I dressed as the group pet of all the Yuanying bosses

Chapter 424 Return to Chapter 9 Xiaozong

Chapter 424 Return to Nine Heavens Sect

When they saw the scandal in the family, he didn't want to keep these three people, so he directly opened the teleportation array and sent them away.

When the three walked out of the teleportation array, they found that the place where the three were located was an island.

Yue Penghua also told the three of them before that this teleportation formation of their family does not directly teleport people to the Zhongwu Continent, but an island not far from the Zhongwu Continent.

Mo Wushuang took out a map that Yue Penghua gave him when he left, and looked at it.

"We should be here now, and we should reach the Zhongwu Continent after flying westward for about two months."

"Okay, as you said, let's fly west."

"But you still have to be careful of sea beasts along the way."

The three of them rode on Mo Wushuang's lotus boat, and encountered several high-level sea beasts along the way, but they didn't use Mo Wushuang to make a move. Gu Han and Deng Yuxuan solved it.

It flew like this for nearly three months.

The three of them finally saw the mainland.

Deng Yunxuan stood up: "It should be here."

Mo Wushuang put away the lotus boat and landed in a city by the sea, and then the three of them restrained their breath and walked into the city.

First, they found a teahouse, and Mo Wushuang led the two of them into it.

Teahouses have always been the best place to inquire about news.

As soon as the three of them sat down, the conversations of several Foundation Establishment cultivators reached the ears of the three of them.

"The True Monarch Baiyu of the Nine Heavens Sect is really too powerful. He directly killed the two Nascent Soul cultivators of the Ning family."

"I was lucky to be nearby at that time, and I saw the battle of several Nascent Soul True Monarchs from a distance, which really benefited me a lot."

After listening to these conversations, Mo Wushuang frowned slightly, "Master actually called Ning's house, it's possible that Master's wife has recovered her cultivation."

She felt like returning home, and Gu Han also looked at her.

Looking inquiringly, Mo Wushuang shook his head slightly, obviously not wanting to say more.

She looked at Deng Yunxuan, "What are your plans for the future?"

"I'm a casual cultivator, and it's the same wherever I go. I look around and travel around like before."

"Since you can go anywhere, you can follow me back to Jiuxiaozong."

Deng Yunxuan was slightly surprised.

"Always wandering is not a solution. Sometimes people need companions. This kind of cultivation base will improve faster. You are not good at controlling beasts. We need talents like you in the Vermillion Bird Palace."

These days, Xiaoxue also got along with Xiaohuo and the others, nestling in Mo Wushuang's arms, her little eyes were extremely aggrieved.

Deng Yunxuan didn't want to continue wandering like this, and now that Mo Wushuang asked for an invitation, he readily agreed.

When the three of them left the teahouse, Mo Wushuang was about to ask about the situation of the teleportation array.

Their current place is far away from the Nine Heavens Sect, and they have to go through a few teleportation arrays to get there. After paying the Lingshi, Mo Wushuang looked at the man who was also about to enter the teleportation array.

Asked: "Aren't you going back to your own sect?"

Gu Han's face darkened immediately, and he narrowed his eyes slightly, "What do you mean?"

Mo Wushuang also looked at him so coldly: "You just go back with me like this, you think you have entered the gate of Jiuxiaozong."

"Then you have to try it to find out."

Mo Wushuang rolled his eyes, "Whatever you want!"

After going through several twists and turns, Mo Wushuang rushed back almost non-stop.

It wasn't until she came to the gate of Jiuxiaozong that her mood gradually calmed down.

"This is the Nine Heavens Sect. It really deserves to be the No. [-] sect in Zhongwu. With its rich aura, I will rely on you in the future." Deng Yunxuan sighed.

"Okay, let's go in."

(End of this chapter)

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