Chapter 175
After hitting the copper basin, Mo Wushuang went to the northwest this time.

Sitting in the copper basin, she couldn't help sighing, although the appearance of this copper basin is a bit frustrating, but it is really easy to use. If it can build a foundation in the future, it will be really nice to re-sacrifice this magic weapon. It can be used directly as a flying weapon.

Thinking of this, she became depressed again, thinking whether she should learn to forge or not. It would be a troublesome thing if she didn't know how to forge. Looking at her little arms and legs, she could only think about it.

I heard that the hammers and other refining tools used by the craftsman weighed thousands of kilograms, so she probably couldn't handle them with her thin arms and legs.

Half a day later, Mo Wushuang stopped on a small island. She frowned as soon as she landed on the island. Her spiritual sense observed that there were people on the island, and they were people who went out to sea with her in a boat.

It was that baby-faced female cultivator, who was being besieged by two other cultivators at this time, a man and a woman, who were also on the same boat.

Mo Wushuang also paid attention to these two people when they were on the boat. They should be a Taoist couple, and now they are teaming up to rob.

Mo Wushuang raised his eyebrows, restrained his breath, and slowly approached the three of them.

The fight between the three of them was very intense. For the Taoist couple, the man was at the seventh level of qi training, while the woman was at the sixth level of qi training.

And the baby-faced girl is also at the seventh level of Qi training, so it is mainly the man and the baby-faced girl who fight again, and the other female cultivator, who is a soy sauce, throws a talisman or two from time to time to attack the girl.

Under such circumstances, the baby-faced female cultivator did not lose the slightest bit, obviously she had a lot of fighting skills experience.

There was already a hint of anxiety on the man's face.

His lips moved, as if he had sent a message to the female cultivator on the side. The female cultivator gritted her teeth, nodded, and took out a lightning talisman.

I saw that the female nun made a seal with her hands, and forced out a drop of blood essence from the center of her eyebrows. The blood essence merged into the Thunder Light Talisman, and the color of the Thunder Light Talisman suddenly became bright red.

The woman lifted it up and wanted to throw the talisman over.

Seeing this scene, the baby-faced female cultivator's expression changed, and she wanted to pull back, but the man sneered and refused to give her this chance at all.

Just when the baby-faced female cultivator thought she was about to turn into a coke, she heard a scream.

It was the woman who threw the talisman with a dagger stuck straight into her chest.

That's right, it was Mo Wushuang who made the shot. She was not a person who likes to meddle in other people's business, but at that moment she didn't know why she still made the shot.

Now that she has already made a move, she will not regret it, and walked out of the grass directly. When the baby-faced nun saw her, she was extremely puzzled, and felt relieved.

The male cultivator wanted to run away when his Taoist companion was arrested, but the two of them would not let him go.

Mo Wushuang attacked with a wave of divine sense, and the man let out a scream and covered his head with his hands, and fell down with pain on his face, bleeding from his seven orifices, and he couldn't breathe.

Seeing Mo Wushuang's methods, the baby-faced female cultivator felt a little apprehensive, but she still smiled at her: "Thank you, fellow daoist, for your help. My name is Ling Yue."

Mo Wushuang also smiled at her: "Mo Wushuang."

"Mo Wushuang, the unparalleled beauty, what a nice name."

Mo Wushuang was noncommittal, "Where were you just now?"

Ling Yue smiled helplessly: "What else could it be? These two people have been with me for several days. How can this sea beast be so easy to hunt? They go to sea, but they just want to rob and place orders. It’s just a monk, isn’t this kind of thing a common occurrence, and it’s nothing.”

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(End of this chapter)

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