Chapter 220 Why Did You Fall?
"The teacher will teach you later."

Mo Wushuang nodded, "Thank you, Master. Now, Master, can I temporarily put Senior Mo's body in the Qiankun Bag?"

"Of course you can."

Mo Wushuang breathed a sigh of relief, and put Mo Yaoqian's body into the bracelet space.

Then she asked curiously: "Why did Senior Mo and the man who died outside both fall here? Master should know the reason."

Demon Lord Remnant Cloud thought about it, "Probably more than [-] years ago, these people should have accidentally discovered the aura spreading out of the cave, and thought there was some treasure hidden here, so they came in to investigate."

"At that time, this woman came down first. Not long after this woman appeared, two more people came, a man and a woman, and then the three of them started fighting."

"Wait, master, you said there were three people, but there are only the corpses of Senior Mo and another man outside."

"There are indeed three people, and the woman and the man should be together. The two besieged one person. This girl surnamed Mo is not easy to mess with. She is very good at fire spells and has a lot of magic weapons.
They were also proficient in several kinds of secret arts, but the two of them didn't get any good. In the end, it was another female cultivator who used the method of injuring the enemy one thousand and self-injury eight hundred to injure the Mo girl.

The woman was also seriously injured, and she slipped away when she saw something was wrong, while the male cultivator in the early stage of Nascent Soul wanted to take the opportunity to kill and seize the treasure.

The girl surnamed Mo was also staunch, and in the end she would rather use the secret technique to kill the two of them together, and kill the man even if she lost the chance to seize the body of the Nascent Soul. "

Mo Wushuang was a little silent after hearing this, but secretly decided in her heart, "If possible, she must bring Mo Yaoqian back to life."

Speaking of this, Mojun Canyun seemed to have thought of something and asked: "By the way, girl, how did you discover the cave where you are a teacher?"

Mo Wushuang immediately recounted his experiences on the island.

"The pool that those six people descended first, I entered the water four days after they went down. I don't know why I didn't meet those people."

Demon Lord Canyun suddenly realized when he heard the words, "So that's what happened. I said that for hundreds of years, not many people discovered the cave of this deity. It turned out that someone discovered the rich spiritual energy here and built the cave under the water. The deity's cave is hidden."

"Speaking of which, if those few people hadn't entered the water first, you, a girl, wouldn't have been able to discover the stalactite cave for ten thousand years, let alone enter the teacher's cave. It's really good luck."

Mo Wushuang giggled: "Master, do you want me to say that you have a deep fortune?"

"You are thick-skinned enough."

After saying this, the two of them had passed through the front hall and entered the innermost hall.

"We have arrived."

Mo Wushuang stopped in his tracks, looked around, and saw that there was only a small prototype pool in the inner hall, with a diameter of about two meters.

Layers of white mist floated above the pool. I don't know if it is real mist or water vapor.

"Master, what's in here?"

"Here is the stalactite drained from the Wannian stalactite cave for the teacher. Now go in and soak it for a month."

Mo Wushuang nodded, now that the two are in a master-student relationship, Mo Wushuang firmly believes that he will not do anything that is not good for him.

Mo Wushuang stepped forward and reached out to touch the mist, but it was completely cold.

"Master, why is it cold?"

"Nonsense, could it be possible, you thought it was a hot spring?"

(End of this chapter)

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