Chapter 224 Ready to leave
Sobbing and saying: "Thank you fairy, thank you fairy, for rescuing me, this ghost sail is simply not a place for people to stay."

Mo Wushuang rolled his eyes and said, "You are already dead."

"Oh yes, I'm dead."

"Okay, let me ask you now, have you ever seen such a woman in Ghost Sail?"

After finishing speaking, Mo Wushuang showed him the phantom of Mo Yaoqian.

The soul looked at it carefully for a while, then recalled it and said, "I seem to have seen it before."

Hearing this, Mo Wushuang's eyes lit up, "Then this woman's soul is still in this ghost sail."

The man nodded hesitantly, "It should be."

After such a long time, I finally met someone who is sane but not clear-headed.

"Okay. Go and reincarnate yourself."

The soul felt amnesty upon hearing the words, "Thank you fairy, thank you fairy."

With a flick of Mo Wushuang's finger, the man's remnant soul disappeared immediately.

Mo Wushuang took a deep breath and saw a little hope.

Next, Mo Wushuang extracted several more souls, and to her surprise, two of the five souls were even clear.

She also roughly figured out the law of this, the monk with a strong mind and soul in life will naturally have a stronger soul after death, and there is a great chance of retaining the original mind.

Mo Wushuang did not rest for a moment, extracting his soul without interruption.

Mental power is also consumed enormously.

Demon Lord Remnant Cloud saw her and could understand her mood, so he didn't stop her.

Until a woman in purple shirt flew out from the ghost sail and stood in midair out of thin air.

The first words were simple and rude: "Finally came out, I really suffocated my old lady."

Mo Wushuang was stunned, staring blankly at the woman who appeared in front of him, as if he didn't know how to speak for a while.

"Hey, little girl, you let me out?"

Mo Wushuang nodded foolishly, he didn't expect this fairy-looking woman to have such a temper.

Seeing that the little girl in front of her seemed to be stupid, Mo Yaoqian just stared at him blankly, and couldn't help stretching out her hand to shake in front of her eyes.


Only then did Mo Wushuang come back to his senses, and swallowed.

"You are senior Mo Yao Qianmo, right?"

"Hey, how did you know my name? Is it possible that my reputation is so great that any monk would know it?"

Mo Wushuang almost wanted to roll his eyes, and the Demon Lord Canyun couldn't help laughing.

She coughed twice: "Well, Senior Mo, do you still remember me, my name is Mo Wushuang."

"Hey, your surname is also Mo. Could it be that you are a child of my Mo family, Mo Wushuang, Mo Wushuang, why does this name sound familiar to me?"

The woman frowns in thought.

Mo Wushuang didn't bother her either.

After a while, Mo Yaoqian seemed to recall something, "No, I seem to have chosen the name Mo Wushuang myself. I remember that I saved a baby, and that girl was really beautiful. So he named the girl Mo Wushuang.

Could it be that the girl is you? "

Mo Wushuang nodded, his eyes sparkling, "I am the baby girl that senior saved back then."

"No, it shouldn't be. I remember that girl at that time. She looked so cute. She didn't look like a little girl like you. Little girl, don't lie to me. I've already passed away now. I don't have any baby for you."

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