Yanqing's eyes were bright and she nodded repeatedly, as if she was afraid that she would regret it.

"Okay, thank you mom."

"Thank you, I am you. Mom, I couldn't accompany you before. I will play with you more often in the future. When you go on vacation, mom will take you to see your grandparents. The mountainous scenery over there is beautiful and beautiful."


The more Minghua said, the happier Yanqing became, but Yanfu Anke was not so happy.

At the end of the day, he could feel Huahua's neglect of him; her emphasis on Yanqing made him feel uncomfortable, as if he had drank a large bowl of vinegar, sour.

After returning home, Yan Qing was taken back downstairs by Uncle Chen, and Yan Fu An held Ming Hua in his arms for a long time.

When Minghua woke up early the next morning, her whole body was sore. She looked at the man who was looking at her leisurely and contentedly with a smile. She slapped her, which was rare for him to show his face.

"Yan Fu'an, you are crazy."

"Sorry, I couldn't control it." Yan Fu'an hugged her and coaxed her, not forgetting to massage her.

Don't even think about trying to comfort her.

Minghua struggled to get up and wanted to take a shower, but found that her body was clean and there was no discomfort.

"Huahua, don't move, I'm not going to the company today." Holding his wife in his arms, Yan Fu relaxed physically and mentally and rubbed her neck, "Go on to sleep. Let's go out to play when we wake up."

No banquet.

Yanfu An's abacus hit loudly, and Minghua slapped him again, "Your abacus hit me in the face."

An uncanny remark made Yan Fu An laugh.

He leaned over and hugged the person without letting go, "Daughter-in-law, wife, madam, you still understand me; our son is like a light bulb, so bright that he blinds his eyes."

"No matter how bright he is, he's still your son. Who told you to only care about having fun?"

She couldn't say the next words, but she also had the responsibility. She originally thought that the banquet Fu An was from Li Jie, and the two of them were in a special situation, so they shouldn't have children.

Who knew it would come so quickly.

I don’t know if it was intentional by Heaven or Dao.

She couldn't figure it out, so she didn't bother to delve into it because it was hurting her brain.

"Okay, it's all my fault."

"It's not entirely your fault." Minghua felt embarrassed after saying it with her heart full of tangles.

When her attitude softened, Yanfu An began to push her further, pestering her not to get up. She also ordered meals when eating, and had three meals a day delivered to her door.

She finally got up to wash up, and was going to watch TV to kill time and play with her mobile phone. However, she was pestered by Yan Fu'an and couldn't move on the sofa. Seeing Yan Fu'an becoming extremely pestering, she could only sigh.

After spending the day in boredom, Minghua felt that Yanfu An's pestering level should be a little better, right?

However, at night, when Yanqing came to look for her, she didn't find her any better.

They had dinner together, and after the banquet was cleared, she was tortured all night again.

After agreeing to her son that she would go out to play with him, Minghua struggled to get up. Yan Fu'an did not stop her; instead, he helped her carry her bags and saddle up.

It took Minghua a long time to recover from her sore body.

She couldn't help but glare at the man next to her, and when she saw her son happily playing back and forth on the climbing frame, her expression softened.

"Are you still tired? Let's find a place to sit down and rest for a while, and I'll buy you milk tea." Banquet Fu An was eager to please and did everything right.

However, Minghua was tortured so hard that she didn't treat him well.

"Don't be angry, okay? I won't make trouble for you today; Huahua, look at me." Yanfu'an used Yanqing's coquettishness and cuteness, but he was an adult and couldn't act cutely, he could only act like a baby.Minghua had no choice but to leave him alone, "Next time you don't know how to control yourself, you can sleep in the study by yourself."

"Okay, you must exercise moderation." That's weird.

If he is restrained, it will not be called a banquet.

It's annoying enough to have a son wandering around in front of him every day. In the past, his wife followed him and had little control over his son, and he was in a peaceful mood. Now, his son has received more love from his wife, and he can only ask for some benefits at night.

"I want taro milk tea. Qingqing hasn't had milk tea yet. I want to buy him something lighter."

"Okay, is there anything else you want to eat?" Banquet Fu An Qingsheng asked.

Minghua pondered for a while, "Let's see if there are any cleaned fruits. Buy some fruits to eat."

"Okay." Yan Fu'an found a bench with a good view for her to sit down. From here, she could see Yan Qing, who was laughing freely while playing, "Huahua, please don't wander around and wait for me to come back."

Minghua glanced at her son and nodded perfunctorily to Fu An's instructions.

Fu An sighed and left.

After he had taken several steps, Minghua turned to look at him; however, he seemed to have eyes on his back, and when Minghua looked at him, his eyes met his gaze when he turned back.

Minghua blinked subconsciously, and then looked away.

Yan Fu'an smiled slightly and went to the milk tea shop with satisfaction.

He queued up to buy two cups of milk tea, paid and walked back; in the distance he saw Yanqing running out of the amusement park, and he couldn't help but quicken his pace.

"Huahua, I bought the milk tea. Drink it while it's hot." Holding the taro milk tea.

Minghua took it with one hand and glanced at the other cup of milk tea in his hand. It was packed in a bag and she couldn't see what kind of milk tea it was.

"What kind of milk tea did you buy for Qingqing?"

"The milk tea is not very light, so I bought a cold drink for Yanqing."

Minghua moved her mouth, nodded and smiled, taking a sip of the milk tea with a strong taro milk aroma; she squinted her eyes slightly in comfort, she rarely drank milk tea, and it was a rare treat to drink it once.

"Mom, Dad, I'm back."

Yanqing rushed over.

Minghua lowered her eyes and saw that Yanqing's forehead was covered with sweat, "Run slowly, I see you are sweating profusely."

Pulling Yan Fu'an's arm, she pulled him over; she put milk tea into his hand, took the handbag in his hand, found a small pack of toilet paper from it, took out one piece and wiped Yan Qing's face. of sweat.

"Slow down next time. You're sweating. It's easy to catch a cold when you're hot and cold."

"Thank you, Mom, Mom, I love you." Yanqing hugged her mother's hand to wipe his sweat with emotion, and Yanqing smiled happily.

It turns out that the feeling of being favored by his mother is so good. He wants his mother to always favor him like this; he wants a preference that even his father does not have, so he feels sorry for his father.

"Mom, the amusement park over there is so much fun." Still wanting to win favor, he pointed at the many entertainment items in the venue and shared them happily, "I went to ride the slide and the rocking horse just now; Mom, have you ever played there? These?"

"Mom used to play when she was a child. Your father brought me here to play." Minghua knelt down and stroked her son's fair face, her eyes filled with love and guilt. "Your father and I would occasionally go to the amusement park to play on weekends when we were children. Although it’s not a playground here, there are still these entertainment projects.”

Yanqing nodded, "Mom, you and your father were so happy when you were a child! Are your grandparents coming with you?"

"No, your grandpa was very busy at that time, and grandma had to take care of the family. If we wanted to go out to play, we could ask the bodyguards at home to take us out to play. With your father accompanying us, your grandparents would be very relieved."


How can my grandparents feel relieved when my father is such an unreliable person?

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