Chapter 437 Regret
I will tell you now that there is no door at all.

If I hadn't rescued the girl unintentionally, she would have become the nourishment of sea beasts by now.

The three of you have the nerve to come to your door to propose marriage, are you shameless?

Let me tell you, this Tao Zizhen will not die for a day, and this matter will never end. If you want to talk about marriage, it is not impossible, you Tianxing Sect, Tao Pengze, Ruoshui, and that bitch Tao Zizhen will be expelled from the Tianxing Sect. In the future, I will naturally not trouble your sect again.

If you still protect them, don't blame me, but call the door afterwards and implicate you. I will leave my words here today. Tao Zizhen's fate is decided.

Go back and tell them to wait for me and pay for their lives by killing people. Sooner or later, I will settle the account with them.

You don't make decisions for the girl, but we, husband and wife, make decisions for her.No one can count on it.

Let the girl marry you and go to your Tianxingzong. I'm afraid I won't even know how she died. Can I count on you?If you can protect her, she will not die eighty years ago. "She pointed at Gu Han with an angry look on her face.

Then she pointed at Zhenjun Biyuan and the two, "I can still count on you two being old and blind, mistaking fish eyes for pearls, and I will not push the girl into the fire pit again no matter what."

Mo Yaoqian has been holding a sigh of relief in her heart, this time she will express all her dissatisfaction with these people at once.

Bai Yu patted his wife's hand, expressing support for all her decisions.

"Qianqian's words are what I want to say. The two fellow Taoists should understand what our husband and wife mean. If you understand, please go back."

Mo Yaoqian's words made Zhenjun Biyuan and Ziyang's faces turn green and pale.

They are used to being aloof, and the two of them really have never heard such accusations.

Looking back on what happened back then, the two of them did compromise and make concessions on some things for some reason.

Zhenjun Biyuan knew that Gu Han had always had a grudge in his heart about this matter. Over the years, although he called his master in his mouth, he was no longer as close as he was.Why doesn't he understand?

Mo Yaoqian's words almost pulled all the fig leaf off him, making him feel ashamed. He really didn't handle that matter properly.He didn't seek justice for the girl.

This is the first time Ziyang Zhenjun has been scolded like this in the sect for so many years. He admitted that he was indeed unfair in dealing with Ye Xingyue.

But after all, he is the talker of the sect, and from the perspective of the sect, under the circumstances at that time, he would not kill a dead female disciple, and really let the only daughter of Zhenjun Yuanying pay for it. Life.

He thought he made the right choice, but what he never expected was that things would have such a shocking reversal, which he never expected.

If he had known that the girl would be in such a situation, would he still handle things like he did before?

It is probably not possible to ask yourself, but it is too late to regret now, Ziyang Zhenjun was blushed for a while when Mo Yaoqian said it, and a kind of demon was faintly growing in his heart.

True Monarch Biyuan was not. As Ye Xingyue's master, he failed to seek justice for him. He already had a pimple in his heart, but now he couldn't hold his head up in front of these two people.

Gu Han's face was as white as paper, "You all already know."

(End of this chapter)

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