I dressed as the group pet of all the Yuanying bosses

Chapter 374 5 Lines of Trapped Killing Array

Chapter 374 Five Elements Trapped Killing Array ([-])
The two wrestled for a while before Pyro evaporated and disappeared.

Bai Yunfei raised his eyebrows, thinking that this time it was a bit too simple, but he knew in a second that it was not that simple.

The fallen Pyro stood up again.

It returned to its original appearance again.

Mo Lingxiao said: "Brother, this fireman can't be killed."

Mo Wushuang also discovered this phenomenon while fighting with Burning Man.

Bai Yunhe yelled: "These burning men must be wiped out at the same time."

Hearing this, Ling Sha had a look of disbelief: "How could this be possible?"

Daoist Mingzhang asked: "Fellow Taoists, which one of you has water spirit roots?"

While confronting the enemy, Su Lanxin said, "I have water spirit roots."

"Junior Sister Su, is there anything you can do?"

Su Lanxin shook her head slightly, "It's not a problem to kill three or four Burning People at once, but if I kill all of them at the same time, I can't do it."

Mo Wushuang frowned, and said to Bai Yunfei: "Eldest senior brother, second senior brother, third senior brother, you all come to protect me, and I will deal with them."

"it is good!"

The tacit understanding between the teachers and brothers is extremely high, as long as it is a word, they know what she wants to do.

"I'm here to help too." Jiang Junchen said.

Chu Shilin also came to Mo Wushuang.


Gu Han stood behind Mo Wushuang.

Mo Wushuang performed the water condensation technique, condensing more than a dozen water jets.

Then she flicked her finger lightly and drank in her mouth: "Go."

Almost at the same time, more than a dozen jets of water shot in more than a dozen directions, but when they were about to approach Burning Man, they turned into long sharp cones and pierced Burning Man's heart.

More than a dozen Pyroman icicles all fell to the ground under the indiscriminate attack.

Mo Wushuang exhaled lightly, his face was also slightly pale, and his body was unsteady, "Be careful."

A big cold hand supported her, and this person was Gu Han.

Mo Wushuang coldly shook off his hand.

Seeing the shocking scene just now, Chu Li exclaimed, "Miss Mo is really amazing, she really is the first genius cultivator of the Nine Heavens Sect."

Mo Wushuang's performance today is amazing. With such combat strength and so many methods, who would believe that she is just a monk who is just in her early fifties and has not formed alchemy for less than five years.

No wonder Jiuxiaozong cherishes her so much.

With her combat strength, it's not a problem to fight a few times. Even the monks in the middle stage of alchemy can't get the slightest benefit from her.

Master Mingzhang felt the same way.

He looked at Mo Wushuang now, as if he saw his younger brother a hundred years ago, and he was so amazing.

It's a pity, "Hey!"

Mo Wushuang rolled his eyes and took a nourishing elixir.

"Fellow Daoist Chu, you still have the mood to compliment me now."

"Hey, I'm telling the truth."

While talking, the environment changed again.

Four earth walls were suddenly erected around the open space, and the earth walls kept getting higher and higher, and then began to move towards their direction.

This is the rhythm of wanting to add them to meatloaf.

Mu Ketu.

Jiang Junchen said: "Let me try."

He waved his hand and threw out two vines. The two vines were entangled with each other, forming a spear shape, and they spun and attacked towards the center of the earth wall.

A huge hole was squeezed out of the earth wall in an instant, but it didn't take long before it returned to its original state.

Jiang Junchen was taken aback for a moment, and was about to try again.

Chu Shilin raised his eyebrows, "I'll do it."

He took out four talismans, bit his fingertips, drew a few strokes on the talismans with blood, and then saw bursts of spiritual light erupting from the talismans.

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(End of this chapter)

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