Tian's wife is fierce

Chapter 122 Sit directly on Yu Datangmei

Chapter 122 Sit directly on Yu Datangmei (Eighth)

Chapter 122 Sit directly on Yu Datangmei (Eighth)
Hit in the middle of the stomach, it will hurt, but it won't hurt so much that you can't straighten your waist, if it's two inches above...

A picture flashed in Yu Jiaoruan's mind. She was short, and when the opponent rushed, her knees were bent at [-] degrees, and she hit Da Zhuang hard two inches above Da Zhuang's stomach.

Da Zhuang couldn't stop him from rushing forward at all. He wanted to hide, but he couldn't dodge, and directly sent his stomach to Yu's soft knees and waist.


Da Zhuang was knocked directly to the ground, clutching his stomach, his face distorted in pain, and rolling on the ground.

From Da Zhuang, she received ninety points of essence with anger, and she was only ten points away from Da Zhuang's emotion of wanting to kill someone.

She not only received the work essence from Da Zhuang, but also from other people present.

Da Zhuang didn't come by himself, but brought a group of brothers with him.

Yu Jiaoruan looked at these people, and finally set her gaze on the lobby girl.

Aunt Yu rushed to the county seat, and she went to report the news of the death of Mrs. Yan, and after the government knew the news, it would re-enter Yu Jiaoruan's name into Yu's household registration.

As for whether Mrs. Yan is dead or not... the horse thieves are gone, and Mrs. Yan still hasn't shown up. They probably think that something happened to Mrs. Yan, so she can't come back. As for the others...

Sister Yu realized the danger and turned around and fled.

But Yu Jiaoruan would not give Miss Yu the chance to escape, so she rushed over to arrest him and grabbed Miss Yu's back collar.

Miss Yu Datang turned around and grabbed Yu Jiaoruan with her nails: "Let me go!"

Yu Jiaoruan directly pulled the back collar of sister Yu in the lobby and threw it at Kong.

Miss Yu Datang was thrown into the air, and hit the ground heavily with a "bang--".

The moment Yu the lobby girl was thrown away, Yu Jiaoruan received another wave of work essence.

A group of strong men who followed Da Zhuang were all dumbfounded, this, this, this...

Miss Yu Datang fell to the ground, she was dizzy, and before she could recover, Yu Jiaoruan grabbed her by the front collar again.

Yu Jiaoruan sat directly on Yu Datangmei.

"Yu Jiaoruan..." Yu Datangmei yelled weakly.

Yu Datangmei wanted to reprimand Yu Jiaoruan and drive Yu Jiaoruan away, but it was useless.

Yu Jiaoruan struck again, this time, she slapped Yu Datangmei directly in the face.

There was a "click" sound that seemed to be cut off, and sister Yu realized that she could no longer open and close her mouth to speak!Harazi dripped from the corner of his mouth uncontrollably.

Yu Jiaoruan avoids Ha Lazi, and shoots left and right in the face of the big cousin sister.

"Clap clap clap..."

"Ah woo woo woo..."

Sister Yu wanted to speak, but couldn't form a sentence.

She reached out to grab Yu Jiaoruan's arm, trying to peel Yu Jiaoruan off her body.

Yu Jiaoruan slapped Yu Dajie's hands away with two "slaps" with her hands, and then stepped on Yu Datangmei's hands with her feet!

The more Miss Yu's hand struggled to get it out from under her soft feet, the harder it was stepped on and the more painful it was.

Sister Yu couldn't control her tears, and when she looked at Yu Jiaoruan, she no longer dared to be domineering!There is pleading in the eyes.

However, Yu Jiaoruan didn't intend to be soft-hearted, so let it go!
"Clap clap clap..."

On both sides of Miss Yu Datang's face, she couldn't tell how many slap prints had been superimposed on her. Yu Datang's eyes were dazed from the beating, and she no longer struggled.

And those strong men felt that this was an opportunity, so they quietly touched it from behind the delicate body, and stretched out their hands to grab it with one bow from left to right.

This has to be held back, no matter how strong Yu Jiaoruan is, it is impossible to escape from the hands of a group of strong men!

(End of this chapter)

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