"Very good." Nodding lightly, Daozu glanced at Minghua, "Your son is studying my calligraphy outside, and I saw it. He has beautiful features, clear eyes, and a resolute heart. He is a good boy."

Tongtian slightly curled his lips, looked at Minghua, and said, "You and Hua'er have surprisingly consistent views."

"Oh?" Daozu looked at Minghua again.

Minghua smiled and said, "You are a good boy if you don't do anything that breaks the law or violates the precepts or violates ethics and morality."

Daozu nodded in amusement.

"If you are not crooked, you are a good child. You should teach your child well. It seems that his current cultivation level is not low. His foundation is solid and he will be able to make further progress in no time."

"It's still early." Tongtian didn't care, "He's so tired."

However, Dao Ancestor shook his head, "He was born tens of thousands of years ago, and it is already remarkable that he has achieved this level of cultivation. He is much better than you, and his temperament is better than yours."

Minghua smiled and listened to them.

"Master, Honghuang is different from my Canghai Realm; Canghai Realm is inclusive and very tolerant." Honghuang is not like this.

Before the Taoist ancestors became saints, those with the highest cultivation level in the ancient world were quasi-sages; however, these quasi-sages existed when the Taoist ancestors were monitoring the way of heaven. When the Taoist ancestors retreated and the way of heaven was under supervision, the highest level of cultivation could only reach Daluo Jinxian.

In other words, the way of heaven at that time restricted the advancement path of early prehistoric creatures.

Under the restrictions, Sanqing could only cultivate to the perfection of Daluo Jinxian, and could not go any further; later, when Taoist became a Taoist and preached in Zixiao Palace, Heavenly Dao relaxed its restrictions.

While opening up the promotion path for the Heavenly Saints, he also misled the promotion paths of the three thousand innate gods, causing the Three Pure Ones to become Heavenly Saints before they had finished killing the three corpses.

Nuwa and the two saints of the West are both in the middle of the game, and they are also the turtles in the urn.

Taoist ancestors have long understood the words of Tongtian, "Today's prehistoric times do not prohibit the realization of Tao and Hunyuan."

"It's only because you came to power that you didn't prohibit it." Tongtian also had resentment towards the imprisoned Heavenly Dao; however, he finally imprisoned the Heavenly Dao, "But then again, Master, don't you want to merge with the Heavenly Dao?"

His thief look made Dao Zu couldn't help laughing, and he nodded his chin, "You! You are still so tired."

Tongtian immediately changed his face and spoke seriously.

"Master, please give me some face. At least your apprentice's wife is still here."

Daozu couldn't help laughing.

Tongtian was very happy, it was rare to see his master smile so openly.

Daozu smiled enough and then said: "I'll give you some face. As for the way of heaven, it's almost integrated."

"What about your cultivation level?"

"Now we are at the ninth level of the Heavenly Dao Realm, and beyond that is the Hunyuan Wuji Realm."

The paths to Tongtian and Taozu are different, but they lead to the same destination; when they reach a certain state, they will naturally pass through the hurdles of the Hunyuan Wuji state.

Tongtian nodded, "Then it's time for you. After reaching the Hunyuan Wuji Realm, you should pay attention to him."

Just point your finger into the chaos.

However, Daozu understood it and looked at him several times in surprise, unable to see through his cultivation level.

"What is your current level of cultivation?"

"I just jumped out of the Dao realm, and I almost got tricked." He was already married, and the Dao arranged some love affairs for him, and tortured him to the point of death.

After Minghua left, Yan Fu'an really felt that life was worse than death; and he couldn't accompany her. Fortunately, there was a bracelet she left behind, which finally gave him some comfort. The presence of the bracelet felt like she was by his side.

"Congratulations." Daozu is really happy for his disciple. He is better than his master. This is probably what every master wants to see. "You have broken out of the rules of the Dao. Where is Taiqing Yuqing?"

Tongtian shook his head, "I don't know about that. I haven't seen my two brothers for several years; I don't know what their current level of cultivation is."

"I guess it won't be too bad."

Daozu smiled, and looked at Minghua again, smiling even more happily.

"We have a lot of talented people in this line, and all of them are gifted; one is you, one is Taiqing, one is Yuqing, one is Minghua, and there are also your direct disciples. They are all good, and your Jie taught them back then. There are many catastrophes. According to the original trajectory set by Heaven, the great religion will be destroyed and you will be imprisoned by Heaven."

Tongtian laughed, "Now it seems that the way of heaven is gone. Is this the theory of cause and effect? ​​Hahaha."

"Yeah!" Tiandao wanted to plot against him, but the plot failed and he was killed instead. This was the result of the cycle of karma and retribution.

Today's heaven has become his origin, and it is his good corpse that controls the prehistoric world.

Fuxi's statement that it is He and not Him is correct.

"Congratulations to Master here. I wish Master will attain Hongmeng soon."

Daozu happily accepted, "Yes, you take the first step and I will come later."

The path he chose was different from the path chosen by his disciples and descendants; in the beginning, he and Tiandao were planning to plot against each other. Tiandao wanted to plot against his body, while he wanted to plot against the origin of Tiandao.

Just each other.

As it turns out, he succeeded.

The key to his success lies in Minghua. It may not seem like a big deal, but without Minghua's appearance, Jiejiao will be defeated; Tongtian will definitely be imprisoned, Xuanmen will be unbalanced and fall, and his own destiny will be destroyed. Influence.

If you are not lucky enough and your cultivation level is not up to the Heavenly Dao, it will only be a matter of time before the Heavenly Dao takes over your body.

Minghua's appearance saved Tongtian, Jiejiao, and even the entire Xuanmen; the efforts she made seemingly for herself and for her master, Tongtian, actually benefited the entire Xuanmen in the end.

Therefore, Daozu liked this disciple very much; now it is his disciple's wife.

She dares to think and act, is willing to take risks, is open-minded, kind and upright; she has a big heart and a lot of love.

As for the direct disciples of Jiejiao, except for Duobao who now has a heart of great love, none of them have.

Of course, Donghua does not count.

Donghua said it was a great love, rather it was a great love formed by many factors; this great love is not pure, but it is also very rare.

There are few practitioners who are willing to be bound by rules. Tongtian is one, Minghua is the second, Donghua is the third, and the fourth is Duobao.

"Master, your three corpses are in charge of the prehistoric world now, right?" Tongtian asked with a slight smile.

Daozu nodded, "Yes, good corpse."

"Then why don't you travel to the outside world? The outside world is very exciting." Tongtian advised. Working behind closed doors will not last long.

It was only when he began to travel through the small world that he deeply understood the true meaning of this truth. No matter how much he looked down on the outside world, the outside world was always a place for people to experience.

In the ancient world, they were saints, their cultivation reached the sky, and they had countless innate conditions; in the outside world, they were nothing but their spiritual cultivation.

And this is nothing, it happens to be the best moment for them to break through the realm.

Tongtian benefited a lot, Minghua became a Taoist because of this, and he also wanted Taozu to know; even if he just went to take a look at the world outside the prehistoric times, he believed that Taozu would see the benefits and take action.

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