yanqing did not have such a toy and had never seen it on TV. It was not surprising that he would be curious.

"Those are small toys that little girls like to play with."

Yanqing couldn't help but take a second look. Hearing that it was a little girl's game, he shook his head and said, "It's a girl's game. I have to like it. Mom, where is the delicious food you mentioned?"

"This way, Third Street."

Minghua smiled and led him into a food street. There were many small stalls and even some snack shops behind the stalls.

Yanqing looked left and right, the aroma of various foods filled the snack street; Yanqing, who had just eaten, was stuttering and full of curiosity and expectation for these new things.

"Mom, can you eat that?"

Yanqing pointed to the grilled chicken wings, not the whole wings, but the part with the most meat.

Minghua also likes to eat it. It has a lot of meat, doesn't clog your teeth, and has few bones. The key is that the meat here is very tough and tender, and it tastes particularly delicious.

"Okay, let's go eat some meat."

The mother and son ate and drank hand in hand, with Fu An following behind with a grim look on his face. Neither mother nor son thought of giving him a bite, and they forgot about him as they ate and laughed.

After both mother and son had eaten everything they should eat, they walked out of the snack street when they couldn't eat any more.

Yan Fu'an followed behind to pay. Fortunately, online payment is now developed; it can be completed by scanning the QR code with your mobile phone, and the cost of walking to a stall ranges from one or two hundred to several hundred.

Minghua can eat it, and Yanqing can eat it too.

They had just eaten dinner when they went out, and now they had eaten so much; they couldn't sleep when they got back?

Eating barbecue at night can easily lead to insomnia. Barbecue is a heavy-flavored food and can easily lead to heartburn.

Fu An had eaten the banquet once and knew what it felt like; the feeling of being unable to sleep at night was still fresh in his memory. From then on, he would never eat barbecue at night, even if he accompanied Minghua out.

With my mother under my control, I figured out my mother's bottom line during the banquet, let myself go, and had fun at the night market.

He just needs to be a good baby, not to get in trouble with his mother, and barely get along with his father; he can play as he pleases, and eat as he pleases.

After eleven o'clock in the evening, the night market was still in full swing, and night owls kept pouring in.

People visiting the night market come and go without stopping; those selling food are very profitable. They can earn thousands of dollars a night and are well paid.

"Son, it's time for us to go home. You have to go to school tomorrow."

It was too late, otherwise Minghua would have wanted to continue playing with Yanqing.

Children who play too little will become less clever; most of those taciturn children are because their elders at home are too strict and do not take them out to see the world.When they are really needed, they are all shy and at a loss.

When you have seen the world and experienced things that have become a habit, who would still be shy and at a loss?
Yanqing's eyes kept scanning everything around him. It was very lively and he hadn't had enough fun yet; especially the fighting car, driving a small car and colliding with people was quite fun.

"Mom, can you bring me to play with you next time?"

The longing in his eyes was almost solidified.

Minghua is so funny, this kid doesn't show off when he's not done, and he goes crazy when he plays.

"Of course, mom will come with you next time; let's go to the snack street to eat, drink, and play car crash with you."

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