I dressed as the group pet of all the Yuanying bosses

Chapter 376 The Ownership of the Treasure

Chapter 376 The Ownership of the Treasure
It will also let the Tianxingzong choose the cheap ones, so the distribution is reasonable. "

Chu Li nodded.

Chu Shilin smiled: "Brother Bai's method is very fair, and my Chu family agrees."

Bai Yunfei nodded and looked at Gu Han: "You Daoist Gu?"

"I have no opinion."

Tao Zizhen interjected, "Then who will choose first?"

This is indeed a problem, Mo Wushuang took a step forward, "Why don't we send out one person each to compete with each other, and decide the order based on the results of the competition?".

Mo Wushuang looked Gu Han up and down, eager to try.

Gu Han looked at Shang Mo Wushuang with provocative eyes, a little speechless.

Mo Lingxiao said on the side: "This is also a way."

Master Mingzhang said via voice transmission: "Little brother, I think this method is feasible."

Yan Ziqing was also anxiously waiting for Gu Han to make a decision.

Gu Han shook his head slightly, "I'll let the girl choose first."

Mo Wushuang was taken aback, "You really want me to choose first?"

Gu Han nodded, "Naturally."

On the other hand, Tao Zizhen didn't agree, and Yan Ziqing was secretly worried, because he had his eyes on that bow.

"How about that?"

"I broke the formation, and what I say counts."

"Senior Brother Liuyun."

Mo Wushuang's face was filled with disappointment when she heard this, she wanted to beat this man up for a long time.

Mo Wushuang turned to look at Chu Shilin again, "Then you."

A charming smile appeared on the man's face, "I owed you once before, this time I will let you choose first."

The tone is quite familiar.


"Lingsha, shut up."

Mo Wushuang almost rolled his eyes.

"If that's the case, then I'm welcome."

Mo Wushuang stepped forward and pocketed the Phoenix Stone first.

After that, her eyes turned around on the remaining four objects, and finally her eyes fell on the longbow.

He reached out and picked it up.

Seeing that she had chosen the longbow, Yan Ziqing was immediately disappointed.

Mo Wushuang weighed the longbow in his hand.

Then he threw it directly to Mo Lingxiao.

"Third Senior Brother, continue."

Mo Lingxiao caught it subconsciously: "Junior Sister."

"This is suitable for you, you are right, senior brother, second senior brother."

Both of them nodded with a smile.

"Junior Sister said yes."

Mo Lingxiao smiled, then I'll take it.

Jiang Junchen walked up to Mo Wushuang, and said with a bit of aggrieved tone, "Junior Sister Mo, why don't you think about me, I want that bag of plant seeds."

Even though he said that, there was not much frustration on his face.

"You have to take it yourself."

When Yan Ziqing saw that she gave the things to Mo Lingxiao like this, he didn't feel any reluctance, and his eyes were a little dark.

After Mo Wushuang finished the selection, only Gu Han and Chu Shilin were left.

The two looked at each other.

There was a moment of silence in the atmosphere, and Mo Wushuang looked at the two with interest, arms crossed.

After a long time, Gu Han opened his mouth and said, "Friend Chu Daoist please first."

Master Mingzhang refused to answer, and said via voice transmission: "Little Junior Brother, why is that? That kid from the Chu family should not be your opponent, so why be afraid of him."

Gu Han said via voice transmission: "It's okay, we can't make things difficult for Chu Li."

Master Mingzhang sighed, "Okay."

Chu Shilin raised his eyebrows: "Gu Daoyou, are you really willing?"

Gu Han glanced at Chu Li, "Friend Chu, please."

Chu Shilin sent a voice transmission to Gu Han and said, "It would be great if Fellow Daoist Gu could be so generous in other matters."

Chu Shilin's tone was inexplicable, and he subconsciously glanced at Mo Wushuang's direction.

But his face was frosty.

Gu Han frowned, seemingly puzzled.

Chu Shilin didn't hesitate any more, he stepped forward and chose the pitch-black teapot.

The remaining small bag of seeds and the exercises for body training were taken into Gu Han's pocket.

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(End of this chapter)

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