Mo Wushuang frowned, wondering why this man's attitude had become so weird, as if he was different from the man in his memory.At the same time, she also felt dizzy, she even forgot where she was and what she was doing.

Her mind was a little confused.

Mo Wushuang shook his head, feeling a little, the spiritual pressure on the man opposite him was very strong, he was obviously a monk of alchemy.

"Is it possible that this person is really not successful."

Mo Wushuang frowned, but the man took another step forward and stretched out his hand to her, "Xingyue, come back to Yuquan Peak as your teacher, that is where we belong."

Mo Wushuang muttered to himself, "Jade Spring Peak? This place is so familiar."

She thought about it again, but the man had already held her hand. Mo Wushuang looked up at the man's sharp side face, his eyes were a little blurred: "Okay, I'll go back with you."

As soon as the scene in front of them changed, Mo Wushuang and Mo Wushuang were standing in front of a bamboo forest, with green grass and gurgling streams, they were very familiar.

"I seem to have been here before."

"Of course, this is your cave."

"My cave?"

The man nodded with a smile, "A place that only belongs to the two of us."

In this way, the two lived here, living a peaceful and peaceful life.

But Mo Wushuang always felt that something was wrong.

Until one day, a woman appeared. This woman was Tao Zizhen who killed her in her previous life.

Mo Wushuang looked at the person coming, with a look of vigilance on his face, and asked, "Why did you appear here?"

But the woman ignored her, just glanced at her lightly, and then walked directly to the man's side, and the little bird snuggled into the man's arms.

And Gu Han stretched out his long arms to block Tao Zizhen's waist.

Mo Wushuang looked at the intimate behavior of the two coldly, and narrowed his eyes: "What do you mean?"

Tao Zizhen smiled charmingly: "What do you mean? I am a wife and you are a concubine. Remember to salute when you see me in the future, remember? There are no rules."

"Wife, concubine."

Mo Wushuang turned his head to look at the man, wanting to see what he had to say, but the expression on the man's face was very calm, as if he agreed with the woman's statement, and the hand around the woman's waist tightened a bit.

Then he looked at Mo Wushuang and said, "Xingyue, what Zhen'er said is correct, you just need to be called sisters from now on."

When Mo Wushuang heard the man's words, her heart felt icy cold, and the expression on her face did not change at all.

There was a faint light in his eyes.

Concubine room, it's impossible, let him be someone else's concubine room, even if she dies, it's impossible, what a joke, let her serve a husband with someone else, that's a fantasy.Impossible in a lifetime.

What an international joke that she still served her husband with the enemy who killed her. "

The two of them didn't notice her abnormality. The man put his arm around Tao Zizhen and stretched out his hand to her.
"Xingyue is here."

Seeing the hand extended by the man, Mo Wushuang smiled, and slowly put his hand in the man's palm.

The man gently pulled Mo Wushuang into his arms.

Mo Wushuang raised her face and smiled at the man, then her eyes became sharp in an instant, and a dagger appeared in her hand.

Without the slightest hesitation, the dagger pierced straight into the man's heart.

The man's face was full of disbelief, "Xingyue, you."

Tao Zizhen also stared wide-eyed, "What are you doing?"

But Mo Wushuang pushed hard, pushing the man to the ground, "Let my old lady be your concubine, or dream faster, you fake."

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