Chapter 425

Mo Wushuang took out his identity token, activated the formation, and the three of them entered the gate of the Nine Heavens Sect.

Seeing that it was her who came, the disciples who came and went saluted respectfully, "I have met Elder Mo."

After the three of them walked by, the voice of discussion came over.

"Who said Elder Mo has fallen, isn't he alive and well?"

"Keep your voice down, it's missing, not falling."

"I think Elder Mo's cultivation has improved again."

"Elder Mo is not yet eighty years old, he is already in the middle stage of alchemy, this is too heaven-defying."

Hearing these discussions, Deng Yunxuan also looked over in surprise. What surprised him was the age of Mo Wushuang they mentioned.

As well as her current appearance and identity change, Deng Yunxuan knew that something incredible must have happened to her.

Coming to Nine Heavens Sect again, although Gu Han's face was calm, but the big hands under the sleeves were subconsciously tightened, obviously he was also a little nervous.

The three of them came to the Suzaku Hall, and when the gatekeeper saw that she was coming back, he opened his eyes wide and turned around and ran away.

Mo Wushuang was surprised.

Deng Yunxuan raised his eyebrows, "Why are they so afraid of you, what have you done?"

"how could I know."

Then two people rushed out, it was Bai Yunhe and Mo Lingxiao.

"Second Senior Brother, Third Senior Brother."

Bai Yunhe breathed a sigh of relief, "Junior Junior Sister, you are back, if you don't come back, we will all be read to death by our teacher."

Mo Lingxiao directly pushed Gu Han aside, "You don't know how depressing the life in the Suzaku Hall was during the ten years you were away, let me take a good look."

"It's a little fatter, but it's intact, with no missing arms and legs."

Mo Wushuang rolled his eyes, "I'm terribly well, third senior brother, can you wish me well."

"Let's go, Master, and Master are inside."

As if they didn't see Gu Han and the two, they pulled Mo Wushuang and walked towards Zhenjun Baiyu's cave.

As soon as she reached the door, a fiery red figure rushed out and immediately hugged her, "Girl, you are back."

Mo Wushuang's eye circles were also slightly red: "Master, your cultivation has recovered."

"Well, there is still some effort. Girl, tell me quickly what happened to you and how you got out of trouble."

While talking, he pulled people into the cave.

Deng Yuxuan and Gu Han looked at each other and could only follow silently.

Mo Yaoqian pulled Mo Wushuang and spoke for a while, when True Monarch Baiyu came out.

"Look, I said that the girl will be fine, but you just don't believe it. She's back now."

Mo Yaoqian glared at him, "Who said there a while ago that she should have given her a few more magic weapons for self-defense, so that no accidents would happen. That's a regret."

Mo Wushuang's eyes lit up: "It's not too late to give now."

True Monarch Baiyun couldn't help but look at Gu Han and the two, "Hey, who are you two?"

At this time, Mo Yaoqian had just noticed Gu Han and the two of them. Seeing the man, Mo Yaoqian subconsciously looked at Mo Wushuang again.

Her face darkened immediately, why couldn't she see that Mo Wushuang had lost his vital yin.

Mo Wushuang was puzzled why Mo Yaoqian's expression changed instantly.

How could she know that this cultivator can even see the loss of Yuan Yin and Yuan Yang of a monk.

Looking at Zhenjun Baiyu, seeing that he also had a bad complexion, she was even more puzzled.

Mo Yaoqian patted Mo Wushuang's hand, "Girl, you go back to the cave first, your two senior brothers happen to have something to tell you."

Mo Wushuang looked at Mo Lingxiao and Mo Lingxiao. Mo Lingxiao was also confused. After receiving his aunt's eyes, he nodded quickly, "Yes, there is indeed something."

After the two finished speaking, they stepped forward and pulled her away first.

(End of this chapter)

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