I dressed as the group pet of all the Yuanying bosses

Chapter 364 Entering the Secret Realm

Chapter 364 Entering the Secret Realm
The moment the restriction disappeared, the entrance of that small secret realm appeared in front of people, and a gust of wind suddenly blew up, those Qi training period Xiushi who were close to the entrance were directly blown away by the gust of wind.

There was another "hum" in the valley, and then the crowd began to crowd and become extremely chaotic.

"The restriction is gone, you can go in."

The first ones who couldn't hold back were those low-level monks.

The Dandan monks are going to be more calm. They are often not in a hurry to enter, but quietly observe for a while, watching those low-level monks rush into the secret realm like crazy.

I don't know how long this small secret place has been closed, and there is no distinction between day and night in the secret place, the sky is gray, and there is still a trace of mist floating in it.

Let people outside not see its true colors.

At this time, the screams of monks and the sound of fighting were already heard in the small secret realm.

After an hour, the voices from the small secret realm finally gradually diminished. Finally, someone among the alchemy cultivators couldn't hold back and went in first.

Mo Wushuang and the others behind were not in a hurry.

Bai Yunfei said: "I took a look just now, there should be a lot of free restraints inside, if you touch them accidentally, you will be injured, you must be careful, everyone don't get separated."

Several people nodded.

Bai Yunhe sighed and said, "Those low-level monks who went in first probably don't have many left."

As soon as Mo Wushuang and the others moved, Gu Han and his party followed closely, and Chu Shilin and Chu Li also followed with the Chu family's team.

As soon as he passed the place where the restriction originally existed, Mo Wushuang felt that his eyes were dazzled, and the scene in front of him was already very different.

There are no strange rocks or ruins as imagined, and there is a piece of green in front of them, as if they are in a paradise, full of aura.

At this time, Mo Wushuang looked back, and even looked outside from the small secret realm, but he couldn't see clearly.

Mo Wushuang couldn't help feeling that it was a novelty.

When they were outside, the restriction disappeared, and they saw that the small secret realm was also dark, so she thought it should be dark inside.

Looking at the place where they came in, there is obviously nothing blocking the line of sight, but they can't see the scene outside. They only see whether people have to appear at the entrance, like a teleportation array.

At the same time, Mo Wushuang also saw the Chu family and Gu Han's group coming in after them.

Seeing Tao Zizhen, Mo Wushuang's eyes narrowed dangerously, thinking whether to directly get rid of her here.

Mo Lingxiao and Jiang Junchen also saw a few people.

"It's really lingering."

Jiang Junchen also had alarm bells ringing in his heart.

But this small secret realm does not belong to the few of them, so naturally they can't control where others are going.

Mo Wushuang felt that it didn't matter, it was better to follow, she just found an opportunity to recover a little interest first.

Bai Yunfei reminded: "It's best not to fly the imperial weapon here, there are quite a few freeing restrictions in mid-air."

Mo Wushuang nodded.

"Brother, where are we going now?"

Bai Yunfei didn't answer, but went back to the place where they came in just now to observe.They came in relatively late, and now there are almost no monks in sight.

Apparently Bai Yunfei has a lot of experience in exploring the secret realm, he observed for a while and said: "I'm afraid the restriction here just disappeared temporarily."

"Brother, what do you mean by temporarily disappearing?"

"It means that it is very likely that at some time in the future,
(End of this chapter)

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