Chapter 382 Streaming Snow Lotus
"It should be good like this."

"Then how do we know what color of the aperture will re-transmit us to the exit of the small secret realm?"

Gu Han shook his head slightly, "I don't know about that."

"Then just find the teleportation location here now."

After speaking, Mo Wushuang stood up directly, "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go find them separately now."

Just as Gu Han was about to open his mouth to stop them, at this moment, large and small pieces of snow fell from the top of the two of them from time to time.

Mo Wushuang's expression changed slightly, he took the man's hand and ran out of the cave, "No, run, this is about to cause an avalanche."

Being pulled by her like this, the two of them left the cave and started to run wildly on the way they came from. There was a loud rumbling sound behind them.

Unable to fly with the imperial weapon, the speed of the two is not as fast as the avalanche.

But Mo Wushuang didn't give up and still dragged the man forward. As they ran, their feet were empty, and they fell straight into a frozen place.

The back was scratched by the ice, and the snow was falling on the head. The two were leaning against the ice wall, but they were desperately panting.

"Finally escaped." Mo Wushuang panted.

The person next to him didn't respond.

Mo Wushuang turned his head slightly, and through the frozen light, he found that the man's eyes were falling in another direction.

Gu Han stretched out his finger and pointed at one place, "Look, what's there?"

Mo Wushuang looked along where his finger was pointing, and saw a huge lotus flower emitting colorful lights from time to time.

Mo Wushuang opened his eyes wide, "This, this is Liuguang Snow Lotus, a Liuguang Snow Lotus that has been around for tens of thousands of years."

Gu Han was surprised, "Do you know what this is?"

Mo Wushuang nodded: "I saw it on a jade slip before. It is said that after taking this Liuguang snow lotus, mortals can bring the dead back to life. The flesh and bones can revive the dead. If a cultivator takes it, his cultivation base can be greatly improved and his damaged body can be repaired. Go over and have a look. Look."

Gu Han nodded, only then did the two realize that their hands were still tightly held together.

Mo Wushuang seemed to have been scalded, and quickly withdrew his hand. The moment the temperature in his palm disappeared, Gu Han felt a sense of loss in his heart.

He only had this feeling before when facing that person, and he couldn't help frowning.

Regardless of the man's complicated mood at this time, Mo Wushuang walked to Liu Guang's side and looked at the layers of petals.

Mo Wushuang couldn't help but pull out a leaf and put it in her mouth. The snow lotus petals almost melted in her mouth, and she immediately felt a coolness in her chest and abdomen, which was extremely refreshing.

Mo Wushuang beckoned to the man subconsciously, "Come here and taste it, it tastes good."

Gu Han was taken aback, how could this sentence be so familiar, as if a woman would often say to him in the past: "Master, come and try my handicraft."

Gu Han walked over, because he was happy, Mo Wushuang took off another leaf and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

The moment their fingers and lips wanted to touch, their hearts trembled.

Mo Wushuang withdrew his hand in embarrassment, but the man kept looking at her.

With a light cough, "There is only one flower now, how do we divide it?"

Gu Han looked into her bright eyes, and said, "You can put it away for now, and wait until you find a way out."

"Is this what you said?"

Gu Han nodded.

Mo Wushuang rubbed his hands and stepped forward, took out the dagger and carefully picked the whole Liuguang snow lotus.

At the moment when the Liuguang snow lotus was picked, six colors of light circles of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple suddenly appeared in the place where the snow lotus originally grew.

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