Chapter 223 Soul Orb
"Thank you master."

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Mo Wushuang has been in the cave of Demon Lord Remnant Cloud for five years.

In just five short years, she had reached the peak of the early foundation establishment stage.

This Hunyuan technique is really powerful.Ordinary monks may have to stay for twenty or thirty years in the early stage of foundation establishment.

Mo Wushuang finally felt what a counterattack was like.

In the past five years, apart from practicing the secret arts, she practiced the five elements, and the rest was to continuously extract the soul from the ghost sail.

If she wanted to extract the soul from Yin Guifan without Yin Guifan's resistance, she had to contract the Yin Guifan first, and she had no choice but to give it to the contract.

Over the years, she has extracted tens of thousands of souls from this Yin Guifan, but she has never found Mo Yaoqian's soul, which made her start to think wildly.

Could it be that Mo Yaoqian's soul was devoured by other ghosts? In order to live longer, Yin Guifan's ghosts would also devour other ghosts to strengthen themselves.

Looking at the unconscious ghost in front of him, Mo Wushuang shook his head, "It's not."

"Not this one either."



Mo Wushuang sighed, his soul power was exhausted a bit today, just when he wanted to rest for a while, he felt a chill in the back of his head.

Mo Wushuang raised her lips, and in the next second she disappeared directly in place, but appeared a distance of more than ten meters away from where she was sitting just now.

She smiled and looked at the man who just shot, "Master, how is it? Have I made any progress recently?"

This kind of sudden attack has been staged many times in the past five years.

The man nodded in satisfaction, "Your teleportation secret technique has become more and more proficient in use, and the distance you can move has also increased a lot."

"It's all taught by you, master."

"Don't put a high hat on me, it's been five years, have you found your soul?"

Mo Wushuang shook his head lazily, "Not yet, and I don't know if this soul is still there."

"You can rest assured that the soul of the Nascent Soul cultivator is very powerful, and it is not so easy to be swallowed. It is good that she does not devour others."

"I hope so."

"this is for you."

"Master, what is this?"

"This is a soul orb, which can temporarily store the soul. You can put it in it after you find someone. This ghost sail will do a lot of damage to the soul. You still need to find the soul nourishing wood."

Mo Wushuang took the soul orb, "Thank you, Master!"

Demon Lord Remnant Cloud sighed, "Girl, it's almost time to leave."

"Is the master leaving now?"

"Well, now your cultivation has reached the bottleneck, and it's useless to continue practicing in seclusion."

"Okay, when will you leave then?"

"In another month, I have to prepare for my teacher."

"Master, you will leave with your apprentice."

Remnant Cloud Mojun nodded.

Mo Wushuang showed joy on his face.

Half a month later, during this time, Mo Wushuang didn't practice any more except for the secret technique and concentration art. He spent all his time extracting the soul, but he still found nothing.

On this day, Mo Wushuang extracted a man's soul from Yin Guifan. Seeing that his eyes were not empty, Mo Wushuang's eyes lit up.

The man had just come out of the Yin Ghost Sail, and he hadn't figured out what was going on. After a while, he realized that he had already stepped out of the Yin Ghost Sail.

Looking at the woman in front of him, the soul actually cried out.

(End of this chapter)

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