Chapter 377 Interface Transmission

When the last two items were taken away by Gu Han, something happened suddenly.

The stone platform disappeared in an instant, and under the feet of everyone, suddenly appeared more than a dozen light circles of different colors.

It wasn't until now that everyone remembered what they saw when they first arrived here, and how the alchemy monk disappeared.

Bai Yunfei shouted loudly, and only came in time to shout: "This is the interface teleportation array, everyone run."

But it was already too late.

Mo Wushuang only heard a few calls from his ears, "Little Junior Sister."

"Junior Sister Mo." It was Jiang Junchen's voice.



But in a second, Mo Wushuang's eyes went black, and she only felt dizzy for a while.

When I opened my eyes, I only felt the cold wind gusts all over my body, surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness.

The place where she was was turned out to be a source of snow.

Mo Wushuang looked around, and found that there was a person lying not far away. Seeing the somewhat familiar figure from behind, frowning, it was Gu Han.

At this time, Gu Han also stood up, and also saw a woman sitting on the ground not far away.

Mo Wushuang turned his head and stopped looking at him.

Mo Wushuang released his divine sense, and found that the range that the divine sense can detect here is only a few miles.

Mo Wushuang was suspicious, and just wanted to mobilize his spiritual power, but he couldn't use any spiritual power, even the Qiankun bag couldn't be opened.

Gu Han looked at her and said, "There's no need to try it, this place should be a place of absolute spirit."

Mo Wushuang was taken aback, turned his head away, and didn't want to pay attention to him at all.

She who has been used to being close to her body with spiritual power, suddenly couldn't use it, she couldn't help but panic for a while.

She looked towards the snow-capped mountains not far away.

The surroundings are still white except for the eye-catching white, and there is not even a tree in sight, except for the snow-capped mountains in the distance, there is nothing else.

Mo Wushuang stood up, without a spiritual body protection, she was a little cold, she rubbed her arms, if she hadn't absorbed the ten thousand year cold marrow and fused with the blue ice flame, she would be frozen to death soon.

But Gu Han was quite different from her. Mo Wushuang looked back at him, and saw that his face was pale, his lips were purple, and his teeth seemed to be chattering.

It was the first time Mo Wushuang saw him like this, and he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Gu Han was taken aback for a moment, and the base of his ears turned slightly red.

Mo Wushuang turned around and walked towards the snow mountain. Except for the snow mountain, there is a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere. The way out should be on the snow.

There was more than ten centimeters of snow on the ground, and if you stepped on it, it would cover her calves directly.

Mo Wushuang stepped on the snow with one foot deep and the other shallow, making a creaking sound.

After walking for a while, the sound of feet stepping on the snow came from behind.

Mo Wushuang turned her head and saw Gu Han not far behind her.

He lowered his head, looking precarious.

Mo Wushuang complained secretly, "What a weakling."

If Gu Han heard her evaluation of him, he might be so angry that he would vomit blood on the spot.

Mo Wushuang probably wouldn't be able to hold on for so long if it wasn't for the fact that he had experienced the tempering of the sky thunder before.

She lowered her head, trying not to stare at the white snow. If she kept staring at the white, she might suffer from snow blindness, which is short-term blindness, which would be even more dangerous.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Mo Wushuang suddenly heard a thud behind him.

Mo Wushuang turned his head: he saw a dusty figure, lying on the snowy ground, with long black hair spread out, which was unusually conspicuous.

Mo Wushuang spat, "You really are the flower of Gaoling."

 Thanks for being with you all the way.

(End of this chapter)

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