I dressed as the group pet of all the Yuanying bosses

Chapter 373 5 Lines of Trapped Killing Array

Chapter 373 Five Elements Trapped Killing Formation ([-])
They are all based on cultivation.I have long seen that you are not pleasing to the eye.It doesn't matter that there is a Nascent Soul cultivator behind you, our Mo family and Jiuxiao sect are not afraid of a few people coming. "

Yan Ziqing heard that Tao Zizhen was the bastard, so he hurriedly disregarded the relationship.

"I don't care about this matter. I don't want to get involved in that woman's affairs. You can do whatever you want. I can swear by my heart demon that I will never say a word about what I saw today."

Master Ming Zhang was almost pissed to death by this idiot.

Su Lanxin sent a voice transmission to Master Mingzhang: "What should I do, brother?"

Tao Zizhen's face was flushed red, it was the first time she encountered such provocation and humiliation, she had no choice but her parents were not by her side, she had no backer now, and that woman was overwhelming her everywhere, not only was she protected by three powerful senior brothers with.

There is a powerful family and master behind her. In front of this woman, everything she is proud of has been defeated.

She could only look at Gu Liuyun.

He called out aggrievedly: "Brother."

Gu Han frowned, although he also wanted this woman to disappear, but in this situation, he still had to take care of his teacher's face, not to mention there was a senior brother around.

After thinking for a while, he looked at Master Mingzhang, who immediately understood what he meant, Master Mingzhang smiled, broke the awkward situation, took a step forward, cupped his hands at Mo Wushuang and the others and said:

"Fellow daoists, my junior sister, I rarely go out of the sect on weekdays, and I don't understand the world. When encountering such a dangerous situation, it is inevitable that my mind will be confused and my concentration will be lost. This is why I will speak indiscriminately. I also ask fellow daoists not to speak out. Strange."

Mo Wushuang saw the eye contact between Gu Han and Master Mingzhang just now, and his heart was half cold. This man still wants to protect this woman in the end.

Mo Wushuang originally wanted to scare her, and test the attitudes of these people by the way, even if she wanted to do it, she would not do it again under such circumstances, and hurt the seniors and the others.

Thinking back then, Daoist Mingzhang was kind to her, and she couldn't make him too difficult.

But to be honest, she still felt a little uncomfortable about Gu Han's choice.After all, it cannot be completely regarded as a stranger.

Chu Li looked to the left and then to the right, and smoothed things over and said, "Everyone, it's a bit of a passion to go on an adventure together, why don't we each take a step back, and then we have to fight together, right?"

Seeing him speak, Chu Shilin gave him a cold look.

Chu Li touched his nose, but didn't speak again.

Daoist Mingzhang has never been so pleasing to Chu Li's eyes.

Quickly said: "That's right, that's right."

Mo Wushuang snorted coldly: "You better keep your mouth shut."

Tao Zizhen: "You!"

Master Mingzhang was born: "Junior Sister Feixia, don't forget what you promised Master Ruoshui."

Tao Zizhen bit her lower lip, but said nothing.

Even if this matter was exposed like this, Master Mingzhang and Su Lanxin looked at each other, but they felt defensive.

While the few people were talking, the frozen black water on the ground disappeared in an instant, as if nothing had happened.

"Look, the black water has disappeared."


Bai Yunhe reminded: "The fire array is below, pay attention."

In the next second, more than a dozen tall Pyromen appeared out of thin air, attacking them.


"Everyone attacks with water spells."

Naturally, not everyone present has water spirit roots. Those who have water-type magic weapons can attack with water-type magic weapons, and those who don't have no choice but to find their own way.

Bai Yunfei flew out of the folding fan, and a water dragon flew out of the folding fan. With a resounding dragon chant, the water dragon entangled the burning man.

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(End of this chapter)

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