I dressed as the group pet of all the Yuanying bosses

Chapter 383 Interface Teleportation Array

Chapter 383 Interface Teleportation Array
The two exchanged glances, and Mo Wushuang clearly remembered that when they were teleported, they entered the blue circle of light.

Now there happens to be no blue halo, which proves that Gu Han's previous calculation was not bad.

"Which one to choose?"

Gu Han looked as if he was chosen by her.

Mo Wushuang thought for a while, then walked into the yellow circle of light holding the snow lotus in his hands, and Gu Han also walked into the yellow circle of light in the next second.

Mo Wushuang felt a blur in front of her eyes, and in the next second, she felt that the spiritual power in her body had been used, and she hurriedly put the Liuguang snow lotus in her hand into the cave.

Then I felt my body falling rapidly.

Sisi's voice came from her ear, and when she looked down, she couldn't help but feel her scalp tingle for a while, did she teleport into the snake cave?

Mo Wushuang's spiritual power stopped the falling figure.

At this time, Gu Han also fell from above her head, and was slightly surprised to see that she was able to fly in midair just like that.

"Idiot, what to look at, be careful not to be eaten by snakes."

Only then did Gu Han come back to his senses, he waved out the vines and used his strength to control the falling figure. When the two of them got out of the snake cave and came to the ground, they found that there were snake caves of all sizes around them.

The two carefully walked around these snake caves. Although the spiritual power can be used in this interface, they cannot fly with the imperial weapon.

Passing through the snake cave is a dense forest.

As soon as the two entered the dense forest, Gu Han stopped in his tracks.

Mo Wushuang also stopped.

The two felt abnormal almost at the same time.

"There are spiritual fluctuations ahead, someone is there." Mo Wushuang said.

"Let's go and have a look."

The two of them quickened their pace at the same time, and when they reached the place where the fluctuation of spiritual power came from, both of them were taken aback, they turned out to be acquaintances, and it was Chu Shilin and Su Lanxin who were fighting the three huge toads.

Those two also saw Mo Wushuang and the others at the same time.

Seeing Gu Han, Su Lanxin's eyes lit up.

"Senior Brother Gu."

Mo Wushuang looked at Su Lan's bright eyes and felt a burst of irritability for no reason. He jumped and joined the battle on the other side.

At this time, Chu Shilin was resisting the attack of two three-legged toads alone.

Mo Wushuang's joining immediately relieved his pressure a lot.

Looking at Mo Wushuang's actions, Gu Han's eyes flickered, he hesitated for a moment and went to Su Lanxin's side. This three-legged toad is a sixth-order monster, and Su Lanxin is in the early stage of alchemy, and it is quite difficult to deal with it. .

"You step back, I'll come."

Su Lan breathed a sigh of relief and withdrew from the battle circle.

Without much effort, Gu Han killed the three-legged toad.

Mo Wushuang twisted her wrist, and the moon wheel, the magic weapon of life, circled and danced around her wrist.


This is the first time she has used her natal magic weapon since she entered the small secret realm.

The speed of the moon wheel was so fast that it flew in front of the three-legged cicada almost in the blink of an eye. The three-legged cicada stretched out its long tongue and wanted to wrap it up and swallow it into its belly.

However, the tongue was cut into several sections by the moon wheel in an instant.

Mo Wushuang scolded: "I'm really brainless."

Mo Wushuang waved his hand again, and the moon wheel turned left and right around the body of the three-legged cicada. In the next second, there was only a thud, and the three-legged cicada fell heavily to the ground, but its body was broken into pieces.

Su Lanxin saw this scene.His face was horrified.

Gu Han also raised his eyebrows. It was almost a face-to-face meeting, and Mo Wushuang killed the sixth-order three-legged cicada.

Almost at about the same time, Chu Shilin also resolved the battle on that side.

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(End of this chapter)

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