Chapter 176 Fire Sun Fish

Mo Wushuang nodded knowingly, none of the monks who dared to come to Qingzhou Island was a flower in the greenhouse.

This woman can see clearly.

Ling Yue walked over and put away the storage bags of the two, and threw them into Mo Wushuang's hands without thinking, "This is yours."

Mo Wushuang also saw that this woman named Ling Yue was a straightforward person, so she accepted it without being shy.

Ling Yue: "It looks like you are a few years younger than me, and your cultivation level is higher than mine. It really hurts your self-esteem."

Mo Wushuang was taken aback, she didn't expect her to say this so directly, and she didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Ling Yue smiled: "After a fight, I'm hungry, do you want to eat?"

"Okay, that's exactly what I mean."

Ling Yue casually threw out two fireballs and burned the bodies of those two people.

When the two came to the beach, Mo Wushuang put the grill on the grill habitually, while Ling Yue took out two large sea fish, which seemed to have died not long ago.

Ling Yue: "I just wanted to have a delicious meal, but I met those two people who have no eyesight. What a disappointment."

Mo Wushuang took the fish, skillfully disemboweled the fish, took out the internal organs, coated with oil, sprinkled with salt, and roasted on the fire.

Looking at her familiar movements, Ling Yue's eyes lit up, "I didn't expect you to be a fellow."

"You can't lose anything, you can't lose your stomach, right?"

"that's right."

Mo Wushuang took a bite of the grilled fish, and as soon as the fish entered his stomach, there was a warm feeling between the viscera.

She was slightly surprised.

Ling Yue noticed the expression on her face and raised her eyebrows, "Do you feel that the dantian is warm?"

Mo Wushuang nodded, "What kind of fish is this?"

"It's called the fire-yang fish. It's a good thing, but it's not easy to catch. It took me a lot of effort to get these two. The meat of the fire-yang fish is a great tonic for monks with fire roots. I thank you for your kindness."

Mo Wushuang rolled his eyes, "Just such a fish wants to get rid of me."

Ling Yue laughed out loud upon hearing this.

Although this is the second meeting between the two, they hit it off quite well, chatting while eating fish.

After eating the two fish, Ling Yue stood up, "It's almost time, I should go, see you later."

Mo Wushuang was also indifferent, "I hope that when I see you next time, you won't be hunted down."

Ling Yue glared at her, then turned around and left gracefully.

Mo Wushuang didn't look back either, she knew that this woman was still on guard against her, and she must have suffered a lot of injuries in the battle just now.

It's not easy to keep talking and laughing happily with myself for so long, and now I should find a place to heal my injuries.

After Ling Yue left, Mo Wushuang set up a defensive formation, tried to run the exercises several times, and digested the heat in his body just now.

After a few weeks, she found that the spiritual power in her body had increased a lot, and her cultivation speed was no worse than that of taking the elixir. You must know that you can't take too much of this elixir.

Eating too much elixir will produce erysipelas, and it will also cause the foundation to be unstable, which will still have great disadvantages for future cultivation, but it is different to directly eat the meat of sea beasts, which will not have any impact.

Thinking of this, Mo Wushuang rubbed his chin, and decided to catch a few more Huoyang fish for the Daya Festival.

The two Huoyang fish that Ling Yue just took out were obviously caught not long ago, which means that this sea area
There is the existence of fire yang fish.

Mo Wushuang licked his lips, put away his defensive formation and jumped into the sea.

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(End of this chapter)

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