I dressed as the group pet of all the Yuanying bosses

Chapter 221 Cultivation Technique Fit

Chapter 221 Cultivation Technique Fit
"Eh! All right."

At first she really thought it was a hot spring.

"Come in."

Seeing that the master was about to get angry, Mo Wushuang slid into the pool, sat down and realized that the stalactite in the pool had just covered her waist, but the temperature was a bit cold.

She had taken this lotion before, and it had a nourishing effect on the internal organs, so she didn't care.

But soon she knew that she was wrong, the aura in the pool water began to surge into her body crazily, it was an indiscriminate attack.

It seemed that his veins were about to explode.

Mo Wushuang had a painful expression on his face, but he didn't say a word.

Demon Monarch Remnant Cloud has been watching her changes all the time, and nodded with satisfaction when he saw her performance. This child's character is tough enough.

"Hold on, hold on to the Yuan and keep one, I will pass on the Hunyuan Kung Fu to you now, you follow the kung fu I taught you, operate, and slowly absorb and transform these spiritual powers."

Mo Wushuang in the pool was flustered at first, but suddenly heard the sound transmission from Demon Lord Remnant Cloud, so he calmed down and followed his instructions.

"The so-called mixed element."

After listening to the whole exercise, Mo Wushuang endured the pain from his body while carefully understanding the mystery of this exercise. This exercise actually formed a small circulation in his body.

Hunyuan Spiritual Root is the practice of the balance and consistency of the five spiritual roots. Its significance lies in the source of chaos, the five elements are mutually generated and restrained, and the cycle of yin and yang reaches the realm of endless life.

She is also a body that checks and balances yin and yang, this exercise is suitable for her, and Mo Wushuang is overjoyed.

After pondering for a while, she understood the key to the operation of aura, and immediately began to operate the exercises, slowly guiding the aura of stalactite in the pool into the dantian of the vein.

A month later, Mo Wushuang slowly opened his eyes and walked out of the pool.

Demon Monarch Remnant Cloud is still waiting by the side.

"How is the girl?"

Mo Wushuang looked inside for a moment, and then he was ecstatic, "Master, my cultivation level has skyrocketed a lot."

"Come here and I'll take a look."

Mo Wushuang walked over obediently, and Demon Lord Remnant Cloud penetrated her consciousness into her body to investigate.

Then he nodded, "This Hunyuan Gong is really suitable for you. Now your body has formed a small cycle of yin and yang and five elements, and it has become a small chaotic world. In this way, in the future, you only need to operate the kung fu without going through the outside world. With the aura, your own body can slowly produce aura by itself."

The man couldn't help sighing, "In this way, your future cultivation speed will be more than several times faster. Even if you are two hundred years old, it is not impossible to conceive a baby."

While Mo Wushuang was happy, he also felt lucky.

"Then master, have I been here to practice?"

The man shook his head, "Of course not. I told you before becoming a teacher that cultivation base and state of mind cultivation are indispensable. Blind retreat and hard work will not be beneficial. Besides, don't you have other things to do?"

"What's my business?"

"Aren't you looking for the soul of that female cultivator surnamed Mo? After you find the soul, you have to find something to put the woman's soul in, or her soul will dissipate soon."

"By the way, master, didn't you give me the method to extract the soul?"

"I will teach you the method now.

However, there are many souls in Yin Guifan, and it may take some time to find the person you are looking for.Since you are a lone ranger, then simply stay in the teacher's cave for a while longer, and it will not be too late to leave after you have reached the peak of the early foundation establishment. "

 Recommendations from family members and comments are the greatest support for the author, thank you for being there along the way.


(End of this chapter)

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