The princess changed her widow's life by fortune-telling

Chapter 111 I don't want to be manipulated by anyone in my life

After Zuo Ci left, Pei Qingge took out the tiger amulet and played with it in his hand.

After finishing Pei Shu's matter, she can go to Moon City first, find a way to get the Purple Lotus Ring, and then use the Tiger Talisman to negotiate conditions with Bai Lihan.

Gui Qing looked at the tiger talisman in her hand, was tangled up, and finally asked, "Master, give him the Zilian ring, and let you be reborn. In the palace, there must be some other intentions."

"Yes." Pei Qingge nodded, "She left me a message in that piece of void jade, she told me not to go back to Beiming Kingdom and not to look for her. But what she is going to do is too dangerous, I always You can’t stand by and watch.”

As she said, she put away the tiger amulet and looked at Guiqing, "She may hope that I can live on with this identity, so that I can be completely separated from the past. But it is impossible. If it is still the original Pei Qingge, I am afraid that I will live in the palace. But one day. If I don't separate myself from the past, someone will discover my identity sooner or later, so what should I do then?"

"Guiqing, I have learned a lot of skills, and I don't want to live as a mediocre person. I should also have my own mission and things I should do. Just like I will never control you, I don't want to be controlled by anyone. People control my life, do you understand?"

Guiqing sighed slightly, "I hope this time, no innocent people will die."

Zuo Ci hid people and left Puning Street, found a corner, hid until dawn, and then swaggered towards the palace. As soon as he reached the gate of the palace, he was immediately arrested and thrown into the prison.

When he was pushed into the cell, he still couldn't hold back and scolded the prisoner, "I will leave, why push? When I go out to see if I don't beat you, your mother won't know you!"

The cell boss ignored Zuo Ci. After all, there was nothing hidden about the reason why Prince Su went to prison. Everyone knew that he intended to rebel. He did all these things and wanted to get out?I really want to go blind.So he was not willing to have the same knowledge as these dying people at all, and he felt unlucky even if he said a word.

Bai Jinye, who was sitting cross-legged in the next cell, frowned slightly when he saw Zuo Ci being sent in.

Zuo Ci walked to the fence, leaned on the railing with both hands, looked at Bai Jinye and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, my lord, my subordinates have put..." He mouthed the word "Tiger Talisman", and then continued, "I took it out of the study and sent it to my cousin. She promised to send it away."

After hearing what he said, Bai Jinye frowned even tighter, "Since you haven't been arrested, why didn't you send it yourself?"

"Hey." Zuo Ci sighed, "The subordinates were not arrested immediately, but they have already searched and arrested the subordinates in the whole city, and even if the subordinates escaped, the road will definitely not stop, can you send them out? It’s hard to say. But don’t worry, my lord, my cousin is safe.”

"You told her that the Tiger Talisman has three parts?" Bai Jinye asked again.

When he first entered Beijing, he was afraid that it would be difficult for him to come out again, so he divided the Tiger Talisman into three parts. He brought one part with him, and gave the other two parts to ASRock and Ni Zheng respectively.

Only when the three tiger talismans are put together can the army be commanded.

Zuo Ci patted his head, "Hey, I forgot about this, but it's okay, she's going to Yuecheng anyway, and when they get to Yuecheng, General Hua and General Ni will naturally talk about it."

Bai Jinye breathed a sigh of relief, and said after a while, "Then you hope that she can really go to Yuecheng, who do you think the palace is like now because of? You are giving them the Tiger Talisman yourself. "

Zuo Ci stared at him with wide eyes, "My lord, what do you mean?"

"We were all tricked by her." After Bai Jinye finished speaking, he closed his eyes again, as if continuing to close his eyes to rest his mind.

Zuo Ci didn't turn this corner for a while, and it took a while before he asked tentatively, "My lord, you said that she moved out of the palace, and let Lin Lang pretend to be her, until now, it's all on purpose? No wonder she talked to you tonight. Guiqing went out, and the subordinates waited for so long before they came back."

He paused as he spoke, "But it's not right, my lord, what good does this do her? Does she not care about the Yun family and the Pei family?"

"Do you think she can use the Tiger Talisman to change the lives of the Pei family and the Yun family?" Bai Jinye asked without opening her eyes this time.

"Impossible." Zuo Ci still didn't quite believe it, "Princess Wang is not that kind of person. My subordinates think she is kind. She has helped a lot of people in Puning Street these days. She doesn't take any money from those poor people. Sometimes I still help them, how come..."

"Whether she is kind or not has nothing to do with whether she wants to scheme against the palace." Bai Jinye said with a soft sigh.

Zuo Ci no longer cared about his size, and sat directly on the ground, "But my subordinates still feel that she won't put so many people's lives at risk."

This seemed to remind Bai Jinye, he opened his eyes and looked at the messy grass in front of him, so did she just want his life?
But she wants to kill him, isn't it easy?As for such a big circle?
Besides, she also knew that he wouldn't survive the end of the year, so she didn't even have to do it herself if she just waited.

"So if she took the tiger talisman and went directly to the emperor, the emperor would know that it was only a third of the tiger talisman. If she wanted to find the rest of the tiger talisman, she would have to alarm General Hua and General Ni." Zuo Ci slowly calculated by himself. He said, "As long as they know, they won't put the prince's safety at risk."

"But if the tiger charms are not combined, it will be difficult to command the three armies. What if someone attacks the border at this moment?" A trace of worry flashed in Bai Jinye's eyes.

Zuo Ci slapped the ground, "My lord, the emperor has treated us like this, you still think about this, let him find a way to guard his own country!"

Pei Shu slapped He Yueru on the face, "Did you really regard yourself as your master in the past two years in Tianfeng Kingdom? Did you forget what I asked you to do?"

Covering her face with her hands, He Yueru knelt down beside Pei Shu, "Mother's queen..."

Pei Shu raised her hand and pinched her chin tightly, "Don't call me queen mother, you are not worthy, your parents are both beggars, and you were born a beggar too, if it wasn't for the life I gave you, let you do it Princess of Xiye Kingdom, do you think you can come to Tianfeng Kingdom as a noble concubine?"

"Do you think you can hold Bai Lihan in the palm of your hand and make him only see you? He Yueru, I gave you all these, I gave you this supreme honor, but why are you disobedient?"

"No, master, listen to my explanation." He Yueru looked up at Pei Shu, "Pei Qingge gave me the purple lotus ring a long time ago, and I saw that the purple lotus ring was full of formations. I wanted to crack this formation and hand it over to you, but I didn't expect that I'm not good at learning, and after so long, I still can't crack those formations."

As she spoke, she pulled out a few pieces of paper from her sleeve, "I rubbed these formations and studied them every day, but I really couldn't get them out."

Pei Shu took the papers and squinted to see that they were indeed the formations on the Purple Lotus Ring. She waved the papers and threw the papers on He Yueru's face, "Why do you show me this? What I want is Purple Lotus Ring!"

"Yes, yes." He Yueru stood up staggeringly, walked to one side of the dowry, opened a drawer, took out the purple lotus ring, turned around and handed it to Pei Shu with both hands.

Pei Shu only glanced at it, "You bastard! How dare you lie to me with fake ones?"

"Fake?" He Yueru's expression changed suddenly, "But this is what Pei Qingge gave me, it's really this, I dare not deceive master!"

Pei Shu paused for a while, took the ring over and looked at it carefully before saying, "I'm sorry you don't have the ability to forge it so finely." After she finished speaking, she looked at He Yueru again, "Who is Pei Qingge?"

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