"There are many worlds outside the ancient world, and we really should go and explore them." Daozu thought about the feasibility of Tongtian's words.

Tongtian said with a smile: "Master, you know that Hua'er and I have received a lot of benefits from the outside world; our luck and merits are very rich, and once there is a breakthrough in the state of mind, our cultivation will also be greatly improved after we come back. improvement."

Daozu was thoughtful.

"It was Hua'er who was the first to embark on the path of traveling through small worlds and made contributions to the evolution of other small worlds, thus gaining great merit and luck." Tongtian kept up his efforts.

Daozu nodded and looked at Minghua, "When the Chaos Bell passed through the wilderness and entered Chaos, I also knew about it; I just never thought that Minghua went to other small worlds."

Tongtian said proudly and confidently: "If it weren't for Minghua's presence, your disciple wouldn't know what he would be like right now."

"Have self-awareness." Give affirmation.

As soon as Daozu's words came out of his mouth, Minghua smiled. Then he saw that Tongtian was not ashamed but proud, with a proud look on his face and he even smiled.

Daozu didn't pay attention to Tongtian's actions, and he should be proud of it; he just turned his eyes to Minghua and asked with a bit of humility.

"Minghua, would you like to talk about the world outside the territory?"

"Of course it is possible." Minghua nodded, picked a few different worlds and spoke slowly, "Generally speaking, other small worlds need to evolve, and some of these small worlds are terminally ill and require external intervention; and ours The appearance is exactly what their world needs. As long as they negotiate a cooperation plan and cooperation obligations with Tiandao, they can do whatever they want when they enter the small world."

Daozu listened carefully, and he took all these words in; every world needs to evolve, such as their prehistoric world, and the direction of evolution is towards Hongmeng.

The closer one is to Hongmeng, the higher the level; and for the time being, no one knows what will happen after reaching the level of Hongmeng world, but they know that the process of evolution is not a one-step process.

"In this way, the development process and progress of each small world are different, and the direction is also different."

Minghua nodded, "Exactly, some have gone awry in the evolution process, and are even heading towards extinction."

After Minghua finished speaking, Tongtian also spoke.

"Three thousand great worlds, three thousand worlds within a thousand worlds, and three thousand small worlds; there are many small worlds that are going to perish, and there are very few people who have the ability to turn the tide. If Master is willing to go, it will not be difficult."

Daozu laughed at him, "You don't have to flatter me, the small world is indeed worth visiting."

The good corpse performs its duty as the prehistoric world in place of the way of heaven, and its true body, evil corpse, and id corpse can all go to the small world.

Knowing that Daozu had been persuaded, Tongtian stopped speaking; instead, he listened to Minghua and his master discussing the development process of the small world and the various deviations that would occur during the development process.

Impermanence is always around in the world, even if it is the way of heaven; even if He has planned the direction of the world, he may not necessarily follow this plan, but will undergo some changes with the arrival of impermanence.

If Heavenly Dao has no ability to cope, or lacks the ability to cope, it will be a disaster for the world.

In particular, it is not advisable to choose a son of luck or a daughter of luck. Is it appropriate to put the hope of the world on a man and a woman?

It's like child's play.

"What do the heavens in those small worlds think?" When luck is imposed on the selected people, doesn't it mean that all hopes for evolution fall on the two people with the most luck?

With such a stupid way of heaven, he didn't find it strange that those small worlds perished.

If it were him, he would definitely not impose destiny on a certain person; just like the ancient Heavenly Way, he only cooperated with him at the beginning, and he was not the only partner.

The object chosen by Heaven is also the Demon Ancestor Rahu.

Whoever wins between them will be the spokesperson of heaven.There is a conspiracy behind the spokesperson of Heaven.

Demon Ancestor Luohu and Taoist Hongjun knew that this deal was unfair to them; but they had no choice. They were born in this world and could not transcend the way of heaven. They could only follow the established path of heaven.

As for whether the final set trajectory will change, it depends on the ability of the winner.

It turns out that things always come faster than planned.

Tongtian shook his head and said that he didn't know either, "Master, I think we should not discuss the brain circuits of other people's Xiaotian Dao. If we can figure out their brain circuits, will we still have a chance to earn merit?"

"Yes." Daozu accepted it well.

At this time, Minghua took out the pastries she had stored and the tea-making tools; she had no shortage of the Enlightenment tea leaves for tea. After the Enlightenment tea tree transformed, she did not take the body with her, but placed it in the In his paradise.

Wu Daocha has all the love for Minghua that she has for her descendants. The Cave Heaven Paradise does not fortify Minghua; Minghua can enter if she wants, so she has no shortage of Wu Dao Tea.

Enlightenment tea is paired with pastries made from heaven and earth spiritual creatures. One bite is a breath of spiritual energy, and Taozu enjoys it.

Minghua asked with a smile, "Daozu, are the pastries still to your liking?"

"Yes, it's sweet but not greasy, and has its own flavor. I've never had it before in the prehistoric times. Is it a specialty of your Canghai Realm?"

"It's not a specialty. I asked the immortal servants to make it. It uses the heaven and earth spiritual things from the Canghai Realm. It's good as a snack to kill time on weekdays." Minghua took some out and put them on the table. "You can keep some if you like. "

Daozu accepted it politely and waved his hand; all the pastries on the table disappeared.

There was a smile on Tongtian's lips, and the smile in his eyes became more and more obvious. He raised his eyelids and looked at Minghua, whose eyes were so gentle that they were shining. Minghua smiled back, and gave two ounces of enlightenment tea to Daozu.

"Eating snacks without drinking tea lacks a bit of flavor. Please keep some Wu Dao tea leaves. On weekdays, you can drink and play when you have nothing to do. If you are free, go to Canghai Realm for a walk. Canghai Realm is now a super big world. , very prosperous.”

"Okay." Daozu accepted it and wrote a handwritten letter. The letter turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the chaos.

Minghua and Tongtian saw it but didn't ask.

Accompanying Daozu, he chatted about everyday things, talked about everything, and talked about various experiences in the small world and things in the Canghai Realm. They chatted for a long time without realizing it.

It wasn't until a powerful aura entered the Zixiao Palace that the three of them stopped talking.


Minghua suddenly became alert.

Daozu smiled and said: "An old friend, today, when Taichu comes, I must let this old friend come to see me."


"No need to say more, he said it the last time he was here, it's time to meet your children; what kind of miraculous things the saint's children are, you should gain experience and open your eyes." Daozu raised his hand to interrupt Tongtian's unfinished words.

Minghua and Tongtian are clear.

As expected, the person who came in was Taoist Yangmei.

Now, Tongtian can see through the realm of cultivation of Taoist Yangmei at a glance. Taoist Yangmei is still in the Hunyuan Daluojin Fairyland; the next step is Hunyuan Wuji.

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