I dressed as the group pet of all the Yuanying bosses

Chapter 211 The stone statue is alive

As soon as she finished speaking, the figures of the two people in front of her gradually faded, and finally turned into nothingness and disappeared before Mo Wushuang's eyes.

She returned to the previous hall again, it was really an illusion.

She took a deep breath, sat down cross-legged and began to adjust her breath.

The corners of her eyes were slightly wet. If what happened just now was true, she should really poke her eyes blind.

After adjusting his breath for a while, Mo Wushuang stood up again, carried Mo Yaoqian on his back again, and walked towards the end of the hall without looking at the black flag again.

When passing by the stone platform, the black sail flag suddenly spun violently, then suddenly became smaller and flew towards Mo Wushuang.

Mo Wushuang was shocked.

She hit the flying sword and wanted to block it, but her flying sword broke in two before touching the black sail flag.

Mo Wushuang hit the copper basin again to restrain himself, only heard two bang bang sounds, and the copper basin split in two.

She cursed secretly: "Lou Jing, you profiteer."

The black sail flag hit her again, Mo Wushuang closed his eyes subconsciously, and waited for a few seconds, but there was silence around her.

She opened one eye and looked, and saw that the black sail flag was floating above her head out of nowhere, not moving.

Mo Wushuang took two steps to the left, and the sail flag followed her to the left.

She went to the right again, and the sail flag moved with it.

Mo Wushuang rolled his eyes, helpless, "Follow if you want."

She simply ignored her, but continued to walk forward until she reached the end of the hall, and the stone wall at the end parted naturally to both sides.

There is a long corridor behind it.

The walls of the corridor are also inlaid with congealing stones.

There are also stone statues standing on both sides of the corridor, and the stone statues hold weapons in their hands.

Mo Wushuang felt that there was something weird here, so she subconsciously released the body protection mask to protect herself and Mo Yaoqian's body.

This place is like a palace, not like a monk's cave, or the owner of this cave is good.

Just as Mo Wushuang was thinking, out of the corner of her eye, she saw that a stone hand in front of her left seemed to move.

She walked over, and just about to take a closer look, the stone statue suddenly raised its arm, and the big knife in his hand was straight like a slash at her neck.

Mo Wushuang was shocked and dodged in a hurry.

A sound of "Boom, Boom" sounded, and all the stone statues came alive and attacked in her direction.

Mo Wushuang turned pale with shock, and ran frantically towards the end of the passage with Mo Yaoqian's body on his back.

These stone statues are extremely powerful, just now she was accidentally hit by the arm of one of the stone statues.

Her bones felt like they were about to crack.

Although the stone statue has great strength, its speed of movement is its shortcoming.

Under Mo Wushuang's frantic gallop, they were left behind.

But this corridor has an end after all, and it didn't take long for Mo Wushuang to run to the end of the passage, but the end of the passage was a wall.

Mo Wushuang checked the wall quickly, and found that there was no hidden door here, but a real wall.

Leaning his back against the wall, Mo Wushuang took a deep breath as he watched the stone man gradually approaching.

"Don't panic, there must be a way."

She forced herself to calm down and began to think of a solution.

At this time, the black sail flag was still floating above her head, and she didn't intend to make a move, Mo Wushuang was annoyed.

Those wooden puppets just now were manipulated by Yuanshen so that they could act according to the original owner's order.

Then these stone statues, why did they live on their own? Could it be that they were also controlled by the primordial spirit.

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