Chapter 438
Mo Yaoqian snorted coldly, "So, for the rest of your life, don't even try to get close to my Wushuang. If you are interested, get out of here. You saw it today. Our Wushuang family has no shortage of admirers. No one is worse than you.

Why must she choose you?
That girl is soft-hearted, I'm not her. "

Gu Han's body swayed, and he tried his best to swallow the sweetness in his mouth.

Today, Mo Yaoqian's words broke all the guilt, self-blame, and regret in his heart, leaving him nowhere to hide. Yes, what right does he have to stand by her side again? Eighty years ago, he couldn't revenge for her.

Can I protect him in the future?
No, even if he risked his life, he wouldn't let her suffer any more harm.

Zhenjun Biyuan, seeing that Gu Han's state was not right, his face changed slightly.

"Yun'er, don't listen to her, it's not your fault, it's the teacher's fault."

Gu Han smiled wryly and shook his head: "No, Master, it's all my fault, I'm cowardly and incompetent, I guess too much, I was wrong from the beginning, I should have taken her out of Taixuanmen from the beginning, That way she won't die, it's all me."

After the man finished speaking, the corners of his lips were bleeding.


Mo Yaoqian sneered, "Who are you showing this look to?"

"Senior, can I meet her?"


After finishing speaking, Mo Yaoqian directly took Bai Yu's hand and left the hall, obviously not wanting to talk to them anymore.

After the two left, True Monarch Biyuan injected a strand of spiritual power into Gu Han's body, "Yun'er, if you continue like this, you will go mad, please calm down first."

However, Gu Han gently broke free from his hand.

Then he slightly bent and knelt down, and kowtowed to Zhenjun Biyuan, "Master, I thank you for your kindness in nurturing and nurturing me, from today onwards, you will act as if you don't have me as an apprentice, I am not filial. "

"Yun'er, what did you say? You blame the teacher. It was the teacher who asked you to compromise. It's not your fault. You don't have to blame yourself."

Zhenjun Ziyang sighed, "I also have an unshirkable responsibility."

This matter is really troublesome now, it is no longer a matter of whether Gu Liuyun can get that girl.

Just now Mo Yaoqian said that she will not just let this matter go, Tao Zizhen's matter is the biggest trouble now, this matter may make the Tianxing Sect who has just gained a foothold in the Zhongwu Continent fall into trouble again Falling apart.

If one is not handled well, there may be no Tianxingzong in the future.

At this moment, he was extremely regretful, he might as well have dealt with this matter directly at the beginning, and now even Junior Brother Bi Yuan would be divorced from him.

Apart from him, Zhenjun Biyuan is the person with the highest cultivation level in the Sky Star Sect, so he is also indispensable.

The current Ziyang Zhenjun is one head and two big.

Neither of them expected this time to come to such a result.

Zhenjun Biyuan helped him up, "Yun'er, you go back to the sect with your master first, let's discuss this matter later."

Gu Han shook his head slightly, turned around and left the hall, walking towards the back of the cave.

Zhenjun Biyuan was taken aback for a moment, fearing that something might happen to him, he hurriedly followed, "Yun'er, where are you going?"

When he walked to Mo Wushuang's cave, Gu Han was stopped by Bai Yunfei, "Gu Liuyun, you should go back, my junior sister is in retreat, and she doesn't want to see you now. I won't pick you up either.

Gu Han narrowed his eyes slightly, "I don't believe it, you let me in, I want to listen to her in person."

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(End of this chapter)

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