I dressed as the group pet of all the Yuanying bosses

Chapter 363 The opening of the small secret realm

Chapter 363 The opening of the small secret realm

Yan Ziqing raised the tail of his eyes, and said in an unclear way: "I heard that the white senior loves this young lady of the Mo family very much, and almost always responds to her requests.
Send her all the good things, and I don’t know if there is any unusual relationship between the two.”

As soon as he said this, he suddenly felt the temperature around him drop a bit.

Gu Han suddenly opened his eyes and looked at him coldly.

Yan Ziqing was puzzled.

Luo Mingzhang clicked his tongue twice: "Before, we were really watching the sky from a well."

Chu Li smiled and said, "Brother Luo, why bother to belittle yourself. I see that all the senior brothers are very arrogant except Bai Yunfei, and they are not easy to get along with. Our small family also counts on Zhan others." light."

Tao Zizhen listened to Su Lanxin and Yan Ziqing's words, and she felt disapproving. Her parents were both Nascent Soul cultivators, and they had a lot of treasures in their hands, and she always let her pick them.

Gu Han's spiritual sense chased him all the way to the small courtyard, and he took his spiritual sense back only after the defensive formation was raised in the cave, and his spiritual sense could no longer detect a trace.

At this time, Xiaohuo in the spirit beast bag was in pain again.

Gu Han frowned, and let Xiaohuo out. After Xiaohuo came out, he spun in the air and flew towards the direction where Mo Wushuang stayed just now. He flew back and forth several times, but he didn't find what he wanted. Find the breath.

No, it clearly sensed a trace of the master's aura just now, why has it disappeared now?Flying back to Gu Han's shoulder again.

Xiao Huo still stepped on his shoulders uneasy, looking around with pea eyes, pecking at Gu Han's long hair from time to time.Then there was another screaming sound.

Chu Li frowned: "Brother Gu, what happened to you bird?"

Gu Han gently stroked Xiao Huo's feathers, but this time the little guy didn't buy it and was still very disturbed.

He kept chirping, chirping, chirping.

Gu Han didn't have a contract with Xiao Huo, so he didn't understand what it wanted to express, so he could only stuff it with another bottle of pill.

This time, Xiao Huo actually showed disdain for his favorite elixir, flapped his wings twice, and flew away from Gu Han's shoulders, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Master Mingzhang asked, "Where is it going?"

Gu Han shook his head slightly, "Forget it, let it go."

Did Xiao Huo feel something? He didn't just think with a glimmer of hope.

At this moment, a woman's call came from not far away: "Brother Chu."

Chu Li turned around and saw the person who called him, smiled, and then said to Daoist Mingzhang and others: "Fellow Taoists, leave first, and see you in the small secret realm later."

The woman who called Chu Li was Chu Shilin's cousin, Ling Sha, who had just formed an alchemy not long ago, and this time she came out with Chu Shilin to see the world.

Chu Li saw the ugly face of the returning young master of the Chu family, and guessed in his heart that he must have hit a wall in front of the beauty.

Unexpectedly, he, the third son of Chu, would also have a day when he would be humiliated by a female cultivator.

Time passed little by little, and at the beginning, the monks could still hear the uninterrupted conversation. In the end, everyone could feel that the restriction in front of them was weakening day by day, and their eyes were only fixed on the canyon.

The conversation between the monks also disappeared little by little.

The Golden Crow and Jade Rabbit rose and fell, and another three days passed. On the afternoon of the fourth day, I finally saw the other side of the canyon. The barrier like a light curtain slowly dimmed until it disappeared.

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(End of this chapter)

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