Tian's wife is fierce

Chapter 123 Throwing Stones at People

Chapter 123 Throwing Stones at People (Part [-])
Chapter 123 Throwing Stones at People (Part [-])
Someone was approaching from behind, Yu Jiaoruan noticed it, and felt that the air pressure was brought to her by the wind, she threw herself forward and turned somersault, avoiding the person caught by the person behind her.

The action is neat and tidy.

She stood up and looked up, just in time to see the big man standing behind the door holding a stone in his hand and throwing it at the two strong men who were stretching out their arms to hold him up.


"Who the hell plotted against me?!"

There was a shout, and the two people who were stoned turned their heads. At this time, there was no one in the gate of Yan's house. Behind the two strong men were their own people.

Yu Jiaoruan reached out and grabbed a handful of stones, facing the seven men blocking her door.


Yu Jiaoruan's aim was surprisingly accurate, even if someone found out that Yu Jiaoruan was throwing rocks at them, they all avoided, but they didn't dodge, and were hit several times in a row.

"Bitch, you dare to treat me like this, let's see how I deal with you in the future!"

Yu Jiaoruan's men didn't stop smashing the stones, and continued to smash them, passing through the center of the seven people and returning to the gate of Yan's house.

At this time, the horse had already been saddled, and standing inside the gate of Yan's house, it was just as soft as riding on it and then ready to set off.

The seven strong men didn't expect that Yu Jiaoruan would dare to join them directly. This is fine, isn't this challenging their authority? !
Immediately, the seven of them stretched out their hands to grab Yu Jiaoruan.

And Yu Jiaoruan can always avoid their hands by turning sideways or short!

Much more than that.

Yu Jiaoruan not only dodged their palm-like claws, but also counterattacked them!
When Yu Jiaoruan turned sideways, she threw the stone in her hand at the waist and eyes of one of them, and the person who was hit at that time fell to one side, rolling on the ground covering her waist and eyes in pain, unable to get up !
When Yu Jiaoruan hits people with stones, he always hits the vital point!

Seven people, fourteen hands!There was another one who was directly smashed and dislocated his fingers, but he didn't catch Yu's delicate clothes with one hand!

The seven of them clutched their respective wounds, their faces turned blue from the pain, and couldn't believe that the little girl they saw was really the weak little girl in the rumors? !
She harvested two hundred and fifty points of essence with resentment from these seven people.

Yu Jiaoruan took a look at the seven people and closed her eyes.

She can't waste it, she only has more than [-] points of work essence now, and if she wants to open the door of the thirteenth magic house, she can get [-] points of work essence, and collect as much as she can.

Yu Jiaoruan returned to the gate of Yan's house, turned her head, and looked at the big man standing in the courtyard.

The big guy stood like a tree by the wall behind the door, which couldn't be ignored, but it was amazing that he didn't have any sense of existence. Except for Yu Jiaoruan, none of the people outside the courtyard noticed him.

She didn't want the big guy to see her as a showman, but in the next moment, she immediately looked at the seven people outside the door with a weak and innocent look.

She said helplessly, "I... was also forced by you."

The seven of them stared at Yu Jiaoruan as if they had stepped on shit, suffocating for a while.

"Is this how the rumor of your weakness came about?" Someone among the seven couldn't help asking.

Yu Jiaoruan puffed up her cheeks, like a cute little hamster, she said straightforwardly: "I'm already weak."

Sure enough, these people kept providing her with essence value.

——Add fifty to the spirit value of those with anger.

——The fine value of the work with resentment will be increased by [-].

——Add ninety-nine to the essence value of those with hate emotions.


Yu Jiaoruan suddenly raised her head and looked at the strong man whose fingers were only dislocated by her injury. She could understand anger, resentment, unwillingness and other similar emotions, but why did she hate her?Adding ninety-nine points to the essence value, she is only a little short of the essence value from wanting her to die!
(End of this chapter)

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