The princess changed her widow's life by fortune-telling

Chapter 110 Only She Has the Ability to Send Tiger Talismans!

Pei Shu also followed Bai Jinye's gaze, but saw nothing.

But this time, it was obvious that Bai Jinye had recovered from the state of a high-level flesh corpse.

Pei Shu frowned. When she left, the flesh corpse still had no tools for thinking or consciousness. Could it be that the flesh corpse refined by the saint can now switch between human and flesh corpse at will?

Bai Jinye withdrew his gaze and looked at Bai Lihan, there was absolutely nothing to explain at this moment.

Even if he and Pei Shu could separate their relationship, it was a fact that he assassinated the emperor under the eyes of everyone, and it was impossible for any reason to explain it.

But why did Pei Qingge do this?
What good would it do her?
Had she been planning this day all this time?

Bai Lihan was injured and urgently needed to return to the palace for treatment. Bai Jinye did not continue to resist, and was immediately arrested by Mei Xunting's men and thrown into prison.

Two hours later, Pei Qingge in disguise came out of the palace.

It was true that she went to Bai Yuheng and told him everything before and after, but what she said was not entirely the truth, so there was Bai Yuheng's previous guess.

He also found someone to keep an eye on Pei Shu who lived in the mansion. As soon as Pei Shu left Prince Heng's mansion tonight, he went to find Bai Lihan, and Pei Qingge and Gui Qing had already set up a trap in the mansion, waiting for her to come.

Pei Shu's spells did not disappear, but Pei Qingge sent away all the ghosts around Prince Su's mansion, and controlled Pei Shu's puppets.

She just didn't want Pei Shu to hurt people here. In fact, Pei Shu could still leave if she wanted to. She didn't expect Pei Shu to give up after simply trying.

Although she could control Bai Jinye from hurting Bai Lihan's vitals, if the injury was too light, it would be too fake.

But for such an injury, she was really not sure that the imperial physician in the palace could handle it well, so she had to knock one of the imperial physicians unconscious, and pretended to treat Bai Lihan's injury to ensure that his life was not in danger.

But even if Bai Lihan wasn't resembling him, Bai Jinye was suspected of colluding with Xiye Kingdom and stabbing the emperor. With such a crime, his fate can be imagined.

Two days ago, she took advantage of Zishi to change the formation on Bai Jinye's body. If she didn't do anything, Bai Jinye would still be the same as usual, losing consciousness at Zishi and waking up at dawn.

But through that formation, she can also have a chance to briefly control him for a moment outside of the child's time.

This moment is enough.

Guiqing looked sideways at the tired Pei Qingge, and asked, "What's next?"

"I just saw that Pei Shu was sent to He Yueru. She must soon know that the purple lotus ring in He Yueru's hand is a fake. It is not difficult for her to come out of the palace. When the time comes, we will take her Lead to the ruined temple outside the city, get rid of her, and we'll leave." Pei Qingge said in a low voice.

Guiqing opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but after hesitating for a while, she still didn't say anything.

As soon as the two of them entered the store, they saw Zuo Ci walking up and down the lobby with an anxious expression on his face, "Princess, pack up quickly and prepare to leave the capital."

Pei Qingge was startled for a moment, because Zuo Ci was always in the palace because Lin Lang was pretending to be her, she stunned the guards of the palace and Sikong, so Bai Yuheng and Bai Lihan could easily succeed, but she really forgot Zuo Ci.

Zuo Ci said and walked in front of her, "There is an accident in the palace, the prince and Sikong have been arrested, today Lin Langfei begged his subordinates to help her go to the military camp outside the city to get some things, when the subordinates come back, they will see you They were all arrested, and even the unconscious Concubine Zhang was taken away, but fortunately, they took Lin Lang away now, and there is still time for you to leave now."

Pei Qingge frowned and said nothing.

Seeing that Pei Qingge was indifferent, Zuo Ci became even more anxious, "I heard from a few guards that it seems that the prince intended to rebel and stabbed the emperor. Of course, it is impossible for the prince to do such a thing, but the emperor has long wanted to take the tiger talisman from the prince's hand. Let's go, with such a good opportunity, I will definitely make a big fuss, once this crime is convicted, it will be a serious crime against the Jiu Clan!"

"The subordinates have no way to send the princess away. They will never leave the prince's people to leave hidden dangers outside, so if they find that the subordinates are missing, they will definitely look around." Zuo Ci paused and knelt down on one knee. , took out a small box from his arms and handed it to Pei Qingge, "Princess, you are the only one who can leave now, you take this, go to Yuecheng, and find General ASRock and General Ni Zhengni, they will definitely try their best when they see this. Rescue the prince!"

"Princess, please!"

Pei Qingge pursed his lips slightly, looked at the brocade box in Zuo Ci's hand, "What is this?"

"This is a tiger talisman." Zuo Ci said, "The prince never keeps the tiger talisman on his body. When they find that the tiger talisman is not on the prince's body, they will go to the palace to search for it very quickly, so just now the subordinates took it out in a mess. The princess... ..."

He looked up and saw that Pei Qingge didn't move. He thought she didn't want to go, so he could only continue, "Princess, you belong to the family of wives. The Pei family, Mrs. Yun and the entire Yun family are all considered to be the family of wives. If the prince is really ordered to rebel For the crime, the Pei family and the Yun family will all be convicted together!"

Pei Qingge was silent for a while, she didn't want to kill directly by herself, anyway, Bai Lihan had long coveted the tiger talisman in Bai Jinye's hand, so she wanted to make a fuss about it.

Bai Jinye also knew that he wouldn't survive this year, so there was a high probability that there was no need for other people to be buried with him. As long as he handed over the tiger amulet, it might be possible for others to survive.

On this point, she was probably wrong.

She raised her hand to take the brocade box, perhaps, she could take the tiger talisman to find Bai Lihan, and exchange the tiger talisman for other people's lives.

Thinking about it, she also opened the brocade box, and the tiger amulet lay quietly in the brocade box.

On the top of the tiger charm, there is a note.

There are two lines of words written on it flying like dragons and phoenixes——

By the time you get the Tiger Talisman, the King is probably dead, and the thing you want is in Yuecheng, and Zuoci will tell you who to look for, and you can exchange it with the Tiger Talisman.

In other words-

If she still wanted the Purple Lotus Ring, she couldn't give the Tiger Talisman to anyone.

Bai Jinye knew a long time ago that after he died, everyone would stare at the tiger talisman, and the others might not be able to safely send the tiger talisman to Yuecheng.

Only she has the ability to send tiger charms.

And the people in Yuecheng would pose a threat to the capital if they got the Tiger Talisman, so Bai Lihan would not be able to easily touch those people that Bai Jinye stayed in the capital.

Pei Qingge narrowed his eyes, Bai Jinye had already made arrangements!
But if Bai Jinye was really dead, she might just exchange the Tiger Talisman for the Purple Lotus Ring.

But now, knowing where the Purple Lotus Ring is and what to exchange for the Tiger Talisman, that's up to her.

She closed the brocade box, "Okay, I'll go, but when I go to Yuecheng, it will take time for the people of Yuecheng to arrange a rescue."

"Don't worry about this, the princess, the prince will always have a way to deal with the emperor for half a month." Zuo Ci also felt relieved after hearing this, "Then it's all up to the princess!"

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